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Part Ⅰ.Delimitation of the Problem 1

1.Human Rights in Comprehensive Context 3

The Rising Common Demands 7

Demands Relating to Respect 7

Demands Relating to Power 8

Demands Relating to Enlightenment 9

Demands Relating to Well-Being 10

Demands Relating to Wealth 11

Demands Relating to Skill 12

Demands Relating to Affection 12

Demands Relating to Rectitude 13

Inadequate Responses-Deprivations and Nonfulfillment of Human Rights 13

Deprivations Relating to Respect 15

Deprivations Relating to Power 17

Deprivations Relating to Enlightenment 22

Deprivations Relating to Well-Being 26

Deprivations Relating to Wealth 31

Deprivations Relating to Skill 34

Deprivations Relating to Affection 34

Deprivations Relating to Rectitude 36

Conditions Affecting Deprivations and Nonfulfillment 37

Environmental Factors 38

Predispositional Factors 45

Interdependences 47

Inadequacies in Inquiry:The Intellectual Confusion about Human Rights 63

The Natural Law Approach 68

The Historical Approach 71

The Positivist Approach 73

The Marxist (Communist) Approach 76

The Social Science Approach 80

Human Rights in Policy-Oriented Perspective 82

The Establishment of the Observational Standpoint 83

The Delimitation of the Focus of Inquiry 83

The Relation of Human Rights to Social Process 84

The Conception of Authoritative Decision 86

Comprehensiveness in Conception of Processes of Authoritative Decision 86

The Relation to Community Processes 88

The Explicit Postulation of Basic Public Order Goals 90

The Performance of Intellectual Tasks 91

The Clarification of Community Policies 92

The Description of Past Trends in Decision 92

The Analysis of Factors Affecting Decision 92

The Projection of Future Trends 93

The Invention and Evaluation of Policy Alternatives 93

2.The Social Setting of Human Rights:The Process of Deprivation and Nonfulfillment of Values 94

Participants 96

Organized Groups 97

Nation-States 98

International Governmental Organizations 100

Political Parties 101

Pressure Groups 101

Private Associations 102

Terror Groups and Gangs 106

Unorganized Groups 107

Culture 107

Class 109

Interest 110

Personality 110

Crisis 113

Perspectives 113

Demands 114

Identifications 115

Expectations 117

Contending Systems of Public Order 119

Situations 119

Geographic Features 120

Temporal Features 121

Institutionalization 123

Crisis 126

Base Values 130

Strategies 135

Outcomes 138

3.Claims Made to Authority for the Protection of Human Rights 143

Claimants 145

Perspectives 145

Specific Types of Claim 146

Claims Relating to the Process of Deprivation and Nonfulfillment of Values 146

Claims Relating to Respect 146

Claims Relating to Power 149

Claims Relating to Enlightenment 151

Claims Relating to Well-Being 152

Claims Relating to Wealth 154

Claims Relating to Skill 155

Claims Relating to Affection 156

Claims Relating to Rectitude 157

Claims Relating to Permissible Derogation from Established Standards 158

Claims Relating to Crises in Security 158

Claims Relating to Crises in Power 158

Claims Relating to Crises in Respect 158

Claims Relating to Crises in Enlightenment 158

Claims Relating to Crises in Well-Being 158

Claims Relating to Crises in Wealth 158

Claims Relating to Crises in Skill 159

Claims Relating to Crises in Affection 159

Claims Relating to Crises in Rectitude 159

Claims Relating to the Constitutive Process of Authoritative Decision 159

Claims Relating to Participation 159

Claims Relating to Perspectives 159

Claims Relating to Situations 159

Claims Relating to Base Values 159

Claims Relating to Strategies 159

Claims Relating to Outcomes 159

Intelligence 159

Promotion (Recommendation) 159

Prescription 159

Invocation 159

Application 159

Termination 159

Appraisal 159

Claims Relating to Effects 159

The Context of Conditions 159

4.The Global Constitutive Process of Authoritative Decision 161

The Major Features of Contemporary Constitutive Process 167

Participation 167

Nation-States 168

International Governmental Organizations 170

Political Parties 173

Pressure Groups 174

Private Associations 175

The Individual 176

Perspectives 179

Arenas 185

Establishment 186

Diplomatic 186

Parliamentary-Diplomatic 187

Parliamentary 188

Adjudicative 189

Executive 190

Access 192

Compulsoriness 199

Base Values 207

Authority 207

Effective Control 217

Strategies 219

The Diplomatic Instrument 220

The Ideological Instrument 223

The Economic Instrument 227

The Military Instrument 236

Outcomes 248

The Intelligence Function 248

The Promoting Function 256

The Prescribing Function 261

The Invoking Function 278

The Applying Function 289

The Terminating Function 299

The Appraising Function 307

The Human Rights Prescriptions as an Emerging Global Bill of Rights 313

Prescription 320

Application 332

The United Nations and Its Organs 332

Nation-States and Their Officials 335

Unilateral Acts 335

Agreements 338

Non-Governmental Actors 350

Invocation 357

Termination 360

Part Ⅱ.The Clarification of General Community Policies 365

5.The Basic Policies of a Comprehensive Public Order of Human Dignity 367

The Observational Standpoint:Identification with the Whole of Humankind 368

The Perspectives of a Comprehensive World Public Order:Clarifying Policies 373

The Postulation of the Goal Values of Human Dignity 375

Postulated Goal Values in Social Process 378

Preferred Policies Relating to the World Process of Value Fulfillment and Deprivation 381

