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北京大学法学百科全书  宪法学  行政法学

北京大学法学百科全书 宪法学 行政法学PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:23 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:肖蔚云,姜明安主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1999
  • ISBN:7301036949
  • 页数:862 页
《北京大学法学百科全书 宪法学 行政法学》目录

前言 1

凡例 1

宪法学辞条分类目录(中外文对照) 1

行政法学辞条分类目录(中外文对照) 1

辞条汉语拼音索引 1

正文 1

辞条汉字笔画索引 829

本卷编后记 862

宪法学辞条分类目录(中外文对照) 515

宪法学(science of constitutional law) 515

宪法(constitution) 496

宪法基础理论(the basic theory of constitution) 506

宪法规范(norm of constitution) 506

宪法性法律(constitutional law) 511

宪法性文件(constitutional documents) 511

宪法惯例(constitutional practice) 505

宪法判例(cases in constitutional law) 510

根本法(fundamental law) 138

国家法(national law) 171

基本法(basic statues,basic laws) 219

宪法意识(constitutional consciousness) 519

宪法观念(constitutional sense) 505

〔宪法的产生和发展〕 500

宪法的产生(the evolution of constitution) 500

宪政(constitutionalism) 520

宪政运动(constitutionalist movement) 520

英国宪法的产生(the evolution of the British constitution) 673

美国宪法的产生(the evolution of the constitution of the United States) 299

法国宪法的产生(the evolution of the French constitution) 101

苏俄宪法的产生(the evolution of the Soviet Russian cnstitution) 438

苏联宪法的产生(the evolution of the constitution of the Soviet Union) 440

宪法的发展(development of constitution) 501

日本宪法的发展(development of Japanese constitution) 380

德国宪法的发展(development of German constitution) 53

意大利宪法的发展(development of Italian constitution) 663

埃及宪法的发展(development of Egyptian constitution) 1

印度宪法的发展(development of Indian constitution) 667

东盟五国宪法的发展(development of the constitutions of Association of Southeast Asian Nations) 82

