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Cultural Heritage Law
Cultural Heritage Law

Cultural Heritage LawPDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:22 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:Nafziger
  • 出 版 社:Incorporated;Edward Elgar Publishing Limited [Distributor]
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:838 页
《Cultural Heritage Law》目录


1.Lyndel V.Prott and Patrick J.O'Keefe (1992),'"Cultural Heritage" or "Cultural Property"?',International Journal of Cultural Property,1 (2),307-20 3

2.Janet Blake (2000),'On Defining the Cultural Heritage',International and Comparative Law Quarterly,49 (1),January,61-85 17

3.Ricardo J.Elia (1997),'Looting,Collecting,and the Destruction of Archaeological Resources',Nonrenewable Resources,6 (2),85-98 42

4.Clemency Coggins (1969),' Illicit Traffic of Pre-Columbian Antiquities',Art Journal,29 (1),Autumn,94,96,98,114 56

5.Rosemary J.Coombe (1993),'The Properties of Culture and the Politics of Possessing Identity:Native Claims in the Cultural Appropriation Controversy',Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence,VI (2),July,249-85 60

6.Kwame Anthony Appiah (2006),'Whose Culture Is It?',New York Review of Books,53 (2),February 9,38-52 97


A.Public International Law 119

1.Objects and Sites 119

7.John Henry Merryman (1986),'Two Ways of Thinking about Cultural Property',American Journal of International Law,80 (4),October,831-53 119

8.Lyndel V.Prott (2005),The International Movement of Cultural Objects',International Journal of Cultural Property,12 (2),225-48 142

9.Folarin Shyllon (2000-2),'The Recovery of Cultural Objects by African States through the UNESCO and UNIDROIT Conventions and the Role of Arbitration',Uniform Law Review,5,219-41 166

10.Sabine von Schorlemer (2008),'Compliance with the UNESCO World Heritage Convention:Reflections on the Elbe Valley and the Dresden Waldschlosschen Bridge',German Yearbook of International Law,51,321-90 189

11.Natasha A.Affolder (2009),'The Private Life of Environmental Treaties',American Journal of International Law,103 (3),July,510-25 259

12.Tullio Scovazzi (2001),The 2001 UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage',Italian Yearbook of International Law,XI,9-24 275

13.Craig Forrest (2002),'A New International Regime for the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage',International and Comparative Law Quarterly,51 (3),July,511-54 291

14.James A.R.Nafziger (2003),The Evolving Role of Admiralty Courts in Litigation Related to Historic Wreck',Harvard International Law Journal,44 (1),Winter,251-70 335

15.Francesco Francioni and Federico Lenzerini (2003),The Destruction of the Buddhas of Bamiyan and International Law',European Journal of International Law,14 (4),619-51 355

16.Mary E.Footer and Christoph Beat Graber (2000),Trade Liberalization and Cultural Policy',Journal of International Economic Law,3 (1),March,115-44 388

2.Intangible Heritage 421

17.Robert K.Paterson and Dennis S.Karjala (2003-4),'Looking Beyond Intellectual Property in Resolving Protection of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Indigenous Peoples',Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law,11,633-70 421

18.James D.Nason and Joakim Peter (2009),'Keeping Rong from Wrong:The Identification and Protection of Traditional Intellectual Property in Chuuk,Federated States of Micronesia',International Journal of Cultural Property,16 (3),273-90 459

19.Lisa M.Elliott (2009),'Property Rights of Ancient DNA:The Impact of Cultural Importance on the Ownership of Genetic Information',International Journal of Cultural Property,16 (2),103-29 477

B.Private International Law 507

20.Paul M.Bator (1982),'An Essay on the International Trade in Art',Stanford Law Review,34 (2),January,275-384 507

21.Patricia Youngblood Reyhan (2001),'A Chaotic Palette:Conflict of Laws in Litigation between Original Owners and Good-Faith Purchasers of Stolen Art',Duke Law Journal,50 (4),February,955-1043 617

22.Kurt Siehr (2008),'Commercial Transactions and the Forfeiture of State Immunity under Private International Law',Art Antiquity and Law,XIII (4),December,339-49 706

C.Market Regulation 719

23.Patty Gerstenblith (2007),'Controlling the International Market in Antiquities:Reducing the Harm,Preserving the Past',Chicago Journal of International Law,8(1),Summer,169-95 719


24.Norman Palmer (2000),'Museums and the Holocaust:The Futility of Litigation',Art Antiquity and Law,5 (3),September,233-50 749

25.Lawrence M.Kaye (2006),'Avoidance and Resolution of Cultural Heritage Disputes:Recovery of Art Looted during the Holocaust',Willamette Journal of International Law and Dispute Resolution,14,243-68 767

26.Alan Scott Rau (1999),'Mediation in Art-Related Disputes',Studies in Art Law,11,153-98 793
