计算机组成 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:22 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)Carl Hamacher等著
- 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7111103467
- 页数:805 页
1.1 Computer Types 2
1.2 Functional Units 3
1.2.1 Input Unit 4
1.2.2 Memory Unit 4
1.2.3 Arithmetic and Logic Unit 5
1.2.4 Output Unit 6
1.2.5 Control Unit 6
1.3 Basic Operational Concepts 7
1.4 Bus Structures 9
1.5 Software 10
1.6 Performance 13
1.6.2 Basic Performance Equation 14
1.6.1 Processor Clock 14
1.6.3 Pipelining and Superscalar Operation 15
1.6.4 Clock Rate 16
1.6.5 Instruction Set:CISC and RISC 16
1.6.6 Compiler 17
1.6.7 Performance Measurement 17
1.7 Multiprocessors and Multicomputers 18
1.8 Historical Perspective 19
1.8.1 The First Generation 19
1.8.2 The Second Generation 20
1.8.3 The Third Generation 20
1.8.4 The Fourth Generation 20
1.8.5 Beyond the Fourth Generation 21
1.8.6 Evolution of Performance 21
1.9 Concluding Remarks 21
Problems 22
References 23
2.1 Numbers,Arithmetic Operations,and Characters 27
2.1.1 Number Representation 27
2.1.2 Addition of Positive Numbers 28
2.1.3 Addition and Subtraction of Sigued Numbers 29
2.1.4 Overflow in Intege rArithmetic 32
2.1.5 Characters 33
2.2 Memory Locations and Addresses 33
2.2.1 Byte Addressability 33
2.2.2 Big-endian and Little-endian Assignments 35
2.2.4 Accessing Numbers,Characters,and Character Strings 36
2.3 Memory Operations 36
2.2.3 Word Alignment 36
2.4 Instructions and Instruction Sequencing 37
2.4.1 Register Transfer Notation 37
2.4.2 Assembly Language Notation 38
2.4.3 Basic Instruction Types 38
2.4.4 Instruction Execution and Straight-Line Sequencing 42
2.4.5 Branching 44
2.4.6 Condition Codes 46
2.4.7 Generating Memory Addresses 47
2.5 Addressing Modes 48
2.5.1 Implementation of Variables and Constants 49
2.5.2 Indirection and Pointers 50
2.5.3 Indexing and Arrays 52
2.5.4 Relative Addressing 56
2.5.5 Additional Modes 56
2.6 Assembly Language 58
2.6.1 Assembler Directives 59
2.6.2 Assembly and Execution of Programs 62
2.6.3 Number Notation 64
2.7 Basic Input/Output Operations 64
2.8 Stacks and Queues 68
2.9 Subroutines 72
2.9.1 Subroutine Nesting and the Processor Stack 73
2.9.2 Parameter Passing 74
2.9.3 The Stack Frame 75
2.10 Additional Instructions 81
2.10.1 Logic Instructions 81
2.10.2 Shift and Rotate Instructions 82
2.11.1 Vector Dot Product Program 86
2.11 Example Programs 86
2.10.3 Multiplication and Division 86
2.11.2 Byte-Sorting Program 87
2.11.3 Linked Lists 89
2.12 Encoding of Machine Instructions 94
2.13 Concluding Remarks 98
Problems 98
Part Ⅰ The ARM Example 104
3.1 Registers,Memory Access,and Data Transfer 104
3.1.1 Register Structure 105
3.1.2 Memory Access Instructions and Addressing Modes 106
3.1.3 Register Move Instructions 113
3.2 Arithmetic and Logic Instructions 113
3.2.1 Arithmetic Instructions 113
3.2.2 Logic Instructions 115
3.3 Branch Instructions 116
3.3.1 Setting Condition Codes 117
