- 电子书积分:27 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:INC.
- 出版年份:2000
- 页数:1086 页
1 Introduction:Matter and Measurement 1
1.1 The Study of Chemistry 1
The Molecular Perspective of Chemistry 1
Why Study Chemistry? 3
1.2 Classifications of Matter 5
States of Matter 5
Pure Substances and Mixtures 6
Separation of Mixtures 7
Elements 9
Compounds 10
1.3 Properties of Matter 11
Physical and Chemical Changes 11
1.4 Units of Measurement 12
SI Units 13
Length and Mass 14
Temperature 15
Derived SI Units 16
Volume 16
Density 17
1.5 Uncertainty in Measurement 20
Precision and Accuracy 20
Significant Figures 21
Significant Figures in Calculations 22
1.6 Dimensional Analysis 24
Using Two or More Conversion Factors 25
Conversions Involving Volume 25
Summary of Dimensional Analysis 26
Summary and Key Terms 28
Exercises 29
eMedia Exercises 33
Chemistry at Work Chemistry and the Chemical Industry 4
A Closer Look The Scientific Method 13
Chemistry at Work Chemistry in the News 18
Strategies in Chemistry The Importance of Practice 27
2 Atoms,Molecules,and Ions 35
2.1 The Atomic Theory of Matter 35
2.2 The Discovery of Atomic Structure 37
Cathode Rays and Electrons 37
Radioactivity 39
The Nuclear Atom 39
2.3 The Modern View of Atomic Structure 41
Isotopes,Atomic Numbers,and Mass Numbers 43
2.4 The Periodic Table 44
2.5 Molecules and Molecular Compounds 47
Molecules and Chemical Formulas 47
Molecular and Empirical Formulas 48
Picturing Molecules 48
2.6 Ions and Ionic Compounds 49
Predicting Ionic Charges 50
Ionic Compounds 51
2.7 Naming Inorganic Compounds 54
Names and Formulas of Ionic Compounds 54
Names and Formulas of Acids 58
Names and Formulas of Binary Molecular Compounds 60
Summary and Key Terms 60
Exercises 61
eMedia Exercises 65
A Closer Look Basic Forces 41
Chemistry and Life Elements Required by Living Organisms 53
Strategies in Chemistry Pattern Recognition 54
3 Stoichiometry:Calculations with Chemical Formulas and Equations 67
3.1 Chemical Equations 68
3.2 Patterns of Chemical Reactivity 70
Using the Periodic Table 70
Combustion in Air 71
Combination and Decomposition Reactions 72
3.3 Atomic and Molecular Weights 74
The Atomic Mass Scale 74
Average Atomic Masses 75
Formula and Molecular Weights 76
Percentage Composition from Formulas 76
3.4 The Mole 77
Molar Mass 79
Interconverting Masses,Moles,and Numbers of Particles 81
3.5 Empirical Formulas from Analyses 83
Molecular Formula from Empirical Formula 84
Combustion Analysis 85
3.6 Quantitative Information from Balanced Equations 86
3.7 Limiting Reactants 91
Theoretical Yields 93
Summary and Key Terms 94
Exercises 95
eMedia Exercises 103
A Closer Look The Mass Spectrometer 78
Strategies in Chemistry Problem Solving 79
Chemistry at Work CO2 and the Greenhouse Effect 90
4 Aqueous Reactions and Solution Stoichiometry 105
4.1 General Properties of Aqueous Solutions 106
Electrolytic Properties 106
Ionic Compounds in Water 107
Molecular Compounds in Water 108
Strong and Weak Electrolytes 108
4.2 Precipitation Reactions 109
Solubility Guidelines for Ionic Compounds 110
Exchange(Metathesis)Reactions 111
Ionic Equations 112
4.3 Acid-Base Reactions 114
Acids 114
Bases 114
Strong and Weak Acids and Bases 114
Identifying Strong and Weak Electrolytes 115
Neutralization Reactions and Salts 117
