分布式操作系统 概念与实践 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)Doreen L.Galli著
- 出 版 社:北京:人民邮电出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7115103453
- 页数:464 页
1.1 What is an Operating System? 1
1.Introduction to Distributed Systems 1
1.2 What is a Distributed System? 2
1.2.1 Popular Network Topologies and Features 4
1.2.2 ISO/OSI Reference Model 8
1.2.3 Distributed Computing Models 12
1.2.4 Distributed versus Centralized Solutions 14
1.2.5 Network vs. Distributed Operating Systems 15
1.3 What is a Real-time System? 16
1.3.1 Real-time Event Characteristics 17
1.3.2 Network Characteristics Affecting Distributed Real-Time Applications 17
1.4 What is a Parallel System? 19
1.4.1 Parallel Architectures 19
1.4.2 Parallel Software Paradigms 23
1.5 Sample Distributed Application 25
1.7 References for Further Study 27
1.6 Summary 27
Exercises 28
2.The Kernel 31
2.1 Kernel Types 31
2.2 Processes and Threads 33
2.2.1 Introduction to Multi-threaded Processes 33
2.2.2 Multi-threaded Process Paradigms 34
2.2.3 Multi-threaded support 37
2.3 Process Management 38
2.3.1 Types of Processes 40
2.3.2 Load Distribution & Process Migration 41
2.4 Process Scheduling 45
2.4.1 Identifying Processes for Scheduling 45
2.4.2 Scheduler Organization 45
2.5 Summary 46
Exercises 49
2.6 References for Further Study 49
3.Interprocess Communication 53
3.1 Selection Factors 54
3.2 Message Passing 54
3.2.1 Blocking Primitives 55
3.2.2 Non-blocking Primitives 58
3.2.3 Process Address 59
3.3.1 Unnamed Pipes 61
3.3 Pipes 61
3.3.2 Named Pipes 63
3.4 Sockets 63
3.4.1 UNIX Sockets 65
3.4.2 JAVA Support for Sockets 69
3.5 Remote Procedure Calls 72
3.5.1 Parameter Type 72
3.5.2 Data Type Support 72
3.5.4 RPC Binding 73
3.5.3 Parameter Marshalling 73
3.5.5 RPC Authentication 74
3.5.6 RPC Call Semantics 75
3.5.7 SUN's ONC RPC 76
3.6 Summary 76
3.7 References for Further Study 77
Exercises 77
4.Memory Management 81
4.1 Review of Centralized Memory Management 82
4.1.1 Virtual Memory 82
4.1.2 Pages and Segments 82
4.1.3 Page Replacement Algorithms 84
4.2 Simple Memory Model 85
4.3 Shared Memory Model 86
4.3.1 Shared Memory Performance 87
4.3.2 Cache Consistency 88
4.4 Distributed Shared Memory 89
4.3.1 Methods for Distributing Shared Data 90
4.3.2 DSM Performance Issues 93
4.5 Memory Migration 98
4.6 Summary 100
4.7 References for Further Study 101
Exercises 102
5.Concurrency Control 105
5.1 Mutual Exclusion & Critical Regions 105
5.2 Semaphores 107
5.2.1 Semaphore Weakness 108
5.2.2 Semaphore Evaluation 108
5.3 Monitors 108
5.3.1 Condition Variables 110
5.3.2 Monitor Evaluation 111
5.4 Locks 111
5.4.2 Atomic Operations and Hardware Support 113
5.4.1 Taking Turns 113
5.5 Software Lock Control 115
5.5.1 Centralized Lock Manager 115
5.5.2 Distributed Lock Manager 116
5.6 Token-Passing Mutual Exclusion 118
5.7 Deadlocks 119
5.7.1 Prevent Deadlocks 121
5.7.2 Avoid Deadlocks 122
5.7.3 Ignore Deadlocks 122
5.7.4 Detect Deadlocks 122
5.8 Summary 124
5.9 References for Further Study 125
Exercises 125
6.Object-Based Operating Systems 127
6.1 Introduction to Objects 128
6.1.1 Object Definitions. 128
6.1.2 Evaluation of Objects 129
6.2 The Clouds Object Approach 131
6.2.1 Clouds'Objects 131
6.2.2 Clouds Threads 132
6.2.3 Clouds’Memory Storage 132
6.3 Chorus V3 and COOL v2 132
6.3.1 The Base Layer:COOL Memory Management 134
6.3.2 The Generic Runtime System Layer:COOL Objects 134
6.3.3 The Language-Specific Runtime System Layer 135
6.4 Amoeba 135
6.4.1 Identification and Protection of Amoeba Objects 137
6.4.2 Amoeba Object Communication 137
6.5 Distributed Component Object Model(DCOM) 138
6.5.1 Monikers 140
6.5.2 Remote Method Calls 140
6.5.4 Thread Models Supported in DCOM 141
6.5.3 Garbage Collection 141
6.5.5 DCOM Security Policies 142
6.6 CORBATM Overview 143
6.6.1 CORBA’s ORB 144
6.6.2 CORBA Object Adapters 145
6.6.3 CORBA Messaging 147
6.6.4 CORBA Compliance 147
6.7 Summary 148
6.6.5 CORBA to COM Mapping 148
6.7 References for Further Study 149
Exercises 149
7.Distributed Process Management 151
7.1 Distributed Scheduling Algorithm Choices 152
7.1.1 Level of Scheduling 152
7.1.2 Load Distribution Goals 153
7.1.3 Scheduling Efficiency Goals 153
7.1.4 Processor Binding Time 155
7.2 Scheduling Algorithm Approaches 157
