- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:潘承怡,向敬忠,宋欣主编
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787302286820
- 页数:315 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Subjects of This Course 1
1.2 Features of This Course 1
1.3 Nature of This Course 2
1.4 The Process of Machine Design 2
1.5 Design Criteria of Machine Elements 3
1.6 Standardization of Machine Elements 6
1.7 Machine Designer's Responsibility 6
第1章 绪论 8
1.1 本课程的研究对象 8
1.2 本课程的特点 8
1.3 本课程的性质 8
1.4 机械设计的程序 9
1.5 机械零件的设计准则 9
1.6 机械零件的标准化 11
1.7 机械设计人员的责任 11
Chapter 2 Threaded Joints 13
2.1 Overview 13
2.1.1 Thread Manufacturing 13
2.1.2 Thread Elements 13
2.2 Principal Types of Screw Joints and Screw Fasteners 15
2.2.1 Principal Types of Screw Joints 15
2.2.2 Screw Fasteners 16
2.2.3 Materials and Capacity Grades of Screw Fasteners 17
2.3 Screw Tightening and Locking 18
2.3.1 Screw Tightening 18
2.3.2 Locking of Screw Joints 19
2.4 Strength Calculations for Screw Joints 21
2.4.1 Strength Calculations for Tension-Loaded Bolted Joints 21
2.4.2 Strength Calculations for Bolted Joints Loaded in Shear 24
2.5 Load Analyses of Bolt Groups 24
2.6 Methods for Increasing the Strength of Bolted Joints 29
第2章 螺纹连接 31
2.1 概述 31
2.1.1 螺纹的形成 31
2.1.2 螺纹的要素 31
2.2 螺纹连接的主要类型和螺纹紧固件 32
2.2.1 螺纹连接的主要类型 32
2.2.2 螺纹紧固件 32
2.2.3 螺纹紧固件的材料和性能等级 33
2.3 螺纹的拧紧和防松 33
2.3.1 螺纹的拧紧 33
2.3.2 螺纹连接的防松 34
2.4 螺纹连接的强度计算 35
2.4.1 受拉伸载荷螺栓连接的强度计算 35
2.4.2 受剪切载荷螺栓连接的强度计算 37
2.5 螺栓组连接的受力分析 37
2.6 提高螺栓连接强度的措施 40
Chapter 3 Key Joints 41
3.1 Parallel Key Joints 41
3.2 Woodruff Key Joints 42
3.3 Taper Key Joints 43
3.4 Joints with Tangent Double-Taper Keys 44
3.5 Strength Calculations of Parallel Key Joints 44
第3章 键连接 47
3.1 平键连接 47
3.2 半圆键连接 47
3.3 楔键连接 48
3.4 切向键连接 48
3.5 平键连接强度计算 48
Chapter 4 Belt Drives 51
4.1 Overview 51
4.2 V-belts and V-belt Pulleys 52
4.2.1 Specification for Standard Series V-belts 52
4.2.2 V-belt Pulleys 53
4.3 Forces and Stresses in Belts 55
4.3.1 Forces in Belts 55
4.3.2 Stresses in Belts 56
4.4 Creep and Speed Ratein Belt Drives 57
4.4.1 Creep of Belt Drives 57
4.4.2 Speed Rate of Belt Drives 58
4.5 V-belt Drive Design 58
4.5.1 Failure and Design Criteria of Belt Drives 58
4.5.2 Strength Calculation of V-belt Drives 58
4.5.3 Design Procedure and Factor Choice for V-belt Drives 60
4.5.4 Tensioning Device of V-belt Drives 64
第4章 带传动 67
4.1 概述 67
4.2 V带与V带轮 67
4.2.1 标准系列V带的规格 67
4.2.2 V带轮 68
4.3 带传动的受力与应力分析 69
4.3.1 带传动的受力分析 69
4.3.2 带传动的应力分析 70
4.4 带传动的弹性滑动与传动比 70
4.4.1 带传动的弹性滑动 70
4.4.2 带传动的传动比 71
4.5 V带传动的设计 71
4.5.1 带传动的失效形式与设计准则 71
4.5.2 V带传动的强度计算 71
4.5.3 V带传动的设计步骤与参数选择 73
4.5.4 V带传动的张紧装置 76
Chapter 5 Chain Drives 78
5.1 Overview 78
5.1.1 Features of Chain Drives 78
5.1.2 Principal Types of Chains 79
5.1.3 Principal Types of Power Transmission Chains 79
5.2 Roller Chains 79
5.3 Kinematic Characteristics of Chain Drives 81
5.3.1 Average Chain Velocity and Speed Ratio 81