Acid-Base Reactions with Gas Formation 119
4.4 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions 120
Oxidation and Reduction 120
Oxidation Numbers 121
Oxidation of Metals by Acids and Salts 122
The Activity Series 124
4.5 Concentrations of Solutions 126
Molarity 127
Expressing the Concentration of an Electrolyte 128
Interconverting Molarity,Moles,and Volume 129
Dilution 130
4.6 Solution Stoichiometry and Chemical Analysis 131
Titrations 133
Summary and Key Terms 136
Exercises 137
eMedia Exercises 143
Chemistry at Work Antacids 120
A Closer Look The Aura of Gold 126
Strategies in Chemistry Analyzing Chemical Reactions 127
5 Thermochemistry 145
5.1 The Nature of Energy 145
Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy 146
Units of Energy 147
System and Surroundings 147
Transferring Energy:Work and Heat 147
5.2 The First Law of Thermodynamics 149
Internal Energy 149
Relating △E to Heat and Work 150
Endothermic and Exothermic Processes 151
State Functions 152
5.3 Enthalpy 153
5.4 Enthalpies of Reaction 155
5.5 Calorimetry 158
Heat Capacity and Specific Heat 158
Constant-Pressure Calorimetry 160
Bomb Calorimetry(Constant-Volume Calorimetry) 161
5.6 Hess’s Law 164
5.7 Enthalpies of Formation 166
Using Enthalpies of Formation to Calculate Enthalpies of Reaction 168
5.8 Foods and Fuels 170
Foods 170
Fuels 172
Other Energy Sources 173
Summary and Key Terms 176
Exercises 177
eMedia Exercises 185
A Closer Look Energy,Enthalpy,and P-V Work 154
Strategies in Chemistry Using Enthalpy as a Guide 158
Chemistry and Life The Regulation of Human Body Temperature 162
Chemistry at Work Hydrogen as a Fuel 174
6 Electronic Structure of Atoms 187
6.1 The Wave Nature of Light 187
6.2 Quantized Energy and Photons 190
The Photoelectric Effect 191
6.3 Bohr’s Model of the Hydrogen Atom 194
Line Spectra 194 Bohr’s Model 195
6.4 The Wave Behavior of Matter 198
The Uncertainty Principle 199
6.5 Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Orbitals 200
Orbitals and Quantum Numbers 201
6.6 Representations of Orbitals 203
The s Orbitals 204
The p Orbitals 205
The d and f Orbitals 205
6.7 Orbitals in Many-Electron Atoms 206
Effective Nuclear Charge 206
Energies of Orbitals 207
Electron Spin and the Pauli Exclusion Principle 208
6.8 Electron Configurations 209
Periods 1,2,and 3 211
Period 4 and Beyond 213
6.9 Electron Configurations and the Periodic Table 214
Summary and Key Terms 218
Exercises 220
eMedia Exercises 225
Chemistry and Life The Health Effects of Low-Frequency EMFs:A Current Scientific Controversy 193
A Closer Look Measurement and the Uncertainty Principle 200
A Closer Look Experimental Evidence for Electron Spin 209
Chemistry and Life Nuclear Spin and Magnetic Resonance Imaging 210
7 Periodic Properties of the Elements 227
7.1 Development of the Periodic Table 227
7.2 Electron Shells and the Sizes of Atoms 229
Electron Shells in Atoms 229
Atomic Sizes 230
7.3 Ionization Energy 233
Periodic Trends in Ionization Energies 234
7.4 Electron Affinities 236
7.5 Metals,Nonmetals,and Metalloids 238
Metals 239
Nonmetals 241
Metalloids 243
7.6 Group Trends for the Active Metals 243
Group 1A:The Alkali Metals 243
Group 2A:The Alkaline Earth Metals 246
7.7 Group Trends for Selected Nonmetals 248
Hydrogen 248
Group 6A:The Oxygen Group 248
