中国市场经济时代的传播战役与民族凝聚力 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈嬿如著
- 出 版 社:厦门:厦门大学出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7561518609
- 页数:426 页
Foreword 1
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Ⅰ.Introduction 1
Ⅱ.In Search of China s National Soul:Is the Nation Falling Apart? 8
1.Ideological Schism:Is There an Identity Crisis? 11
Defining Patriotism 15
Defining Nation 17
2.Party-State-Nation:Consequences of Structural Differentiation 20
3.Historical Discontinuity:A Spiritual Vacuum 24
4.Substantive Conflicts:Does the Nation Seem Fair to All? 29
Ⅲ.Reaching the Soul of the Nation:Empirical Justification for the Study 31
Chapter2 Theoretical Foundations of the Study 35
Ⅰ.Literature Review 35
1.Communication in National Development 35
2.Mass Mobilisation and National Integration:Role of Communications 40
3.Mass Campaigns:An Old Topic,A New Perspective 48
Ⅱ.Theoretical Horizons of the Study 53
1.An Overview of Prospect 53
2.Further Elaboration on Theoretical Significance of the Study 59
Chapter 3 Empirical Approaches to the Study 67
Ⅰ.Again,What Is This Study? 67
Ⅱ.Approach to the Analysis 70
1.Why These Cases? 70
2.Main Sources of Data 73
3.Basic Analytical Procedures 75
Ⅲ.Possible Outcomes 76
Chapter 4 A Nation in Action:Communication and China s Bid for Year 2000 Olympics 78
Ⅰ.Introduction-A Moment of Experience of the Nation 78
Ⅱ.Analysis-From the Bid to a Collective Experience of the Nation 81
1.Nationalising a Wish for the Bid: The Media as an Articulator 81
Table 1 People s Daily Special Forum on Olympics 89
2.Declaring-Displaying National Will:The Media as a Facilitator 91
3.Demonstrating National Work:The Media as an Integrating Interpreter 103
4.Final Presentation of Wish-Will-Work:The Nation Experienced as One 115
Table 2 Cable Messages of Support from Mass Organisations 127
5.Reaffirming National Strength and Redefining National Mission 129
Ⅲ.Conclusions 138
Table 3 Chinese State Leaders Direct Messages in Support of Beijing 142
Ⅰ.Awareness-Activation-Action:Constructing a Nation 144
Chapter 5 Beyond the Planned Campaign:Construction of the Nation in the Bid for Olympics 144
1. Spreading Awareness:The Bid Links the Nation 145
2.Activating Awareness of the Bid:Relating Individual of the Bid:Relating Individual to the Nation 149
3.Action in Support of the Bid:Mass Participation in the Nation 154
4.Aligning All the Chinese:Projecting All-inclusiveness of the Nation 165
Table 4 Reports of Support for Beijing s Bid from Hong Kong Chinese 166
Table 5 Reports of Support from overseas Chinese in Regions other than Hong Kong 167
Ⅱ. The Whole China Is Mobilised -Featured in Foreign Press 169
1.IOC s Appreciation of Beijing s Bid Report 169
2.IOC Members Quoted Impression of Beijing/China 170
Table 6 Reports on IOC Members Visits to Beijing 172
3.Reporting on the Other Bidding Cities:Beijing is Strong! 173
Table 7 Themes of Media Reports on other Bidding Cities 174
4.International Expressions of Support:Integrated into National Strength 174
5.Covering Objections to Beijing:National Will Reaffirmed 177
1.Defining the Nation:The Bid as a Process of National Integration 179
Ⅲ.Conclusions 179
2.Idealism-Pragmatism-Idealism:Metamorphosis of Promotional Thrust in Relation to the Nation 180
3.The Media s Integrating Framework for Reporting and Interpretation 182
Ⅰ.Introduction 185
Chapter 6 In Memory of Mao:Re-making a Nation Maker 185
The Emergence of Mao Craze in the 1990s 186
Ⅱ.The Commemoration:Integrating Straying Sentiments Under One Head 191
1.Re-Placing Mao s ideologies-Official Line:Continuity from Mao to Deng 193
Table 8 Official Forums Commemorating Mao 196
2.Reinterpreting Mao s Ideologies:Academic Line Integrated with Patry Line 203
3.Re-enacting Mao s Personal Image:Mao and His People as One 207
4.Mass Participation? 216
Ⅲ.Conclusions:Integrating Mao into Post-Mao China 218
1.A Noncampaign Campaign:Notes on the Process 218
2.Levels of Integration Manifest in the Process 219
3.The Campaign and the Identity-Strength-Mission of the Nation 222
Ⅰ.Introduction:A Fully Planned Case 225
Chapter 7 Revealing the National Soul:50th Anniversary of Victory over Japanese Aggression 225
Ⅱ.The Analysis:History as Resources for National Integration 229
1.Reenactment of History:A Portrait of Collective Resistance 232
2.Interpretation of History:How to Place the Actors in the Portrait 245
3.Abstraction of Patriotic Theme from History:Interaction Between the People and the Nation 250
Table 9 Theoretical Abstractions of Patriotism 252
4.Direction for the Campaign:Towards a Guided Conception of Nation 253
Table 10 Directives for Patriotic Education from Leaders and Experts 255
5.Sublimation:The Moments Glorified-Reaching the Soul of the Nation 265
6.Immortalisation:Preserving References to the National Soul 268
Ⅲ. Conclusions 274
Chapter 8 Conclusions 279
Ⅰ.Changing Environment of Campaigns 280
Ⅱ.Comparative Analysis of Mechanisms of Campaigns 287
National Time and National Space:Grounded Concepts 291
Table 11 A Summary Comparison of Three Campaigns 294
Ⅲ.Campaigns and the Construction of Nation 294
Ⅳ.National Integration:Concertedness,Continuity,Compatibility 301
Ⅴ.Role of the Media in the Campaigns 306
Ⅵ. Communications and National Integration Revisited 312
Chapter 9 Revelations from Recent Campaigns 327
Ⅰ.A Campaign That Started After Its Conclusion:Bid for Year 2008 Olympics 328
1.The Bidding Campaign Became a Celebration Campaign 333
2.Comparing the Bid for Year 2000 Olympics and Bid for Year 2008 Olympics 344
Ⅱ.Demonstrating National Strength:50th Anniversary of the PRC 350
Ⅲ.Strengthening the Party:Celebrating CPC S 80th Anniversary 355
Ⅳ.Calls for National Unity and Stability:Three Campaigns Against Negative Forces(1999) 363
1.Harnessing National Emotions:Campaign Against U.S. Hegemony 364
2.Promoting National Integration: Campaign Against Two Nations Theory 370
3.Uniting All Against One Evil:Campaign Against Falun Gong Cult 373
Ⅴ.All People of One Heart:Campaign Against the Flood in 1998 381
Ⅵ.Revelations on Propaganda Techniques from the Campaigns 394
Concluding Remarks 401
References 409
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