- 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:N.SCHMITT
- 出版年份:2222
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1 A.R.Albrecht(1953),‘War Reprisals in the War Crimes Trials and in the Geneva Conventions of 1949’, American Journal of International Law,47,pp.590—614 1
2 F.Kalshoven(1990),‘Belligerent Reprisals Revisited’,Netherlands Yearbook of International Law,21,pp.43—80 27
3 G.I.A.D.Draper(1979),‘The Implementation and Enforcement of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and the Additional Protocols of 1978’,Recueil des Cours,164, pp.9—54 65
4 Leslie C.Green(1977),‘The Role of Legal Advisers in the Armed Forces’, Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, 7, pp.154—65 111
5 L.C.Green(1981),‘The Man in the Field and the Maxim of Ignorantia Iuris non Excusat’, Archiv des Volkerrechts, 19, pp.169—87 123
6 Edwin M.Borchard(1915),‘Private Pecuniary Claims Arising Out of War’,American Journal of International Law, 9, pp.113—46 143
7 Frits Kalshoven(1991),‘State Responsibility for Warlike Acts of the Armed Forces: From Article 3 of Hague Convention Ⅳ of 1907 to Article 91 of Additional Protocol Ⅰ of 1977 and Beyond’, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 40, pp.827—58 177
8 Yves Sandoz(2009),‘The History of the Grave Breaches Regime’,Journal of International Criminal Justice, 7, pp.657—82 209
9 Yoram Dinstein(1998),‘The Universality Principle and War Crimes’, in M.N.Schmitt and L.C.Green (eds), The Law ofArmed Conflict: Into the Next Millennium, Newport, RI: US Naval War College, pp.17—37 235
10 H.Lauterpacht(1944),‘The Law of Nations and the Punishment of War Crimes’,British Year Book of International Law,21,pp.58—95 257
11 Richard R.Baxter(1951),‘The Municipal and International Law Basis of Jurisdiction over War Crimes’, British Year Book of International Law,28,pp.382—93 295
12 L.C.Green(1970),‘Superior Orders and the Reasonable Man’, Canadian Yearbook ofInternational Law,8,pp.61—103 307
13 William H.Parks (1973), ‘Command Responsibility for War Crimes’, Military Law Review, 62, pp.1—104 351
14 Jelena Pejic (2002), ‘Accountability for International Crimes: From Conjecture to Reality’, International Review of the Red Cross,84,pp.13—32 455
15 Charles J.Dunlap Jr (2001), ‘Law and Military Interventions: Preserving Humanitarian Values in 21st Conflicts’, Carr Center for Human Rights Policy,http://duke.edu/~pfeaver/dunlap.pdf 475
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