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Foundations of Offender Rehabilitation
Foundations of Offender Rehabilitation

Foundations of Offender RehabilitationPDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:Casey
  • 出 版 社:Routledge;Taylor & Francis Group [Distributor]
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9780415679176
  • 页数:238 页
《Foundations of Offender Rehabilitation》目录

PART 1 Theoretical foundations 1

1 Theories of offending 3

Theories of crime and criminal behaviour 3

Level Ⅰ: Society 4

Level Ⅱ: Community 6

Level Ⅲ:Social groups 7

Level Ⅳ: Criminal acts and events 14

Level Ⅴ: Individual level 17

Conclusion 32

2 Theories of offender rehabilitation 33

Features of effective offender rehabilitation 34

The RNR of offender rehabilitation 37

The GLM 41

Conclusion 46

PART 2 From theory to practice 47

3 Theories of behaviour and behaviour change 49

Self determination theory 50

Social cognitive theory 55

Self-regulation theory 58

Behaviour enaction models 63

Cognitive behavioural theory 68

Conclusion 78

4 Forensic assessment and case formulation 80

Psychological assessment 81

Assess the offending behaviour 85

Limitations and ethical issues of a functional analysis approach to risk formulation 100

Case formulation 102

Case example 104

Conclusion 111

PART 3 Practice examples: Working with different groups 113

5 Sex offenders 115

Prevalence of sex offending and sex offenders 115

Aetiology of sexual offending 116

Assessment of sex offenders 117

Sex offender treatment: Current practice 120

Case example 122

6 Violent offenders 129

Understanding violence 129

Violent offender treatment 131

Case example 133

7 Substance use 140

Theoretical explanations of the drug-crime nexus 140

Assessment issues 142

Substance abuse treatment 143

Case example 147

8 Female offenders 152

The aetiology of female offending: Gendered-specific 152

needs and offence pathways 153

Assessment of female offenders 154

Treatment issues for female offenders 156

Ease example 157

9 Young offenders 164

Base rates 164

Assessing risk 165

Interventions 166

Case example 168

10 Mentally disordered offenders 174

The prevalence of mental illness among offenders 174

Treatment of mentally disordered offenders 177

Case example 178

11 Professional practice 184

Codes and guidelines 185

Specific issues for ethical professional praetice 185

Supervision 190

Conclusion 191

Glossary 192

References 199

Index 233