5.3.2 Instantaneous Chain Velocity and Speed Ratio 81
5.3.3 Impact Loads in Chain Drives 82
5.4 Design of Chain Drives 83
5.4.1 Types of Failure and Rated Power of Chain Drives 83
5.4.2 Principal Parameters Selection of Chain Drives 85
5.4.3 Forces Acting on the Shafts of Chain Drives 85
5.5 Lubrication of Chain Drives 85
第5章 链传动 88
5.1 概述 88
5.1.1 链传动特点 88
5.1.2 链的主要种类 88
5.1.3 传动链的主要类型 88
5.2 滚子链 89
5.3 链传动的运动特性 89
5.3.1 链的平均速度与平均传动比 89
5.3.2 链的瞬时速度与瞬时传动比 90
5.3.3 链传动的动载荷 90
5.4 链传动的设计 90
5.4.1 链传动的失效形式与额定功率 90
5.4.2 链传动主要参数的选择 92
5.4.3 链传动中作用于轴上的力 92
5.5 链传动的润滑 93
Chapter 6 Toothed Gearing 95
6.1 Overview 95
6.2 Principal Types of Toothed Gearing 95
6.3 Types of Tooth Failure and Design Criteria 96
6.3.1 Types of Tooth Failure 96
6.3.2 Design Criteria of Gearing 98
6.4 Gear Materials 98
6.5 Force Analysis for Gearing 99
6.5.1 Force Analysis for Spur Gears 99
6.5.2 Force Analysis for Helical Gears 100
6.5.3 Force Analysis for Bevel Gears 101
6.5.4 Design Load 102
6.6 Strength Calculations for Spur Gearing 104
6.6.1 Contact Strength Calculations for Spur Gears 104
6.6.2 Bending Strength Calculations for Spur Gears 107
6.7 Strength Calculations for Helical Gearing 110
6.7.1 Contact Strength Calculations for Helical Gears 110
6.7.2 Bending Strength Calculations for Helical Gears 111
6.8 Strength Calculations for Bevel Gearing 112
6.8.1 Contact Strength Calculations for Bevel Gears 112
6.8.2 Bending Strength Calculations for Bevel Gears 112
6.9 Accuracy of Toothed Gearing 113
6.10 Structure of Gears 113
第6章 齿轮传动 118
6.1 概述 118
6.2 齿轮传动的主要类型 118
6.3 轮齿的失效形式与设计准则 118
6.3.1 轮齿的失效形式 118
6.3.2 齿轮传动的设计准则 119
6.4 齿轮材料 120
6.5 齿轮传动的受力分析 121
6.5.1 直齿轮受力分析 121
6.5.2 斜齿轮受力分析 121
6.5.3 圆锥齿轮受力分析 122
6.5.4 计算载荷 122
6.6 直齿圆柱齿轮传动的强度计算 123
6.6.1 直齿圆柱齿轮的接触强度计算 123
6.6.2 直齿圆柱齿轮的弯曲强度计算 126
6.7 斜齿圆柱齿轮传动的强度计算 127
6.7.1 斜齿轮接触强度计算 127
6.7.2 斜齿轮弯曲强度计算 127
6.8 圆锥齿轮传动的强度计算 128
6.8.1 圆锥齿轮接触强度计算 128
6.8.2 圆锥齿轮弯曲强度计算 128
6.9 齿轮传动的精度 129
6.10 齿轮的结构 129
Chapter 7 Worm Gearing 133
7.1 Characteristics and Types of Worm Gearing 133
7.1.1 Characteristics of Worm Gearing 133
7.1.2 Types of Worm Gearing 133
7.2 Principal Parameters and Geometrical Calculations of Cylindrical Worm Gearing 135
7.2.1 The Proper Meshing Condition of Cylindrical Worm Gearing 135
7.2.2 Principal Parameters of Cylindrical Worm Gearing 136
7.2.3 Geometrical Calculations of Cylindrical Worm Gearing 138
7.3 Types of Failure,Design Criteria and Materials of Ordinary Cylindrical Worm Gearing 139
7.3.1 Types of Failure 139
7.3.2 Design Criteria 139
7.3.3 Materials 140
7.4 Strength Calculations of Worm Gearing 140
7.4.1 Force Analysis of Worm Gearing 140
7.4.2 Strength Calculations of Worm Gearing 141
7.5 Efficiency,Lubrication and Calculation of Heat Balance 144
7.5.1 Efficiency of Worm Gearing 144
7.5.2 Lubrication of Worm Gearing 146
7.5.3 Heat Balance of Worm Gearing 146
7.6 Structure of Worms and Worm Gears 147
第7章 蜗杆传动 151
7.1 蜗杆传动的特点与类型 151
