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Legal Practice and Cultural Diversity
Legal Practice and Cultural Diversity

Legal Practice and Cultural DiversityPDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:Shah
  • 出 版 社:Limited;Bookpoint Limited [Distribut
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:0 页
《Legal Practice and Cultural Diversity》目录

1 Legal Practice and Cultural Diversity: Introduction&Roger Ballard, Alessandro Ferrari, Ralph Grillo,Andre J.Hoekema, Marcel Maussen and Prakash Shah 1

2 Cultural Diversity: Challenge and Accommodation&Roger Ballard, Alessandro Ferrari, Ralph Grillo,Andre J.Hoekema, Marcel Maussen and Prakash Shah 9

3 Indian Secular Pluralism and its Relevance for Europe&Werner Menski 31

4 Legal Pluralism and Differentiated Morality: Shari’a in Ontario?&Veit Bader 49

5 Transforming to Accommodate? Reflections on the Shari’a Debate in Britain&Prakash Shah 73

6 Shari’a in a European Context&Mathias Rohe 93

7 Objection, Your Honour! Accommodating Niqab-Wearing Women in Courtrooms&Natasha Bakht 115

8 The Challenge of African Customary Laws to English Legal Culture&Gordon R.Woodman 135

9 Religious Challenges to the Secularized Identity of an Insecure Polity: A Tentative Sociology of Quebec’s ‘Reasonable Accommodation’ Debate&Jean-Francois Gaudreault-DesBiens 151

10 Does the Dutch Judiciary Pluralize Domestic Law?&Andre J.Hoekema 177

11 The Influence of Culture on the Determination of Damages:How Cultural Relativism Affects the Analysis of Trauma&Alison Dundes Renteln 199

12 Jews and Muslims in France: Changing Responses to Cultural and Religious Diversity&Martine Cohen 219

13 L’affaire du foulard in the Shadow of the Strasbourg Court:Article 9 and the Public Career of the Veil in France&Claire de Galembert 237

14 The Changing Position of Religious Minorities in English Law: The Legacy of Begum&Russell Sandberg 267

15 Approaches to Diversity in the Domestic Courts: Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights&Samantha Knights 283

16 Human Rights in Contexts of Ethnic Plurality: Always a Vehicle for Liberation?&Roger Ballard 299

Index 331