Group 7A:The Halogens 250
Group 8A:The Noble Gases 251
Summary and Key Terms 253
Exercises 254
eMedia Exercises 259
Chemistry and Life The Improbable Development of Lithium Drugs 247
Chemistry and Life Thermophilic Bacteria 251
8 Basic Concepts of Chemical Bonding 261
8.1 Chemical Bonds,Lewis Symbols,and the Octet Rule 261
Lewis Symbols 262
The Octet Rule 263
8.2 Ionic Bonding 263
Energetics of Ionic Bond Formation 264
Electron Configuration of Ions of the Representative Elements 266
Transition-Metal Ions 268
Polyatomic Ions 269
8.3 Sizes of Ions 269
8.4 Covalent Bonding 270
Lewis Structures 271
Multiple Bonds 272
8.5 Bond Polarity and Electronegativity 273
Electronegativity 273
Electronegativity and Bond Polarity 274
Dipole Moments 275
Bond Types and Nomenclature 277
8.6 Drawing Lewis Structures 278
Formal Charge 280
8.7 Resonance Structures 283
Resonance in Benzene 284
8.8 Exceptions to the Octet Rule 285
Odd Number of Electrons 285
Less than an Octet 285
More than an Octet 286
8.9 Strengths of Covalent Bonds 288
Bond Enthalpies and the Enthalpies of Reactions 289
Bond Enthalpy and Bond Length 291
Summary and Key Terms 294
Exercises 295
eMedia Exercises 301
A Closer Look Calculation of Lattice Energies:The Born-Haber Cycle 267
A Closer Look Oxidation Numbers,Formal Charges,and Partial Charges 282
Chemistry at Work Explosives and Alfred Nobel 292
9 Molecular Geometry and Bonding Theories 303
9.1 Molecular Shapes 304
9.2 The VSEPR Model 304
The Effect of Nonbonding Electrons and Multiple Bonds on Bond Angles 310
Molecules with Expanded Valence Shells 311
Molecules with More than One Central Atom 313
9.3 Polarity of Polyatomic Molecules 315
9.4 Covalent Bonding and Orbital Overlap 317
9.5 Hybrid Orbitals 318
sp Hybrid Orbitals 318
sp2 and spa Hybrid Orbitals 320
Hybridization Involving d Orbitals 322
Summary 322
9.6 Multiple Bonds 324
Delocalized π Bonding 327
General Conclusions 330
9.7 Molecular Orbitals 331
The Hydrogen Molecule 331
Bond Order 333
9.8 Second-Row Diatomic Molecules 334
Molecular Orbitals for Li2 and Be2 334
Molecular Orbitals from 2p Atomic Orbitals 335
Electron Configurations for B2 Through Ne2 336
Electron Configurations and Molecular Properties 338
Summary and Key Terms 343
Exercises 344
eMedia Exercises 351
Chemistry and Life The Chemistry of Vision 328
Chemistry at Work Organic Dyes 342
10 Gases 353
10.1 Characteristics of Gases 353
10.2 Pressure 354
Atmospheric Pressure and the Barometer 355
Pressures of Enclosed Gases and Manometers 356
10.3 The Gas Laws 358
The Pressure-Volume Relationship:Boyle’s Law 358
The Temperature-Volume Relationship:Charles’s Law 360
The Quantity-Volume Relationship:Avogadro’s Law 361
10.4 The Ideal-Gas Equation 362
Relating the Ideal-Gas Equation and the Gas Laws 365
10.5 Further Applications of the Ideal-Gas Equation 367
Gas Densities and Molar Mass 367
Volumes of Gases in Chemical Reactions 368
10.6 Gas Mixtures and Partial Pressures 369
Partial Pressures and Mole Fractions 370
Collecting Gases over Water 371
10.7 Kinetic-Molecular Theory 373
Application to the Gas Laws 374
10.8 Molecular Effusion and Diffusion 376
Graham’s Law of Effusion 377
Diffusion and Mean Free Path 378
10.9 Real Gases:Deviations from Ideal Behavior 379
The van der Waals Equation 381
Summary and Key Terms 383
