高寒草甸生态系统 第4集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:中国科学院海北高寒草甸生态系统定位站编著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:1995
- ISBN:703004679X
- 页数:418 页
第4集 1
《中国生态系统研究网络从书》序 孙鸿烈 1
前言 周兴民 1
Ⅰ.生态系统的研究 1
非生命亚系统 1
矮嵩草草甸地上生物量与气候因子的关系及其预报模式的建立 李英年 王启基 周兴民 1
高寒草甸生态系统 1
Preface Zhou Xingmin 10
Fasc.4 10
I. Research of Ecosystem Abiotic Subsystem 10
The relationship between aboveground biomass of Kobresia humilis meadow and climate factors and its predication mdoel Li Yingnian,Wang Qiji and Zhou Xingmin 10
Foreword to Series from Chinese Ecosystem Research Network Sun Honglie 10
高寒草甸生态系统中矮嵩草草甸的氮、磷、钾动态 张金霞 曹广民 赵静玫 王在模 11
The N,P,K dynamics of Kobresia humilis meadow in alpine meadow ecosystem Zhang Jinxia,Cao Guangmin,Zhao Jinmei and Wang Zaimo 18
寒毡土(亚高山草甸土)湿度的时空动态及其应用 鲍新奎 李英年 曹广民 19
The dynamic variation of time and space for cryo-sod soil moisture and its application Bao Xinkui,Li Yingnian and Cao Guangmin 26
高寒草甸生态系统植物库磷素贮量及其循环特征 曹广民 鲍新奎 张金霞 王在模 27
The Phosphorus storage and cycling feature of plant pool in alpine meadow ecosystem Cao Guangmin,Bao Xinkui,Zhang Jinxia and Wang Zaimo 34
生产者亚系统 35
高寒草甸生态系统微气候和植物的生理生态反应V.高寒草甸几种植物非结构性碳水化合物昼夜变化规律的研究 韩发 贲桂英 师生波 35
Microclimate and plant physiological ecology response in alpine meadow ecosystem V.Studies on the daily change of non-structural carbohydrate in some plants of alpine meadow Han Fa,Ben Guiying and Shi Shengbo 42
Producer Subsystem 42
青藏高原植物抗逆性的生理生化基础研究Ⅱ.矮嵩草叶片过氧化物酶和酯酶的同工酶及酶活性对不同海拔高度的反应 韩发 贲桂英 张树源 师生波 武海 45
Studies on the physiological-biochemical base of plant resistance in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau II.The effect of different altitude on isoperoxidase ,isoesterase and its enzyme activities in Kobresia humilis leaves Han Fa,Ben Guiying,Zhang Shu 52
青海高原植物生理生态学研究Ⅳ.不同海拔高度植物的净光合速率 张树源 武海 韩发 53
The physiological ecology studies of plants in Qinghai Plateau IV.The net photosynthetic rate of plants in different altitude Zhang Shuyuan,Wu Hai and Han Fa 58
青海高原植物生理生态学研究V.强光和低温霜冻对植物净光合速率以及光系统Ⅱ的光能转化效率的影响 张树源 武海 吴姝 沈允钢 郭连旺 59
The physiological ecology studies of plants in Qinghai Plateau V.Effects of strong light and low temperature frostbite for the net photosynthetic rate and light energy transform efficiency of photosystem Ⅱof plant Zhang Shuyuan Wu Hai,Wu S 64
几种高寒草甸常见植物的光合特性及其光合作用的光抑制 郭连旺 沈允钢 许大全 张树源 武海 吴姝 65
Characteristics and photoinhibition of photosynthesis in some alpine meadow plants Guo Lianwang,Shen Yungang,Xu Daquan,Zhang Shuyuan,Wu Hai and Wu Shu 72
高寒草甸植物种群的生态位研究 陈波 周兴民 王启基 张堰青 沈振西 73
Study on the niche of the plant species in alpine meadow Chen Bo,Zhou Xingmin,Wang Oiji,Zhang Yanqing and Shen Zhenxi 90
高寒藏嵩草沼泽化草甸植物群落结构及其利用 王启基 周兴民 沈振西 张堰青 91
The structure of plant community and utilization in alpine Kobresia tibetica swamp meadow Wang Qiji,Zhou Xingmin,Shen Zhenxi and Zhang Yanqing 100
利用红外线CO2分析仪测定矮嵩草草甸植物群落净光合速率的方法和装置 师生波 贲桂英 韩发 101