7.2.1 Usage Points 158
7.2.2 Graph Theory 160
7.2.3 Probes 162
7.2.4 Scheduling Queues 163
7.2.5 Stochastic Learning 166
7.3 Coordinator Elections 167
7.4 Orphan Processes 168
7.4.1 Orphan Clean Up 170
7.4.2 Child Process Allowance 172
7.4.3 Process Version Numbers 173
7.5 Summary 173
7.6 References for Further Study 175
Exercises 176
8.Distributed File Systems 179
8.1 Distributed Name Service 179
8.1.1 File Types 180
8.1.2 Location Transparency 181
8.1.3 Global Naming & Name Transparency 181
8.2 Distributed File Service 187
8.2.1 File Variations 187
8.2.2 File Modification Notification 190
8.2.3 File Service Implementations 191
8.2.4 File Replication 192
8.3 Distributed Directory Service 195
8.3.1 Directory Structures 195
8.3.2 Directory Management 195
8.3.3 Directory Operations 196
8.4 NFSTM 197
8.4.1 NFS File Service 197
8.4.2 NFS Directory Service 198
8.4.3 NFS Name Service 199
8.5 X.500 200
8.5.1 X.500 File and Name Service:The Information Model 201
8.5.2 X.500's Directory Service:The Directory Model 202
8.6 Summary 202
8.7 References for Further Study 203
Exercises 204
9.Transaction Management & Consistency Models 207
9.1 Transaction Management Motivation 208
9.1.1 The Lost Update 208
9.1.2 Retrieval Disparity 209
9.2 ACID Properties of a Transaction 213
9.3 Consistency Models 216
9.3.1 Strict Consistency Model 216
9.3.2 Sequential Consistency Model 216
9.3.3 Casual Consistency Model 217
9.3.4 PRAM Consistency Model 218
9.3.5 Processor Consistency Model 219
9.3.6 Weak Consistency Model 220
9.3.7 Release Consistency Model 222
9.3.8 Lazy Release Consistency 224
9.3.9 Entry Consistency Model 224
9.4 Two-Phase Commit Protocol 224
9.4.1 Prepare to Commit Phase 225
9.4.2 Commit Phase 227
9.5 Nested Transactions 228
9.6 Implementation Issues for Transactions 230
9.6.1 Premature Reads & Writes 231
9.6.2 The Domino Effect of aborts 231
9.6.3 Ensuring Recoverability 231
9.7 Summary 231
9.7 References for Further Study 233
Exercises 233
10.Distributed Synchronization 235
10.1 Introduction to Global Time 235
10.2.1 Obtaining an Accurate Physical Time 236
10.2 Physical Clocks 236
10.2.2 Synchronizing Physical Time 237
10.2.3 Centralized Physical Time Services 239
10.2.4 Distributed Physical Time Services 242
10.3 Network Time Protocol(NTP) 243
10.3.1 NTP Architecture 244
10.3.2 NTP Design Goals 244
10.3.3 NTP Synchronization Modes 247
10.3.4 Simple Network Time Protocol(SNTP) 247
10.4 Logical Clocks 250
10.4.1 Happen-Before Relationship 251
10.4.2 Logical Ordering 251
10.4.3 Total Ordering with Logical Clocks 254
10.5 Summary 254
10.6 References for Further Study 255
Exercises 255
11.Distributed Security 259
11.1 Cryptography & Digital Signatures 260
11.1.1 Symmetric Encryption 261
11.1.2 Asymmetric Encryption 265
11.2.1 Certificate Lists 265
11.2 Authentication 270
11.2.2 Centralized Certificate Distribution Center 271
11.3 Access Control(Firewalls) 279
11.3.1 Packet Filtering Gateways 280
11.3.2 Proxy Services 281
11.3.3 Firewall Architectures 282
11.4 Summary 284
11.5 References for Further Study 285
Exercises 285
12.CASE STUDY:Windows 2000TM 289
12.1 Overview:Windows 2000 Design 291
12.2 Kernel Mode Overview 293
12.2.1 Kernel Objects 295
12.2.2 Hardware Abstraction Layer(HAL) 297
12.2.3 Device Drivers 297
12.2.4 The Executive 297
12.3 Plug and Play 299
12.4 NT Files System in Windows 2000(NTFS) 303
12.4.1 Access Control Lists(ACLs) 304
12.4.2 Reparse Points 305
12.4.3 Storage Management 306
12.5 Active Directory 307
12.5.1 NameSpace 310
12.5.2 Change Journal for Replication and Scalability 312
12.5.3 Microsoft Index Server and HTTP Support 314
12.6 Microsoft Management Console(MMC) 317
12.7 Cluster Service 318
12.7.1 Cluster Service Overview 319
12.7.2 Cluster Abstractions 320
12.7.3 Cluster Service Architectures 320
12.7.4 Cluster Service Deployment to Applications 320
12.8 Windows2000 Security 321
12.8.1 Security Configuration Editor 323
12.8.2 Encrypting File System 325
12.8.3 Microsoft Security Support Provider Interface 327
12.9 HYDRA-A Thin Client 327
12.10 Summary 327
12.11 References for Further Study 328
Exercises 328
Appendix A.Surgical Scheduling Program 331
List of Acronyms 413
Glossary of Terms 419
Bibliography 437
Index 455
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