3.3.2 A Loop Program fof Adding Numbers 118
3.4 Assembly Language 118
3.4.1 Pseudo-Instructions 120
3.5 I/O Operations 121
3.6 Subroutines 122
3.7 Program Examples 126
3.7.1 Vector Dot Product Program 126
3.7.2 Byte-Sorting Program 127
3.7.3 Linked-List Insertion and Deletion Subroutines 127
Part Ⅱ The 68000 Example 130
3.8.2 Addressing 131
3.8.1 The 68000 Register Structure 131
3.8 Registers and Addressing 131
3.9 Instructions 136
3.10 Assembly Language 140
3.11 Program Flow Control 141
3.11.1 Condilion Code Flags 141
3.11.2 Branch Instructions 141
3.12 I/O Operations 145
3.13 Stacks and Subroutines 146
3.14 Logic Instructions 151
3.15 Program Examples 152
3.15.1 Vector Dot Product Program 152
3.15.2 Byte-Sorting Program 153
3.15.3 Linked-List Insertion and Deletion Subroutines 154
Part Ⅲ The IA-32 Pentium Example 155
3.16.1 IA-32 Register Structure 156
3.16 Registers and Addressing 156
3.16.2 IA-32 Addressing Modes 159
3.17 IA-32 Instructions 164
3.17.1 Machine Instruction Format 168
3.18 IA-32 Assembly Language 170
3.19 Program Flow Control 171
3.19.1 Conditional Jumps and Condition Code Flags 171
3.19.2 Unconditional Jump 173
3.20 Logic and Shift/Rotate Instructions 173
3.20.1 Logic Operations 173
3.20.2 Shift and Rotate Operations 173
3.21 I/O Operations 174
3.21.1 Memory-Mapped I/O 174
3.21.2 Isolated I/O 175
3.21.3 Block Transfers 176
3.22 Subroutines 177
3.23 Other Instructions 182
3.23.1 Multiply and Divide Instructions 182
3.23.2 Multimedia Extension(MMX)Instructions 183
3.23.3 Vector(SIMD)Instructions 184
3.24 Program Examples 184
3.24.1 Vector Dot Product Program 184
3.24.2 Byte-Sorting Program 185
3.24.3 Linked-List Insertion and Deletion Subroutines 185
3.25 Concluding Remarks 188
Problems 188
References 201
4.1 Accessing I/O Devices 204
4.2 Interrupts 208
4.2.1 Interrupt Hardware 210
4.2.2 Enabling and Disabling Interrupts 211
4.2.3 Handling Multiple Devices 213
4.2.4 Controlling Device Requests 217
4.2.5 Exceptions 218
4.2.6 Use of Interrupts in Operating Systems 220
4.3 Processor Examples 224
4.3.1 ARM Interrupt Structure 224
4.3.2 68000 Interrupt Structure 229
4.3.3 Pentium Interrupt Structure 231
4.4 Direct Memory Access 234
4.4.1 Bus Arbitration 237
4.5 Buses 240
4.5.1 Synchronous Bus 241
4.5.2 Asynchronous Bus 244
4.5.3 Discussion 247
4.6 Interface Circuits 248
4.6.1 Parallel Port 248
4.6.2 Serial Port 257
4.7 Standard I/O Interfaces 259
4.7.1 Peripheral Component Interconnect(PCI)Bus 261
4.7.2 SCSI Bus 266
4.7.3 Universal Serial Bus(USB) 272
4.8 Concluding Remarks 283
Problems 283
References 289
5.1 Some Basic Concepts 292
5.2.1 Internal Organization of Memory Chips 295
5.2 Semiconductor RAM Memories 295
5.2.2 Static Memories 297
5.2.3 Asynchronous Drams 299
5.2.4 Synchronous DRAMs 302
5.2.5 Structure of Larger Memories 305
5.2.6 Memory System Considerations 307
5.2.7 Rambus Memory 308
5.3 Read-Only Memories 309
5.3.1 ROM 310
5.3.2 PROM 311
5.3.3 EPROM 311
5.3.4 EEPROM 311
5.3.5 Flash Memory 312
