![RESTORING JUSTICE AFTECE AFTER LAGE-SCALE VIOLENT CONFLICTS](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/92/s69fb67e.jpg)
![RESTORING JUSTICE AFTECE AFTER LAGE-SCALE VIOLENT CONFLICTS](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/92/s69fb67e.jpg)
- 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
- 出版年份:2008
- 页数:0 页
PART 1 Introduction 1
1 Challenging restorative justice - state-based conflict, mass victimisation and the changing nature of warfare&Holger-C. Rohne, Jana Arsovska and Ivo Aertsen 3
2 Dealing with violent conflicts and mass victimisation:a human dignity approach&Finn Tschudi 46
PART 2 Case studies 71
SECTION 1 The Kosovo conflict 73
3 Prologue to the Kosovo drama: causes and consequences of a violent ethno-political conflict&Jana Arsovska, Marta Vali?as and Borbala Fellegi 75
4 Criminal judicial qualification and prosecution in the Racak case according to national and international legislation - Albanian perspective&Haki Demolli 99
5 Criminological views and informal responses to the Racak massacre according to Albanian customary law and the principles of international law - Albanian perspective&Rexhep Gashi 130
6 Potential for the use of informal mechanisms and responses to the Kosovo conflict - Serbian perspective&Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic 157
7 A restorative approach for dealing with the aftermath of the Kosovo conflict - opportunities and limits&Marta Vali?as and Jana Arsovska 183
SECTION 2 The Israeli-Palestinian conflict 213
8 The Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the second intifada -a cycle of violence&Holger-C. Rohne 215
9 Courting the intifada: discussing legal perspectives&Khalid Ghanayim 229
10 Israeli-Jewish cultural aspects of an event of violence:between biblical codes and Zionist ideology -Israeli perspective&Michal Alberstein 252
11 Cultural aspects in responding to violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict - Palestinian perspective&George Irani 268
12 Opportunities and limits for applying restorative justice in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict&Holger-C. Rohne 279
SECTION 3 The conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo 321
13 The conflict in the DR Congo: a story of failed transitions and interlocking conflicts&Tyrone Savage and Kris Vanspauwen 323
14 Decayed, decimated, usurped and inadequate: the challenge of finding justice through formal mechanisms in the DR Congo&Tyrone Savage and Olivier Kambala wa Kambala 336
15 Between peace and justice: informal mechanisms in the DR Congo&Theodore Kasongo Kamwimbi 359
16 Restorative justice and truth-seeking in the DR Congo: much closing for peace, little opening for justice&Kris Vanspauwen and Tyrone Savage 392
PART 4 Conclusion 411
17 Racak, Mahane Yehuda and Nyabyondo: restorative justice between the formal and the informal&Ivo Aertsen 413
18 From micro to macro, from individual to state: restorative justice and multi-level diplomacy in divided societies&Jana Arsovska, Marta Vali?as and Kris Vanspauwen 444
Index 461
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