Exercises 384
eMedia Exercises 391
Chemistry and Life Blood Pressure 358
Strategies in Chemistry Calculations Involving Many Variables 364
A Closer Look The Ideal-Gas Equation 375
Chemistry at Work Gas Separations 379
11 Intermolecular Forces,Liquids,and Solids 393
11.1 A Molecular Comparison of Liquids and Solids 393
11.2 Intermolecular Forces 395
Ion-Dipole Forces 396
Dipole-Dipole Forces 396
London Dispersion Forces 397
Hydrogen Bonding 399
Comparing Intermolecular Forces 402
11.3 Some Properties of Liquids 404
Viscosity 404
Surface Tension 404
11.4 Phase Changes 405
Energy Changes Accompanying Phase Changes 406
Heating Curves 406
Critical Temperature and Pressure 408
11.5 Vapor Pressure 409
Explaining Vapor Pressure on the Molecular Level 410
Volatility,Vapor Pressure,and Temperature 410
Vapor Pressure and Boiling Point 411
11.6 Phase Diagrams 412
The Phase Diagrams of H2O and CO2 413
11.7 Structures of Solids 414
Unit Cells 416
The Crystal Structure of Sodium Chloride 417
Close Packing of Spheres 419
11.8 Bonding in Solids 421
Molecular Solids 421
Covalent-Network Solids 422
Ionic Solids 423
Metallic Solids 425
Summary and Key Terms 426
Exercises 427
eMedia Exercises 433
A Closer Look Trends in Hydrogen Bonding 400
Chemistry at Work Supercritical Fluid Extraction 409
A Closer Look The Clausius-Clapeyron Equation 412
A Closer Look X-ray Diffraction by Crystals 420
A Closer Look Buckyball 424
12 Modern Materials 435
12.1 Liquid Crystals 436
Types of Liquid-Crystalline Phases 437
12.2 Polymers 440
Addition Polymerization 441
Condensation Polymerization 442
Types of Polymers 444
Structures and Physical Properties of Polymers 444
Cross-linking Polymers 446
12.3 Biomaterials 449
Characteristics of Biomaterials 449
Polymeric Biomaterials 450
Examples of Biomaterial Applications 451
12.4 Ceramics 454
Processing of Ceramics 455
Ceramic Composites 456
Applications of Ceramics 456
Superconducting Ceramics 457
12.5 Thin Films 459
Uses of Thin Films 459
Formation of Thin Films 460
Summary and Key Terms 462
Exercises 463
eMedia Exercises 467
Chemistry at Work Liquid Crystal Displays 441
Chemistry at Work Recycling Plastics 444
Chemistry at Work KevlarTM,an Advanced Material 447
Chemistry at Work Diamond Coatings 462
13 Properties of Solutions 469
13.1 The Solution Process 469
Energy Changes and Solution Formation 471
Solution Formation,Spontaneity,and Disorder 472
Solution Formation and Chemical Reactions 473
13.2 Saturated Solutions and Solubility 474
13.3 Factors Affecting Solubility 476
Solute-Solvent Interactions 476
Pressure Effects 479
Temperature Effects 480
13.4 Ways of Expressing Concentration 482
Mass Percentage,ppm,and ppb 482
Mole Fraction,Molarity,and Molality 483
Conversion of Concentration Units 485
13.5 Colligative Properties 486
Lowering the Vapor Pressure 487
Boiling-Point Elevation 489
Freezing-Point Depression 490
Osmosis 492
Determination of Molar Mass 493
13.6 Colloids 496
Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Colloids 496
Removal of ColloidalParticles 499
Summary and Key Terms 500
Exercises 501
eMedia Exercises 507
A Closer Look Hydrates 474
Chemistry and Life Fat-and Water-Soluble Vitamins 478
Chemistry and Life Blood Gases and Deep-Sea Diving 481
A Closer Look Ideal Solutions with Two or More Volatile Components 488