The method and instrument of determined the net photosynthetic rate of Koresia humilis meadow plant community by using infrared ray gas analysis meter Shi Shengbo,Ben Guiying and Han Fa 106
三种雀形目鸟类伴巢行为的时间分配 张晓爱 邓合黎 107
消费者亚系统 107
The time allocation patterns of attending nest behavior in three species passeriens Zhang Xiaoai and Deng Heli 116
Consumer Subsystem 116
甲状腺激素对高原鼠兔适应性产热的作用 李庆芬 柳劲松 117
The effects of thyroid hormone on adaptive thermogenesis in Ochotona curzoniae Li Qingfen and Liu Jinsong 126
青海门源地区昆虫群落资料 郑乐怡 魏美才 刘国卿 127
Information of insect community in Menyuan area,Qinghai Province Zheng Leyi,Wei Meicai and Liu Guoqing 138
海北定位站地区昆虫区系初报 郑乐怡 魏美才 刘国卿 139
A preliminary report on insect fauna of Haibei Station area Zheng Leyi,Wei Meicai and Liu Guoqing 167
高寒草甸不同植被土壤真菌生物量的季节动态 王启兰 李家藻 169
分解者亚系统 169
Decomposer Subsystem 177
Seasonal dynamics of fungal biomass in different vegetation soil of alpine meadow ecosystem Wang Qilan and Li Jiazao 177
高寒草甸土壤氮素代谢作用强度的研究 王启兰 杨涛 179
Study on the nitrogen metabolic activity in alpine meadow soil Wang Qilan and Yang Tao 182
高山草甸土纤维素分解的季节性动态 姜文波 王启兰 杨涛 耿博闻 183
Seasonal dynamics of cellulose decomposition in alpine meadow soil Jiang Wenbo,Wang Qilan,Yang Tao and Geng Bowen 188
高寒草甸生态系统土壤微生物反硝化作用引起氮素损失的研究 杜伊光 李家藻 师治贤 杨涛 189
Studies on the denitrification of soil microorganism caused the nítrogen loss in alpine meadow ecosystem Du Yiguang,Li Jiazao,Shi Zhixian and Yang Tao 195
高寒草甸土壤中无机磷溶磷细菌筛选的研究 耿博闻 姜文波 赵宝莲 王启兰 杨涛 197
Isolation and screening of inorganic phosphate-solubilizing bacteria in alpine meadow soil Geng Bowen,Jiang Wenbo,Zhao Baolian,Wang Qilan and Yang Tao 201
青海高寒草甸蘑菇圈产生菌生态定位研究 吴人坚 谭惠慈 朱世志 张纪忠 203
Ecological located research on macrofungi forming fairy rings in alpine meadow,Qinghai Province Wu Renjian,Tan Huici,Zhu Shizhi and Zhang Jizhong 217
高寒草甸生态系统非线性振荡行为周期性的研究Ⅰ.降水和初级生产力的功率谱分析及其波动周期 周立 王启基 周琪 219
系统分析 219
Studies on the cycles of nonlinear oscillation behavior at the alpine meadow ecosystem 238
Ⅰ.The power spectrum analysis and the fluctuation cycles of rainfall and primary productivity Zhou Li,Wang Qiji and Zhou Qi 238
Ecosystem Analysis 238
高寒草甸生态系统非线性振荡行为周期性的研究Ⅱ.气温波动的功率谱分析及其波动周期与初级生产力振荡周期的关系 周立 王启基 周琪 241
Studies on the cycles of nonlinear oscillation behavior at the alpine meadow ecosystem 251
Ⅱ.The power spectrum analysis of air temperature fluctuation and the relationship between its cycles and the fluctuation cycles of primary productivity Zhou Li,Wang Qiji and Zhou Qi 251
高寒草甸生态系统非线性振荡行为周期性的研究Ⅲ.藏羊种群波动的周期性 周立 王启基 周琪 253
Studies on the cycles of nonlinear oscillation behavior at the alpine meadow ecosystem Ⅲ.The cycles of number fluctuation in Tibetan sheep population Zhou Li,Wang Qiji and Zhou Qi 261
青藏高原退化草地的现状、调控策略和持续发展 周兴民 王启基 张堰青 沈振西 张跃生 陈波 263
退化生态系统的恢复与重建 263
Ⅱ.生态系统管理与经济生态 263
Ⅲ.Ecosystem Management and Economic Ecology Restoration and Reconstruction of Degeneration Ecosystem 268
