高原生物学集刊 第4集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:中国科学院西北高原生物研究所编辑
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:1985
- ISBN:13031·2998
- 页数:154 页
高寒草甸C3、C4植物叶片解剖特征的初步研究 王启基、杨福囤 1
高原生物学集刊 第4集(1985) 1
A preliminary study on the anatomical characteristics of C3、C4 plants in alpine meadow Wang Qiji and Yang Futun 10
Acta Biologica plateau Sinica No.4(1985) 10
蓝紫光对几种牧草生长和品质的影响 韩发、贲桂英 13
Effects of blue purple light on growth quality of some herbages Han Fa and Beng Cuiying 17
高山植物结构特异性的研究 王为义 19
An investigation on specific structural characteristics of alpine plants on Qinghai-Xizang plateau Wang Weiyi 32
唐古特大黄的生物学——生态学特性及其驯化的研究 王为义、周立华、林华 35
A study of biological——ecological characteristics and domestication of tangut dahuang Wang Weiyi,Zhou Lihua and Lin Hua 40
辣椒过氧化物酶及其同工酶和吲哚乙酸氧化酶与生长发育的关系 韩发 43
Relationship between peroxidase,peroxidase isoenzyme,indole acetic acid oxidase and the development of pepper Han Fa 48
高寒矮嵩草草甸结构特征及其生产量 杨福囤、陆国泉、史顺海 49
The structure characteristics and production of alpine Kobresia humilis meadow Yang Futun Lu Guoquan and Shi Shunhai 56
巴马穗唇鲃(Crossocheilus bamaensis Fang,1981)寄生指环虫(Dactylogyrus)一新种 张剑英、郭起治 57
A new species of Dactylogyrus from gills of Crossochilus bama?nsis Zhang Jianying and Guo Qizhi 59
南迦巴瓦峰地区鱼类区系的初步分析 武云飞 61
A preliminary analysis of fish fauna of Namjagbarwa Region in Xizang,China Wu Yunfei 70
云南蛙科一新种 费梁、黄永昭 71
A new species of the genus Nanorana(Amphibia:Ranidae)from northwestern Yunnan,China Fei Liang and Huang Yongzhao 75
宁夏锄足蟾科一新种——六盘齿突蟾 黄永昭 77
A new species of pelobatid toads(Amphibia:Pelobaibae)from Ningxia Hui Au-tonomous Region Huang Yongzhao 81
艾虎和香鼬活动节律的初步研究 梁杰荣、程云年 83
Studies on the daily activity rhythm of polecat and alpine weasel Liang Jierong and Cheng Yunnian 88
青海高原冷季牧地草畜平衡问题的探讨 施玉辉 89
On the balance between grass and livestock during cold season in Qinghai plateau rangeland Shi Yuhui 98
藏绵羊血红蛋白的组成及其对氧亲和力的研究 周虞灿、刘国富 99
Investigations on the components and oxygen affinity of hcmoglobin in tibetan sheep Zhou Yucan and Liu Guofu 105
高寒草甸细菌生物量的研究:Ⅱ细菌生物量的季节性动态 李家藻、朱桂如、杨涛、程双宁、李玉英 107
Study on bacterial biomass in soil of alpine meadow Ⅱ.Seasonal dynamies of bacterial biomass Li Jiazao Zhu Guiru Yang Tao Cheng Shuangning and Li Yuying 117
高寒草甸氮素代谢微生物数量及活性的季节性动态 杨涛、李家藻,朱桂如、程双宁、李玉英、叶启智 119
Studies on seasonal dynamics of the number and activity of nitrogen metabolic microorganisms in the soils of alpine meadow Yang Tao Li Jiazao Zhu Guiru Cheng Shuangning Li Yuying and Ye Qizhi 133
青海高寒草甸土壤无机磷形态组成的初步研究 赵宝莲、左克成、鲍新奎、郭建华 135
Preliminary study on the forms and the composition of soil inorganic phosphorus in alpine meadow in Qinghai province Zhao Baolian Zuo Kecheng Bao Xinkui and Guo Jianhua 139
柴达木盆地高额丰产麦田的群体特点及其形成 程大志、陈集贤、马晓明、郁海、葛菊梅 141
Characteristics and formation of high yielding population of spring wheat in Chaidamu Basin Cheng Dazhi Chen Jixian Ma Xiaoming Yu Hai and Ge Jumei 153
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