7.1.1 蜗杆传动的特点 151
7.1.2 蜗杆传动的类型 151
7.2 圆柱蜗杆传动的基本参数与几何计算 152
7.2.1 圆柱蜗杆传动的正确啮合条件 152
7.2.2 圆柱蜗杆传动的基本参数 152
7.2.3 圆柱蜗杆传动的几何计算 154
7.3 普通圆柱蜗杆传动的失效形式、设计准则及材料 155
7.3.1 失效形式 155
7.3.2 设计准则 155
7.3.3 材料 155
7.4 蜗杆传动的强度计算 155
7.4.1 蜗杆传动的受力分析 155
7.4.2 蜗杆传动的强度计算 156
7.5 蜗杆传动的效率、润滑及热平衡计算 158
7.5.1 蜗杆传动的效率 158
7.5.2 蜗杆传动的润滑 159
7.5.3 蜗杆传动的热平衡 160
7.6 蜗杆和蜗轮的结构 160
Chapter 8 Shafts 164
8.1 Overview 164
8.1.1 Types of Shafts 164
8.1.2 Shaft Materials 166
8.2 Structural Design of Shafts 166
8.2.1 Functional Requirements 167
8.2.2 Technological Requirements 168
8.2.3 Improving the Strength of Shafts 170
8.3 Strength Calculations of Shafts 171
8.3.1 Calculation of Shafts for Only Shear Stress 171
8.3.2 Calculation of Shafts for Combined Bending and Torsional Stress 172
8.3.3 Fatigue Strength Calculation of Shafts 173
第8章 轴 178
8.1 概述 178
8.1.1 轴的分类 178
8.1.2 轴的材料 179
8.2 轴结构设计 179
8.2.1 使用要求 179
8.2.2 工艺性要求 180
8.2.3 提高轴的强度 181
8.3 轴的强度计算 181
8.3.1 只承受剪切应力的轴计算 181
8.3.2 既承受弯曲应力又承受剪切应力的轴计算 182
8.3.3 轴的疲劳强度计算 183
Chapter 9 Rolling Bearings 186
9.1 Overview 186
9.1.1 Configuration of Rolling Bearings 186
9.1.2 Materials for Rolling Bearings 187
9.1.3 Advantages and Shortcomings of Rolling Bearings 187
9.2 Types of Rolling Bearings 187
9.3 Codes of Rolling Bearings(by Chinese Standard) 190
9.4 Load Distribution,Failure and Design Criteria of Rolling Bearings 191
9.4.1 Load Distribution Among the Rolling Elements 191
9.4.2 Failure Modes of the Rolling Elements 192
9.4.3 Design Criteria of the Rolling Elements 192
9.5 Rolling Bearings Life Calculations 193
9.5.1 Fatigue Life of the Rolling Bearings 193
9.5.2 Basic Rating Life,Basic Dynamic Load Rating and Basic Static Load Rating 193
9.5.3 Equivalent Dynamic Load and Equivalent Static Load 194
9.5.4 Rolling Bearings Life Calculations 195
9.5.5 Analysis of Forces Exerted on Angular-Contact Rolling Bearings 196
9.6 Design Arrangements,Lubrication and Sealing Devices for Rolling Bearings 200
9.6.1 Design Arrangements for Rolling Bearings 200
9.6.2 Preloading for Rolling Bearings 203
9.6.3 Rolling Bearings Lubrication and Sealing Devices 204
9.6.4 Mounting and Dismounting Bearings 205
第9章 滚动轴承 207
9.1 概述 207
9.1.1 基本构造和特点 207
9.1.2 滚动轴承的材料 207
9.1.3 滚动轴承的优缺点 207
9.2 滚动轴承的类型 208
9.3 滚动轴承代号(中国标准) 210
9.4 滚动轴承的载荷分布、失效与设计准则 211
9.4.1 滚动体间的载荷分布 211
9.4.2 滚动轴承的失效形式 211
9.4.3 滚动轴承的设计准则 212
9.5 滚动轴承寿命计算 212
9.5.1 滚动轴承的疲劳寿命 212
9.5.2 基本额定寿命、基本额定动载荷与基本额定静载荷 212
9.5.3 当量动载荷和当量静载荷 213
9.5.4 滚动轴承寿命计算 214
9.5.5 角接触滚动轴承的力分析 215
9.6 滚动轴承的组合设计、润滑与密封装置 217
9.6.1 滚动轴承的组合设计 217
9.6.2 滚动轴承的预紧 218
9.6.3 滚动轴承的润滑和密封装置 218
9.6.4 滚动轴承的装拆 219
Chapter 10 Sliding Bearings 220
10.1 Introduction 220
10.1.1 Types of Sliding Bearings 220
10.1.2 Field of Application 221
10.2 Constructions of Radial Sliding Bearings 221
10.2.1 Solid Bearings 221
10.2.2 Split Bearings 222
10.2.3 Automatic Center Regulating Bearings 222
10.2.4 Construction of Bushings 223
