![Transnational Organised Crime in International Law](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/91/s6863a45.jpg)
![Transnational Organised Crime in International Law](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/91/s6863a45.jpg)
Transnational Organised Crime in International LawPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Tom Obokata
- 出 版 社:Hart Publishing
- 出版年份:2222
- ISBN:1841136905
- 页数:246 页
1 Introduction 1
1.1 The Rise of Organised Crime 1
1.2 Contemporary Manifestation of Organised Crime 4
1.3 The Scope and Aim of This Book 7
Part Ⅰ: Concepts, Norms and Principles 11
2 Understanding Organised Crime from a Multi-Disciplinary Perspective 13
2.1 Introduction 13
2.2 Concepts of Organised Crime from a Multi-disciplinary Perspective 14
2.2.1 Organised Crime as a Set of Actors 14
2.2.2 Organised Crime as a Set of Activities 19
2.3 Legal Definitions of Organised Crime in National and International Law 24
2.3.1 Definitions of Organised Crime in International Law 24 General Discussion 24 The Transnational Nature of Organised Crime 28 'Transnational'and 'International' Crime 30
2.3.2 Definitions of Organised Crime in National Law 33
2.4 Conclusions 36
3 Obligations of States under International Law 39
3.1 Introduction 39
3.2 The Nature and Extent of Obligations under International Law 40
3.2.1 Prohibition of Organised Crime and Associated Acts 40
3.2.2 Criminal Jurisdiction over Organised Crime 47
3.2.3 Special Investigative Techniques and Intelligence-Led Law Enforcement 55
3.2.4 Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters 57 Extradition 57 Other Mutual Legal Assistance 64
3.2.5 Prevention of Organised Crime 66
3.3 Key Legal Challenges Facing Effective Implementation of Obligations 68
3.3.1 Periods of Limitations for Organised Crime 68
3.3.2 Immunity of Government Officials and Diplomats 69
3.3.3 Protection of Human Rights of Suspects/Defendants 75
3.4 Conclusions 79
4 The Role of Non-state Actors in Suppression and Prevention of Organised Crime 81
4.1 Introduction 81
4.2 The Role of Non-state Actors in Prevention and Suppression of Organised Crime 82
4.2.1 The Concept of Global Governance 82
4.2.2 Global Governance over Transnational Organised Crime 86 Decision-Making and Participation 86 Accountability 93 Individual Criminal Responsibility 93 Criminal Organisations 100 Legal Persons 104 International Organisations 106
4.3 Towards an Inclusive Notion of the 'International Community' 113
4.4 Conclusions 116
Part Ⅱ: Enforcement of Norms and Principles 119
5 National Case Studies of Thailand, Serbia, Kosovo and the UK 121
5.1 Introduction 121
5.2 Thailand 122
5.2.1 Legal Framework to Address Organised Crime 122 Legislation on Substantive Offences 122 Legislation on Criminal Procedure and International Co-operation 124 Criminal Jurisdiction and Investigative Powers 124 The Rights of Suspects/Defendants, Victims and Witnesses 126 Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters 127
5.2.2 Assessment of Law Enforcement in Thailand 129
5.3 Serbia 133
5.3.1 Legal Framework to Address Organised Crime 133 Legislation on Substantive Offences 133 Legislation on Criminal Procedure and International Co-operation 135 Criminal Jurisdiction and Investigative Powers 135 The Rights of Suspects/Defendants, Victims and Witnesses 138 Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters 140
5.3.2 Assessment of Law Enforcement in Serbia 141
5.4 Kosovo 145
5.4.1 Legal Framework to Address Organised Crime 145 Legislation on Substantive Offences 145 Legislation on Criminal Procedure and International Co-operation 148 Criminal Jurisdiction and Investigative Powers 148 The Rights of Suspects/Defendants, Victims and Witnesses 150 Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters 151
5.4.2 Assessment of Law Enforcement in Kosovo 152
5.5 The UK 157
5.5.1 Legal Framework to Address Organised Crime 157 Legislation on Substantive Offences 157 Legislation on Criminal Procedure and International Co-operation 159 Criminal Jurisdiction and Investigative Powers 159 The Rights of Suspects/Defendants, Victims and Witnesses 162 Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters 163
5.5.2 Assessment of Law Enforcement in the UK 165
5.6 Comparative Analysis 170
5.7 Conclusions 174
6 The EU and Transnational Organised Crime 175
6.1 Introduction 175
6.2 Law, Policies and Measures under the TEU 176
6.2.1 Overview 176
6.2.2 Analysis of the TEU Measures 179
6.3 Law, Policies and Measures under the TEU as Revised by the Treaty of Amsterdam 182
6.3.1 Overview 182
6.3.2 Approximation of National Laws 183
6.3.3 Mutual Recognition of Judicial Decisions 186
6.3.4 The Principle of Availability—Intelligence Exchange 191
6.3.5 Analysis of Measures under the TEU as Revised by the Treaty of Amsterdam 193 Application of Approximation, Mutual Recognition and the Principle of Availability 193 Other Issues 199
6.4 The Future of the EU Action against Organised Crime in Light of the Lisbon Treaty 202
6.5 Conclusions 205
7 International Responses to Transnational Organised Crime 207
7.1 Introduction 207
7.2 Monitoring Implementation of the Organised Crime Convention 208
7.3 Provision of Technical Assistance 210
7.4 International Co-operation 216
7.4.1 Inter-state Co-operation 216
7.4.2 Inter-Agency Co-operation: UNIAP 220
7.5 Conclusions 224
8 Conclusion 227
Selected Bibliography 231
Books and Articles 231
Reports and Working Papers 240
Index 243
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