A Closer Look Colligative Properties of Electrolyte Solutions 494
Chemistry and Life Sickle-Cell Anemia 498
14 Chemical Kinetics 509
14.1 Reaction Rates 510
Rates in Terms of Concentrations 512
Reaction Rates and Stoichiometry 514
14.2 The Dependence of Rate on Concentration 515
Reaction Order 517
Units of Rate Constants 517
Using Initial Rates to Determine Rate Laws 518
14.3 The Change of Concentration with Time 519
First-Order Reactions 520
Half-life 521
Second-Order Reactions 523
14.4 Temperature and Rate 525
The Collision Model 526
Activation Energy 527
The Orientation Factor 529
The Arrhenius Equation 529
14.5 Reaction Mechanisms 532
Elementary Steps 532
Multistep Mechanisms 533
Rate Laws of Elementary Steps 534
Rate Laws of Multistep Mechanisms 535
Mechanisms with an Initial Fast Step 537
14.6 Catalysis 539
Homogeneous Catalysis 539
Heterogeneous Catalysis 540
Enzymes 543
Summary and Key Terms 548
Exercises 549
eMedia Exercises 557
Chemistry at Work Methyl Bromide in the Atmosphere 524
Chemistry at Work Catalytic Converters 542
Chemistry and Life Nitrogen Fixation and Nitrogenase 545
15 Chemical Equilibrium 559
15.1 The Concept of Equilibrium 560
15.2 The Equilibrium Constant 562
Equilibrium Constants in Terms of Pressure 566
The Magnitude of Equilibrium Constants 567
The Direction of the Chemical Equation and K 567
15.3 Heterogeneous Equilibria 568
15.4 Calculating Equilibrium Constants 570
15.5 Applications of Equilibrium Constants 572
Predicting the Direction of Reaction 573
Calculation of Equilibrium Concentrations 574
15.6 Le Chatelier’s Principle 576
Change in Reactant or Product Concentrations 576
Effects of Volume and Pressure Changes 577
Effect of Temperature Changes 579
The Effect of Catalysts 582
Summary and Key Terms 584
Exercises 585
eMedia Exercises 591
Chemistry at Work The Haber Process 562
Chemistry at Work Controlling Nitric Oxide Emissions 584
16 Acid-Base Equilibria 593
16.1 Acids and Bases:A Brief Review 593
16.2 Bronsted-Lowry Acids and Bases 594
The H+ Ion in Water 594
Proton-Transfer Reactions 595
Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs 596
Relative Strengths of Acids and Bases 597
16.3 The Autoionization of Water 599
The Ion Product of Water 599
16.4 The pH Scale 601
Other “p” Scales 603
Measuring pH 604
16.5 Strong Acids and Bases 605
Strong Acids 605
Strong Bases 605
16.6 Weak Acids 606
Calculating Ka from pH 607
Using Ka to Calculate pH 609
Polyprotic Acids 613
16.7 Weak Bases 615
Types of Weak Bases 617
16.8 Relationship Between Ka and Kb 618
16.9 Acid-Base Properties of Salt Solutions 621
16.10 Acid-Base Behavior and Chemical Structure 623
Factors That Affect Acid Strength 624
Binary Acids 624
Oxyacids 624
Carboxylic Acids 627
16.11 Lewis Acids and Bases 627
Hydrolysis of Metal Ions 629
Summary and Key Terms 632
Exercises 633
eMedia Exercises 639
Chemistry at Work Amines and Amine Hydrochlorides 619
Chemistry and Life The Amphoteric Behavior of Amino Acids 628
17 Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria 641
17.1 The Common-Ion Effect 641
17.2 Buffered Solutions 644
Composition and Action of Buffered Solutions 644
Buffer Capacity and pH 646
Addition of Strong Acids or Bases to Buffers 648
17.3 Acid-Base Titrations 650
Strong Acid-Strong Base Titrations 652
