Antitrust Law and EconomicsPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Keith N. Hylton
- 出 版 社:Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd
- 出版年份:2222
- ISBN:1847207319;1847207316
- 页数:298 页
1 The economics of antitrust enforcement&Daniel A.Crane 1
2 Facilitating practices and concerted action under Section 1 of the Sherman Act&William H.Page 23
3 The law of group boycotts and related economic considerations&Jeffrey L.Harrison 46
4 The economics of monopoly power in antitrust&Roger D.Blair and Celeste K.Carruthers 64
5 The law and economics of monopolization standards&Keith N.Hylton 82
6 The law and economics of predatory pricing&Bruce H.Kobayashi 116
7 The essential facilities doctrine&Thomas F.Cotter 157
8 Antitrust analysis of tying arrangements and exclusive dealing&Alden F.Abbott and Joshua D.Wright 183
9 Vertical restraints,competition and the rule of reason&Shubha Ghosh 213
10 Market concentration in the antitrust analysis of horizontal mergers&Jonathan B.Baker 234
11 Patent litigation,licensing,nonobviousness,and antitrust&Michael J.Meurer 261
Index 281
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