5.4 Speed,Size,and Cost 313
5.5 Cache Memories 314
5.5.1 Mapping Functions 316
5.5.2 Replacement Algorithms 321
5.5.3 Example of Mapping Techniques 322
5.5.4 Examples of Caches in Commerciai Processors 325
5.6 Performance Considerations 329
5.6.1 Interleaving 330
5.6.2 Hit Rate and Miss Penalty 332
5.6.3 Caches on the Processor Chip 334
5.6.4 Other Enhancements 335
5.7 Virtual Memories 337
5.7.1 Address Translation 339
5.8 Memory Management Requirements 343
5.9 Secondary Storage 344
5.9.1 Magnetic Hard Disks 344
5.9.2 Optical Disks 352
5.9.3 Magnetic Tape Systems 358
5.10 Concluding Remarks 359
Problems 360
References 366
Chapter 6 ARITHMETIC 367
6.1 Addition and Subtraction of Signed Numbers 368
6.1.1 Addition/Subtraction Logic Unit 369
6.2 Design of Fast Adders 371
6.2.1 Carry-Lookahead Addition 372
6.3 Multiplication of Positive Numbers 376
6.4 Signed-Operand Multiplication 380
6.4.1 Booth Algorithm 380
6.5 Fast Multiplication 383
6.5.1 Bit-Pair Recoding of Multipliers 384
6.5.2 Carry-Save Addition of Summands 385
6.6 Integer Division 390
6.7 Floating-Point Numbers and Operations 393
6.7.1 IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Numbers 394
6.7.2 Arithmetic Operations on Floating-Point Numbers 398
6.7.3 Guard Bits and Truncation 399
6.7.4 Implementing Floating-Point Operations 400
6.8 Concluding Remarks 403
Problems 403
References 410
7.1 Some Fundamental Concepts 412
7.1.1 Register Transfets 415
7.1.2 Performing an Arithmetic or Logic Operation 415
7.1.3 Fetching a Word from Memory 418
7.1.4 Storing a Word in Memory 420
7.2 Execution of a Complete Instruction 421
7.2.1 Branch Instructions 422
7.3 Multiple-Bus Organization 423
7.4 Hardwired Control 425
7.4.1 A Complete Processor 428
7.5 Microprogrammed Control 429
7.5.1 Microinstructions 432
7.5.2 Microprogram Sequencing 435
7.5.3 Wide-Branch Addressing 437
7.5.4 Microinstructions with Next-Address Field 440
7.5.5 Prefetching Microinstructions 443
7.5.6 Emulation 443
7.6 Concluding Remarks 445
Problems 446
Chapter 8 PIPELINING 453
8.1 Basic Concepts 454
8.1.1 Role of Cache Memory 456
8.1.2 Pipeline Performance 458
8.2 Data Hazards 461
8.2.1 Operand Forwarding 462
8.2.2 Handling Data Hazards in Software 464
8.2.3 Side Effects 464
8.3 Instruction Hazards 465
8.3.1 Unconditional Branches 466
8.3.2 Conditional Branches and Branch Prediction 470
8.4 Influence on Instruction Sets 476
8.4.1 Addressing Modes 476
8.4.2 Condition Codes 478
8.5 Datapath and Control Considerations 479
8.6 Superscalar Operation 481
8.6.1 Out-of-Order Execution 483
8.6.2 Execution Completion 485
8.6.3 Dispatch Operation 486
8.7 UltraSPARC Ⅱ EXAMPLE 486
8.7.1 SPARC Architecture 487
8.7.2 UltraSPARC Ⅱ 493
8.7.3 Pipeline Structure 493
8.8 Performance Considerations 503
8.8.1 Effect of Instruction Hazards 504
8.8.2 Number of Pipeline Stages 505
8.9 Concluding Remarks 506
Problems 506
Reference 509
9.1 Examples of Embedded Systems 512
9.1.1 Microwave Oven 512
9.1.2 Digital Camera 514