Weak Acid-Strong Base Titrations 655
Titrations of Polyprotic Acids 659
17.4 Solubility Equilibria 659
The Solubility-Product Constant,Ksp 660
Solubility and Ksp 661
17.5 Factors That Affect Solubility 662
Common-Ion Effect 663
Solubility and pH 665
Formation of Complex Ions 666
Amphoterism 668
17.6 Precipitation and Separation of Ions 669
Selective Precipitation of Ions 670
17.7 Qualitative Analysis for Metallic Elements 671
Summary and Key Terms 675
Exercises 675
eMedia Exercises 681
Chemistry and Life Blood as a Buffered Solution 651
A Closer Look Limitations of Solubility Products 663
Chemistry and Life Tooth Decay and Fluoridation 666
18 Chemistry of the Environment 683
18.1 Earth’s Atmosphere 683
Composition of the Atmosphere 685
18.2 The Outer Regions of the Atmosphere 686
Photodissociation 686
Photoionization 687
18.3 Ozone in the Upper Atmosphere 688
Depletion of the Ozone Layer 690
18.4 Chemistry of the Troposphere 691
Sulfur Compounds and Acid Rain 693
Carbon Monoxide 694
Nitrogen Oxides and Photochemical Smog 696
Water Vapor,Carbon Dioxide,and Climate 697
18.5 The World Ocean 699
Seawater 699
Desalination 700
18.6 Freshwater 701
Dissolved Oxygen and Water Quality 702
Treatment of Municipal Water Supplies 703
Summary and Key Terms 705
Exercises 706
eMedia Exercises 710
A Closer Look Stratospheric Clouds and Ozone Depletion 692
A Closer Look Water Softening 703
19 Chemical Thermodynamics 713
19.1 Spontaneous Processes 714
Reversible and Irreversible Processes 716
19.2 Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics 717
The Spontaneous Expansion of a Gas 718
Entropy 719
The Second Law of Thermodynamics 722
19.3 The Molecular Interpretation of Entropy 724
19.4 Calculation of Entropy Changes 729
19.5 Gibbs Free Energy 730
Standard Free-Energy Changes 731
19.6 Free Energy and Temperature 734
19.7 Free Energy and the Equilibrium Constant 737
Summary and Key Terms 741
Exercises 742
eMedia Exercises 749
Chemistry and Life Entropy and Life 724
A Closer Look Entropy,Disorder,and Ludwig Boltzmann 726
A Closer Look What’s “Free” About Free Energy? 732
Chemistry and Life Driving Nonspontaneous Reactions 739
20 Electrochemistry 751
20.1 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions 752
20.2 Balancing Oxidation-Reduction Equations 753
Half-Reactions 754
Balancing Equations by the Method of Half-Reactions 754
Balancing Equations for Reactions Occurring in Basic Solution 757
20.3 Voltaic Cells 758
A Molecular View of Electrode Processes 761
20.4 Cell EMF 762
Standard Reduction Potentials 764
Oxidizing and Reducing Agents 768
20.5 Spontaneity of Redox Reactions 770
EMF and Free-Energy Change 771
20.6 Effect of Concentration on Cell EMF 773
The Nernst Equation 773
Concentration Cells 775
Cell EMF and Chemical Equilibrium 777
20.7 Batteries 779
Lead-Acid Battery 780
Alkaline Battery 781
Nickel-Cadmium,Nickel-Metal-Hydride,and Lithium-Ion Batteries 781
Fuel Cells 782
20.8 Corrosion 782
Corrosion of Iron 783
Preventing the Corrosion of Iron 783
20.9 Electrolysis 785
Electrolysis of Aqueous Solutions 786
Electrolysis with Active Electrodes 788
Quantitative Aspects of Electrolysis 789
Electrical Work 791
Summary and Key Terms 793
Exercises 794
eMedia Exercises 803
Chemistry and Life Heartbeats and Electrocardiography 778