Preferences Relating to Respect 381

Preferences Relating to Power 383

Preferences Relating to Enlightenment 387

Preferences Relating to Weil-Being 389

Preferences Relating to Wealth 393

Preferences Relating to Skill 395

Preferences Relating to Affection 396

Preferences Relating to Rectitude 398

Postulated Goal Values in Constitutive Process 399

Preferred Policies Relating to World Constitutive Process 400

Participation in Decision-Making 400

Representativeness 400

Responsibility 401

Perspectives 401

Demands 401

Identifications 402

Expectations 402

Arenas 402

Establishment 402

Access 402

Open 402

Compulsory 402

Bases of Power 403

Authority 403

Control 403

Strategies 403

Outcomes 404

Aggregate Consequences 404

Rationality 404

Efficiency 404

Inclusivity 405

Comprehensiveness and Integration 405

Particular Functions (Types of Decisions) 405

The Intelligence Function 405

The Promotional Function 406

The Prescribing Function 406

The Invoking Function 406

The Applying Function 407

The Terminating Function 407

The Appraising Function 408

The Conception of Common Interest 408

The Accommodation of Interests in Particular Instances 415

Principles of Content 419

Principles Relating to the Prescribing Process 419

Principles Relating to the Process of Claim 420

Principles Relating to the Process of Decision 420

Principles of Procedure 420

The Contextual Principle 420

The Principle of Economy 420

The Principle of Manifest (Provisional) Focus 420

The Principle of Clarified Focus 421

The Principle of Observing Trends in Past Experience 421

The Principle of Realistic Orientation in Factors Affecting Decision 421

The Principle of Observing the Constraints of Future Probabilities 421

The Principle of Evaluating and Inventing Options in Decision 422

The Significance of Past Trends 423

The Analysis of Factors Conditioning Trends 428

The Projection of Probable Future Developments 436

The Invention and Evaluation of Alternatives:Looking Toward an Optimum Public Order of Human Dignity 440

Part Ⅲ.Trends in Decision and Conditioning Factors:Claims Relating to Respect 449

6.Respect as the Core Value of Human Rights 451

7.Claims Relating to Fundamental Freedom of Choice 468

The Eradication of Slavery 473

Factual Background 473

Basic Community Policies 481

Trends in Decision 482

Appraisal and Recommendations 505

The Elimination of Caste 508

The Elimination of Apartheid 521

Factual Background 521

Basic Community Policies 531

Trends in Decision 532

8.Claims Relating to a Basic Equality of Opportunity and Freedom from Discrimination 561

9.Claims Relating to Racial Discrimination 569

Factual Background 569

Basic Community Policies 577

Trends in Decision 581

10.The Outlawing of Sex-Based Discrimination 612

Factual Background 612

Basic Community Policies 623

Trends in Decision 625

Proposals for Application 650

11.Claims Relating to Freedom from Religious Discrimination 653

Factual Background 653

Basic Community Policies 661

Trends in Decision 665

The Inclusive Context of Religious and Other Basic Freedoms of Belief 687

12.Claims for Freedom from Discrimination because of Non-Conforming Political Opinion 690

Factual Background 690

Basic Community Policies 697

Trends in Decision 702

Future Developments 710

13.Claims for Freedom from Discrimination in Choice of Language 713

Factual Background 713

Basic Community Policies 720

Trends in Decision 722

Pre-United Nations Protections 722

Protections under the United Nations 724

Regional Protections:The Belgian Linguistic Cases 729

National Protections 732

Future Developments 736

14.The Protection of Aliens from Discrimination:State Responsibility Conjoined with Human Rights 737

Factual Background 738

Basic Community Policies 742

Trends in Decision 745

The Future of Protection 776

15.The Protection of the Aged from Discrimination 779

Factual Background 779

Basic Community Policies 782

Trends in Decision 786

Future Developments 795

Part Ⅳ.Future Prospects 797

16.The Aggregate Interest in Shared Respect and Human Rights:The Harmonization of Public Order and Civic Order 799

Claims Relating to Comprehensive Public Order 802

Factual Background 802

Basic Community Policies 804

Trends in Decision 805

Claims Relating to Civic Order (Including Privacy) 815

Factual Background 815

Basic Community Policies 823

Trends in Decision 829

The Future of Human Rights in Public and Civic Order 857

Appendix Nationality and Human Rights:The Protection of the Individual in External Arenas 861

Delimitation of the Problem 861

The Clarification of General Community Policy 863

Trends in Decision and Conditioning Factors 866

Claims by the Individual to a Protecting State 866

Claims Relating to the Conferment of Nationality 878

Claims Relating to Withdrawal of Nationality 888

Voluntary Expatriation 889

Withdrawal with Consent (Genuine or Constructive) for Promoting Harmonious Relations between States 895

Withdrawal without Consent as Punishment 900

Claims Relating to Statelessness 920

Minimization of Statelessness 924

Statelessness at Birth 927

Statelessness Subsequent to Birth 929

Mitigations of Statelessness 935

Claims Relating to Multiple Nationality 941

Appraisal and Recommendations 953

Table of Cases 959

Name Index 962

Subject Index 995