10.3 Bearing Materials 224
10.4 Lubricants 225
10.5 Calculations of Boundary-Lubricated Bearings 226
10.6 Principle of Hydrodynamic Lubrication 227
10.7 Calculations of Hydrodynamic-Lubricated Bearings 229
10.7.1 Geometrical Relations 229
10.7.2 Supporting Capacity and Load Factor 230
10.7.3 Determine the Minimum Thickness of the Oil Film 231
10.7.4 Calculation of Heat Balance 232
第10章 滑动轴承 235
10.1 绪论 235
10.1.1 滑动轴承的类型 235
10.1.2 滑动轴承的应用范围 235
10.2 径向滑动轴承的结构 236
10.2.1 整体式轴承 236
10.2.2 剖分式轴承 236
10.2.3 自动调心轴承 236
10.2.4 轴瓦的结构 236
10.3 轴承材料 237
10.4 润滑剂 238
10.5 边界润滑轴承计算 238
10.6 液体动力润滑原理 239
10.7 液体动力润滑轴承的计算 241
10.7.1 几何关系 241
10.7.2 承载能力与载荷系数 241
10.7.3 最小油膜厚度的确定 242
10.7.4 热平衡计算 242
Chapter 11 Couplings and Clutches 245
11.1 Introduction 245
11.2 Couplings 246
11.2.1 Rigid Couplings 246
11.2.2 Flexible Couplings 247
11.3 Clutches 250
11.3.1 Mechanically Controlled Clutches 250
11.3.2 Safety Clutches 252
第11章 联轴器与离合器 254
11.1 绪论 254
11.2 联轴器 254
11.2.1 刚性联轴器 254
11.2.2 挠性联轴器 255
11.3 离合器 256
11.3.1 机械操纵离合器 257
11.3.2 安全离合器 258
Chapter 12 Springs 259
12.1 Functions and Types of Springs 259
12.1.1 Functions of Springs 259
12.1.2 Types of Springs 259
12.2 Stresses and Deflection of Helical Compression and Extension Springs 259
12.2.1 Stresses in Springs 259
12.2.2 Deflection of Springs 261
12.3 Characteristic Curves of Helical Springs 261
12.4 Spring Materials and Allowable Stresses 262
12.5 Geometric Dimensions of Helical Springs 264
第12章 弹簧 266
12.1 弹簧的功用和类型 266
12.1.1 弹簧的功用 266
12.1.2 弹簧的类型 266
12.2 圆柱压缩、拉伸螺旋弹簧的应力与变形 267
12.2.1 弹簧中的应力 267
12.2.2 弹簧的变形 267
12.3 圆柱螺旋弹簧的特性线 268
12.4 弹簧的材料及许用应力 268
12.5 圆柱螺旋弹簧的几何尺寸 269
Chapter 13 Other Kinds of Joints 271
13.1 Pin Joints 271
13.2 Interference Fit Joints 273
13.3 Shaped Joints 275
13.4 Riveted Joints 276
13.4.1 Characteristics and Applications of Riveted Joints 276
13.4.2 Rivets and Types of Riveted Joints 277
13.4.3 Failure Types of Riveted Joints and Strength Calculations 278
13.5 Welded Joints 280
13.5.1 Types,Characteristics and Applications of Welded Joints 280
13.5.2 Styles of Welds 282
13.5.3 Strength Calculations of Welds 283
13.6 Adhesive Bonding 284
第13章 其他连接 287
13.1 销连接 287
13.2 过盈配合连接 288
13.3 成形连接 289
13.4 铆接 289
13.4.1 铆接特点及应用 289
13.4.2 铆钉及铆钉连接的型式 290
13.4.3 铆钉连接的破坏形式及强度计算 290
13.5 焊接 292
13.5.1 焊接类型、特点及应用 292
13.5.2 焊缝的式样 292
13.5.3 焊缝的强度计算 293
13. 6胶接 294
Chapter 14 Reducers 296
14.1 Main Types and Characteristics of Reducers 296
14.1.1 Cylindrical Gear Reducers 296
14.1.2 Bevel Gear Reducers 297
14.1.3 Worm Reducers 297
14.1.4 Planetary Gear Reducers 298
14.2 Distribution of Speed Ratio 299
14.3 Structure of Gear Reducer 302
14.4 Lubrication of Gear Reducer 303
第14章 减速器 305
14.1 减速器的主要型式及特点 305
14.1.1 圆柱齿轮减速器 305
14.1.2 圆锥齿轮减速器 305
14.1.3 蜗杆减速器 305
14.1.4 行星齿轮减速器 306
14.2 传动比分配 306
14.3 减速器的结构 308
14.4 减速器的润滑 309
Appendix A(附录A) 310
References(参考文献) 315
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