21 Nuclear Chemistry 805
21.1 Radioactivity 805
Nuclear Equations 806
Types of Radioactive Decay 807
21.2 Patterns of Nuclear Stability 809
Neutron-to-Proton Ratio 809
Radioactive Series 811
Further Observations 812
21.3 Nuclear Transmutations 812
Using Charged Particles 813
Using Neutrons 814
Transuranium Elements 814
21.4 Rates of Radioactive Decay 815
Dating 816
Calculations Based on Half-life 817
21.5 Detection of Radioactivity 819
Radiotracers 820
21.6 Energy Changes in Nuclear Reactions 820
Nuclear Binding Energies 822
21.7 Nuclear Fission 824
Nuclear Reactors 826
21.8 Nuclear Fusion 828
21.9 Biological Effects of Radiation 829
Radiation Doses 830
Radon 831
Summary and Key Terms 834
Exercises 835
eMedia Exercises 839
Chemistry and Life Medical Applications of Radiotracers 821
A Closer Look The Dawning of the Nuclear Age 826
Chemistry and Life Radiation Therapy 832
22 Chemistry of the Nonmetals 841
22.1 General Concepts:Periodic Trends and Chemical Reactions 841
Chemical Reactions 843
22.2 Hydrogen 844
Isotopes of Hydrogen 845
Properties of Hydrogen 845
Preparation of Hydrogen 846
Uses of Hydrogen 847
Binary Hydrogen Compounds 847
22.3 Group 8A:The Noble Gases 848
Noble-Gas Compounds 849
22.4 Group 7A:The Halogens 850
Properties and Preparation of the Halogens 851
Uses of the Halogens 852
The Hydrogen Halides 853
Interhalogen Compounds 854
Oxyacids and Oxyanions 855
22.5 Oxygen 856
Properties of Oxygen 856
Preparation of Oxygen 856
Uses of Oxygen 857
Ozone 857
Oxides 858
Peroxides and Superoxides 859
22.6 The Other Group 6A Elements:S,Se,Te,and Po 860
General Characteristics of the Group 6A Elements 860
Occurrences and Preparation of S,Se,and Te 861
Properties and Uses of Sulfur,Selenium,and Tellurium 862
Sulfides 863
Oxides,Oxyacids,and Oxyanions of Sulfur 863
22.7 Nitrogen 865
Properties of Nitrogen 865
Preparation and Uses of Nitrogen 866
Hydrogen Compounds of Nitrogen 867
Oxides and Oxyacids of Nitrogen 868
22.8 The Other Group 5A Elements:P,As,Sb,and Bi 870
General Characteristics of the Group 5A Elements 870
Occurrence,Isolation,and Properties of Phosphorus 871
Phosphorus Halides 872
Oxy Compounds of Phosphorus 872
22.9 Carbon 875
Elemental Forms of Carbon 876
Oxides of Carbon 876
Carbonic Acid and Carbonates 879
Carbides 880
Other Inorganic Compounds of Carbon 880
22.10 The Other Group 4A Elements:Si,Ge,Sn,and Pb 881
General Characteristics of the Group 4A Elements 881
Occurrence and Preparation of Silicon 882
Silicates 882
Glass 884
Silicones 885
22.11 Boron 885
Summary and Key Terms 887
Exercises 889
eMedia Exercises 894
Chemistry and Life Nitrites in Food 870
Chemistry at Work Carbon Fibers and Composites 877
23 Metals and Metallurgy 897
23.1 Occurrence and Distribution of Metals 897
Minerals 898
Metallurgy 899
23.2 Pyrometallurgy 900
The Pyrometallurgy of Iron 901
Formation of Steel 902
23.3 Hydrometallurgy 903
The Hydrometallurgy of Aluminum 904
23.4 Electrometallurgy 904
Electrometallurgy of Sodium 905
Electrometallurgy of Aluminum 905
Electrorefining of Copper 906
23.5 Metallic Bonding 908
Physical Properties of Metals 908
Electron-Sea Model for Metallic Bonding 909
Molecular-Orbital Model for Metals 910
23.6 Alloys 912
Intermetallic Compounds 914
23.7 Transition Metals 914
Physical Properties 916