Present condition of degeneration grassland, regulation tactics and sustain development in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau Zhou Xingmin,Wang Qiji,Zhang Yanqing,Shen Zhenxi,Zhang Yaosheng and Chen Bo 268
不同调控策略下退化草地植物群落结构及其多样性分析 王启基 周兴民 沈振西 陈波 269
Analysis on the structure and diversity of plant community in degraded pasture under control strategies Wang Qiji,Zhou Xingmin,Shen Zhenxi and Chen Bo 280
调控策略对高寒退化草地中的氮、磷、钾含量、积累及转移效应的分析 王启基 周兴民 周立 沈振西 张堰青 张跃生 李英年 281
The effect analysis of control measure on the accumulation and shift of N,P,K content in alpine regressive pasture Wang Qiji,Zhou Xingmin,Zhou Li,Shen Zhenxi,Zhang Yanqing,Zhang Yaosheng and Li Yingnian 292
退化草地植物对调控对策的生理生态学效应 沈振西 王启基 周兴民 张堰青 陈波 邓自发 293
Physiological ecology effect of main plant population in alpine degenerate grassland by control strategies Shen ZhenXi,Wang Qiji,Zhou Xingmin,Zhang Yangqing,Chen Bo and Deng Zifa 304
不同调控措施下恢复草地群落特征与主要种的生态位分析 陈波 周兴民 王启基 张堰青 沈振西 305
Analysis on the structure of community and the niche of species in restored grassland by different control measures Chen Bo,Zhou Xingmin,Wang Qiji,Zhang Yanqing and Shen Zhenxi 320
恢复生态系统主要植物种群氮、磷、钾含量及其相关性分析 王启基 周兴民 沈振西 邓自发 321
The contents of N,P,K and its correlative analysis for main plant population in resumption ecosystem Wang Qiji,Zhou Xingmin,Shen Zhenxi and Deng Zifa 332
高寒草甸牧场鼠害综合治理后动植物群落的演替及经济、生态效益的研究 景增春 边疆晖 樊乃昌 333
The succession of community of animal and plant and the effect of economicecology after rodent pest integrated treatment in alpine meadow grassland Jing Zengchun,Bian jianghui and Fan Naichang 341
不同调控策略下退化草地恢复与重建的效益分析 王启基 周兴民 沈振西 陈波 343
Benefit analysis of restorated degeneration grassland by different control measure Wang Qiji,Zhou Xingmin,Shen Zhenxi and Chen Bo 352
放牧强度对冬春草场植物群落结构及功能的效应分析 王启基 周立 王发刚 353
优化放牧的研究 353
Research of Optimal Stocking 364
Effect analysis of stocking intensity on the structure and function of plant community in winter-spring grassland Wang Qiji,Zhou Li and Wang Fagang 364
高寒草甸牧场最优放牧强度的研究Ⅰ.藏羊最大生产力放牧强度 周立 王启基 赵京 周琪 365
Studies on optimum stocking intensity in pasturelands of alpine meadow I.stocking intensity to maximize production of Tibetan sheep Zhou Li,Wang Qiji,Zhao Jing and Zhou Qi 374
高寒草甸牧场最优放牧强度的研究Ⅱ.轮牧草场放牧强度的最佳配置 周立 王启基 赵京 周琪 377
Studies on optimum stocking intensity in pasturelands of alpine meadowⅡ.The optimum combination between stocking intensities in rotational grazing grasslands Zhou Li,Wang Qiji,Zhao Jing and Zhou Qi 388
高寒草甸牧场最优放牧强度的研究Ⅲ.最大利润放牧强度 周立 王启基 赵京 周琪 391
Studies on optimum stocking intensity in pasturelands of alpine meadow Ⅲ.Stocking intensity to maximize profit Zhou Li,Wang Qiji,Zhao Jing and Zhou Qi 400
高寒草甸牧场最优放牧强度的研究Ⅳ.植被变化度量与草场不退化最大放牧强度 周立 王启基 赵京 周琪 403
Studies on optimum stocking intensity in pasturelands of alpine meadow Ⅳ.The measuring of vegetation change and the maximum stocking intensities of no degeneration in grasslands Zhou Li,Wang Qiji,Zhao Jing and Zhou Qi 417
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