9.1.3 Home Telemetry 516
9.2 Processor Chips for Embedded Applications 517
9.3 A Simple Microcontroller 518
9.3.1 Parallel I/O Ports 518
9.3.2 Serial I/O Interface 521
9.3.3 Counter/Timer 523
9.3.4 Interrupt Control Mechanism 525
9.4 Programming Considerations 525
9.4.1 Polling Approach 526
9.4.2 Interrupt Approach 529
9.5 I/O Device Timing Constraints 531
9.5.1 C Program for Transfer via a Circular Buffer 533
9.5.2 Assembly Language Program for Transfer via a Circular Buffer 534
9.6 Reaction Timer-An Example 535
9.6.1 C Program for the Reaction Timer 537
9.6.2 Assembly Language Program for the Reaction Timer 537
9.6.3 Final Comments 541
9.7 Embedded Processor Families 541
9.7.1 Microcontrollers Based on the Intel 8051 542
9.7.2 Motorola Microcontrollers 542
9.7.3 ARM Microcontrollers 543
9.8 Design Issues 544
9.9 System-on-a-Chip 546
9.9.1 FPGA Implementation 547
9.10 Concluding Remarks 549
Problems 550
References 552
10.1 Input Devices 554
10.1.1 Keyboard 554
10.1.2 Mouse 555
10.1.3 Trackball,Joystick,and Touchpad 556
10.1.4 Scanners 557
10.2 Output Devices 558
10.2.1 Video Displays 558
10.2.2 Flat-Panel Displays 559
10.2.3 Printers 560
10.2.4 Graphics Accelerators 561
10.3 Serial Communication Links 563
10.3.1 Asynchronous Transmission 566
10.3.2 Synchronous Transmission 568
10.3.3 Standard Communications Interfaces 571
10.4 Concluding Remarks 574
Problems 575
11.1 The ARM Family 579
11.1.1 The Thumb Instruction Set 579
11.1.2 Processor and CPU Cores 580
11.2 The Motorola 680X0 and ColdFire Families 582
11.2.1 68020 Processor 582
11.2.2 Enhancements in 68030 and 68040 Processors 584
11.2.4 The ColdFire Family 585
11.3 The Intel IA-32 Family 585
11.2.3 68060 Processor 585
11.3.1 IA-32 Memory Segmentation 586
11.3.2 Sixteen-Bit Mode 588
11.3.3 80386 and 80486 Processors 588
11.3.4 Pentium Processor 589
11.3.5 Pentium Pro Processor 589
11.3.6 Pentium Ⅱand Ⅲ Processors 590
11.3.7 Pentium 4 Processor 590
11.3.8 Advanced Micro Devices IA-32 Processors 591
11.4 The PowerPC Family 591
11.4.1 Register Set 591
11.4.2 Memory Addressing Modes 592
11.4.3 Instructions 592
11.4.4 PowerPC Processors 592
11.5 The Sun Microsystems SPARC Family 594
11.6.1 Instruction and Addressing Mode Formats 596
11.6 The Compaq Alpha Family 596
11.6.2 Alpha 21064 Processor 597
11.6.3 Alpha 21164 Processor 597
11.6.4 Alpha 21264 Processor 597
11.7 The Intel IA-64 Family 598
11.7.1 Instruction Bundles 598
11.7.2 Conditional Execution 598
11.7.3 Speculative Loads 600
11.7.4 Registers and the Register Stack 600
11.7.5 Itanium Processor 602
11.8 A Stack Processor 603
11.8.1 Stack Structure 604
11.8.2 Stack Instructions 606
11.8.3 Hardware Registers in the Stack 610
Problems 612
11.9 Concluding Remarks 612
References 614
12.1 Forms of Parallel Processing 619
12.1.1 Classification of Parallel Structures 619
12.2 Array Processors 620
12.3 The Structure of General-Purpose Multiprocessors 622
12.4 Interconnection Networks 624
12.4.1 Single Bus 624