Electron Configurations and Oxidation States 917
Magnetism 919
23.8 Chemistry of Selected Transition Metals 920
Chromium 920
Iron 920
Copper 921
Summary and Key Terms 922
Exercises 923
eMedia Exercises 927
A Closer Look Charles M.Hall 907
A Closer Look Insulators and Semiconductors 911
A Closer Look Shape Memory Alloys 915
24 Chemistry of Coordination Compounds 929
24.1 The Structure of Complexes 929
Charges,Coordination Numbers,and Geometries 931
24.2 Chelates 933
Metals and Chelates in Living Systems 934
Nomenclature 936
24.3 Isomerism 940
Structural Isomerism 941
Stereoisomerism 941
24.4 Color and Magnetism 944
Color 944
Magnetism 946
24.5 Crystal-Field Theory 946
Electron Configurations in Octahedral Complexes 951
Tetrahedral and Square-Planar Complexes 952
Summary and Key Terms 954
Exercises 955
eMedia Exercises 959
A Closer Look The Stability of Chelates 937
Chemistry and Life The Battle for Iron in Living Systems 938
A Closer Look Gemstones 948
25 The Chemistry of Life:Organic and Biological Chemistry 961
25.1 A Look Back 962
The Shapes of Organic Molecules 962
The Stabilities of Organic Substances 962
Solubility and Acid-Base Properties of Organic Substances 962
25.2 Introduction to Hydrocarbons 963
25.3 Alkanes 964
Structures of Alkanes 965
Structural Isomers 966
Nomenclature of Alkanes 966
Cycloalkanes 969
Reactions of Alkanes 969
25.4 Unsaturated Hydrocarbons 971
Alkenes 971
Alkynes 973
Addition Reactions of Alkenes and Alkynes 974
Mechanism of Addition Reactions 976
Aromatic Hydrocarbons 977
25.5 Functional Groups;Alcohols and Ethers 979
Alcohols(R—OH) 979
Ethers(R—O—R’) 982
25.6 Compounds with a Carbonyl Group 982
Aldehydes 982
Carboxylic Acids 983
Esters 985
Amines and Amides 986
25.7 Chirality in Organic Chemistry 987
25.8 Introduction to Biochemistry 989
25.9 Proteins 989
Amino Acids 990
Polypeptides and Proteins 991
Protein Structure 993
25.10 Carbohydrates 995
Disaccharides 996
Polysaccharides 997
25.11 Nucleic Acids 999
Summary and Key Terms 1003
Exercises 1005
eMedia Exercises 1011
Chemistry at Work Gasoline 970
Chemistry at Work The Accidental Discovery of Teflon TM 975
A Closer Look Aromatic Stabilization 978
Chemistry and Life The Origins of Chirality in Living Systems 991
Strategies in Chemistry What Now? 1001
Appendices 1012
A Mathematical Operations 1012
B Properties of Water 1018
C Thermodynamic Quantities for Selected Substances at 298.15 K(25℃) 1019
D Aqueous-Equilibrium Constants 1022
E Standard Reduction Potentials at 25℃ 1024
Answers to Selected Exercises 1025
Glossary 1055
Photo/Art Credits 1069
Index 1071
- 《有灵性的企业 做有美德的生意 doing virtuous business》(美)西奥多·罗斯福·马洛赫(Theodore Roosevelt Malloch)著 2014
- 《金融家 全译本》(美)西奥多·德莱塞(Theodore Dreiser)著;裘柱常译 2006
- 《珍妮姑娘》(美)德莱塞(Theodore Dreiser)著;潘庆〓译 1992
- 《剑桥科学史 第7卷 现代社会科学》西奥多·M. 波特(Theodore M. Porter),多萝西·罗斯(Dorothy Ross)主编;第七卷翻译委员会翻译 2008
- 《我是这样和家长沟通的 美国当代名师写给家长的信》(美)德博拉·梅耶尔(Deborah Meier),(美)西奥多·R. 赛泽尔(Theodore R. Sizer),(美)南茜·福斯特·赛泽尔(Nancy Faust Sizer)著 2009
- 《理论与实践和声学教程》(法)泰奥多尔·杜布瓦(Theodore Dubois)著;廖宝生译 1997
- 《罗斯福总统教子书 西奥多·罗斯福总统给孩子们的信》(美)西奥多·罗斯福(Theodore Roosevelt)著;能量传播译 2006
- 《电子器件与电路 第6版》(美)Theodore F. Bogart,(美)Jeffrey S. Beasley,(美)Guillermo Rico著;蔡勉,王建明,孙兴芳译 2006
- 《珍妮姑娘》(美)德莱塞(Theodore Dreiser)著;潘庆〓译 1992
- 《巨人》(美)西奥多·德莱赛(Theodore Dreiser)著;谢桂梅译 2017