12.4.2 Crossbar Networks 625
12.4.3 Multistage Networks 626
12.4.4 Hypercube Networks 628
12.4.5 Mesh Networks 630
12.4.6 Tree Networks 630
12.4.7 Ring Networks 631
12.4.8 Practical Considerations 632
12.4.9 Mixed Topology Networks 636
12.4.10 Symmetric Multiprocessors 636
12.5 Memory Organization in Multiprocessors 637
12.6 Program Parallelism and Shared Variables 638
12.6.1 Accessing Shared Variables 640
12.6.2 Cache Coherence 641
12.6.3 Need for Locking and Cache Coherence 645
12.7 Multicomputers 645
12.7.1 Local Area Networks 646
12.7.2 Ethemet(CSMA/CD)Bus 646
12.7.3 Token Ring 647
12.7.4 Network of Workstations 647
12.8.1 Shared Memory Case 648
12.8 Programmer's View of Shared Memory and Message Passing 648
12.8.2 Message-Passing Case 651
12.9 Performance Considerations 653
12.9.1 Amdahl's Law 654
12.9.2 Performance Indicators 656
12.10 Concluding Remarks 656
Problems 657
References 660
A.1 Basic Logic Functions 662
A.1.1 Electronic Logic Gates 665
A.2 Synthesis of Logic Functions 666
A.3 Minimization of Logic Expressions 668
A.3.1 Minimization Using Karnaugh Maps 671
A.4 Synthesis with NAND and NOR Gates 674
A.3.2 Don't-Care Conditions 674
A.5 Practical Implementation of Logic Gates 678
A.5.1 CMOS Circuits 681
A.5.2 Propagation Delay 686
A.5.3 Fan-In and Fan-Out Constraints 687
A.5.4 Tri-state Buffers 687
A.5.5 Integrated Circuit Packages 688
A.6 Flip-Flops 690
A.6.1 Gated Latches 690
A.6.2 Master-Slave Flip-Flop 694
A.6.3 Edge Triggering 694
A.6.4 T Flip-Flop 697
A.6.5 JK Flip-Flop 697
A.6.6 Flip-Flops with Preset and Clear 698
A.7 Registers and Shift Registers 699
A.8 Counters 702
A.9 Decoders 703
A.10 Multiplexers 705
A.11 Programmable Logic Devices(PLDs) 705
A.11.1 Programmable Logic Array(PLA) 707
A.11.2 Programmable Array Logic(PAL) 710
A.11.3 Complex Programmable Logic Devices(CPLDs) 711
A.12 Field-Programmable Gate Arrays 712
A.13 Sequential Circuits 714
A.13.1 An Example of an Up/Down Counter 714
A.13.2 Timing Diagrams 718
A.13.3 The Finite State Machine Model 719
A.13.4 Synthesis of Finite State Machines 720
Problems 724
A.14 Concluding Remarks 724
References 731
B.1 Instruction Encoding 734
B.1.1 Arithmetic and Logic Instructions 734
B.1.2 Memory Load and Store Instructions 741
B.1.3 Block Load and Store Instructions 744
B.1.4 Branch and Branch with Link Instructions 747
B.1.5 Machine Control Instructions 747
B.2 Other ARM Instructions 750
B.2.1 Coprocessor Instructions 750
B.2.2 Versions v4 and v5 Instructions 750
B.3 Programming Experiments 750
D.1 Instruction Encoding 770
D.1.1 Addressing Modes 772
D.2 Basic Instructions 773
D.2.1 Conditional Jump Instructions 782
D.2.2 Unconditional Jump Instructions 782
D.3 Prefix Bytes 782
D.4 Other Instructions 783
D.4.1 String Instructions 783
D 4.2 Floating-Point,MMX,and SSE Instructions 784
D.5 Sixteen-Bit Operation 785
D.6 Programming Experiments 785
E.1 Character Codes 790
E.2 Decimal-to-Binary Conversion 793
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