中国宪法的发展(development of Chinese constitution) 726

宪法发展的趋势(trend of the constitutional development) 504

宪法危机(constitutional crisis) 510

〔宪法的本质和类型〕 499

宪法的本质(nature of the constitution) 499

宪法的类型(kinds of constitutional laws) 502

社会主义类型的宪法(the socialist constitution) 402

资本主义类型的宪法(the capitalist constitution) 816

虚构的宪法(fictitious constitution)(见有名无实的宪法) 627

宪法的分类(classification of constitutional laws) 501

成文宪法(written constitution) 29

不成文宪法(unwritten constitution) 18

形式意义上的宪法(formal constitution) 627

实质意义上的宪法(substantive constitution) 415

广义的宪法(constitution of wide meaning) 163

狭义的宪法(constitution of narrow meaning) 490

刚性宪法(rigid constitution) 131

柔性宪法(flexible constitution) 389

钦定宪法(imperially ordered constitution,constitution made by imperial order) 342

协定宪法(conventional constitution) 526

民定宪法(popularly voted constitution) 305

标语宪法(slogan constitution) 16

有名无实的宪法(nominal constitution) 683

一院制宪法(unicameral constitution) 648

两院制宪法(bicameral constitution) 282

三权宪法(three-power constitution) 393

五权宪法(five-power constitution) 488

分权宪法(constitution on the basis of separation of powers) 119

从属宪法(subordinate constitution) 39

最高宪法(supreme constitution) 827

欠缺修改规定的宪法(constitution lacking stipulation of amendment) 338

古代宪法(ancient constitution) 160

近代宪法(modern constitution) 244

现代宪法(modern constitution 493

平时宪法(peace-period constitution) 327

战时宪法(wartime constitutin) 693

派生宪法(derivative constitution) 324

原始宪法(original constitution) 691

议会制宪法(parliamentarism constitution) 659

总统制宪法(presidential constitution) 824

纲领性宪法(programmatic constitution) 131

确认性宪法(confirmed constitution) 361

活的宪法(living constitution) 216

君主制宪法与共和制宪法(monarchic constitution and republican constitution) 267

单一制宪法与联邦制宪法(unitary constitution and federal constitution) 47

社会改良主义宪法(social-reformism constitution) 399

君主立宪主义宪法(constitutional-monarchism constitution) 266

政治自由主义宪法(political-liberalism constitution) 701

独立民族主义宪法(independent-nationalism constitution) 83

横仿宪法(imitative constitution)(见派生宪法) 317

条约宪法(conventional constitution) 453

宪法的基本原则(the basic principles of constitution) 502

国家在过渡时期的总任务(general national task in transitional period) 193

建设社会主义的总路线(general line of socialist construction) 231

以经济建设为中心(taking economic construction as the heart of the matter) 652

四项基本原则(four cardinal principles) 436

改革开放(reform and opening to the world) 130

民主集中制(democratic centralism) 308

民族平等和民族团结(national equality and unity) 310

法治原则(principle of rule of law) 115

保护公有制(protection of public property) 10

国家主权(national sovereignty) 195

主权在民(popular sovereignty) 811

三权分立(separation of powers) 393

分权原则(principle of separation of powers) 119

分权与制衡(separation of powers with check and balance)(见分权原则) 119

法治主义(rule of law)(见法治原则) 115

议会主权(parliamentary sovereignty) 660

法律主权与政治主权(legal sovereignty and political sovereignty) 114

保障私有制(protection of private property) 11

公民权利和自由的保障(protection of citizens rights and freedoms) 148

民有、民治、民享(of the people,by the people,for the people) 307

民主制度化、法律化(systematization and legalization of democracy) 309

宪法结构(structure of constitution) 506

宪法序言(preamble of constitution) 515

宪法正文(mainbody of constitution) 519

总纲(general programme) 822

附则(supplementary articles) 121

过渡条款(the transitional provisions) 207

宪法修正案(the amendment of constitution) 514

〔宪法的制定和修改〕 709

制宪权(power of constitution-making) 709

制宪机关(constitution-making organ) 709

制宪程序(constitution-making procedure) 707

制宪的指导思想(guiding ideology for formulation of constitution) 708

宪法修改(amendment of constitution) 511

宪法修改方式(method of the amendment of constitution) 512

宪法修改程序(procedure of the amendment of constitution) 512

宪法修改机关(organ of the amendment of constitution) 513

宪法修改界限(limit of the amendment of constitution) 513

宪法修改的效力(effect of the amendment of constitution) 512

宪法的中止(the suspension of constitution) 504

宪法的变迁(changes of constitution) 499

宪法解释(interpretation of cnstitution) 507

宪法解释方法(method of the interpretation of constitution) 510

宪法解释的作用(significance of the interpretation of constitution) 509

宪法解释的原则(principles of the interpretation of constitution) 509

宪法解释的机关(organ of the interpretation of constitution) 508

宪法解释的效力(validity of the interpretation of constitution) 509

有权解释(authorized interpretation) 684

正式与非正式解释(formal and informal interpretation) 695

立法解释(legislative interpretation) 279

司法解释(judicial interpretation) 432

行政解释(administrative interpretation) 584

学理解释(academic interpretation) 635

违宪解释(interpretation of constitutionality) 473

宪法的保障(protection of constitution) 499

宪法的效力(validity of constitution) 504

超宪法权力(super-constitution power) 27

宪法之非法性变动(illegal changes of constitution) 519

合宪(constitutional) 211

违宪(unconstitutional) 473

违宪判决的效果(effect of judgment of constitutionality) 474

司法审查(judicial review) 432

违宪审查(constitutional review) 474

条约的违宪审查(constitutional review of convention) 453

形式审查权(power of formal review) 627

宪法控诉(constitutional complaint) 510

宪法诉讼(constitutional litigation) 510

宪法的守卫者(custodian of constitution) 504

社会监督(social supervision) 399

宪法节(constitution day) 506

事先审查(ex ante review) 420

事后审查(ex post facto review) 419

国家性质(state nature) 191

国家制度(state system) 195

国体(state nature)(见国家性质) 198

国家的根本制度(fundamental system of a country) 171

主权国(sovereign state) 811

半国家(quasi-state) 9

半殖民地半封建国家(semi-colonial,semi-feudal country) 9

单一民族国家(single-national country) 47

统一的多民族国家(unitary multi-national country) 455

教皇国(pontiff state) 234

选定君主国(chosen monarchical state) 627

教长国(imamate) 234

政教合一(coesaropapism) 699

政教分离(separation of the religion from politics) 699

人合国(personal union)(见身合国) 362

身合国(personal union) 409

组合国(combination state) 825

政合国(real union) 699

有限君主国(limited monarch state) 685

人民民主(people s democracy) 370

人民民主国家(people s democratic state) 371

人民民主统一战线(united front of people s democracy) 371

革命统一战线(revolutionary united front) 136

抗日民族统一战线(national united front of Anti-Japanese) 269

爱国统一战线(patriotic united front) 1

人民民主专政(people s democratic dictatorship) 371

无产阶级专政(proletarian dictatorship) 486

工人阶级(working class) 139

工农联盟(worker-peasant alliance) 138

知识分子(intellectual) 701

人民民主专政的国家职能(state function of people s democratic dictatorship) 372

人民民主专政国家任务(state task of people s democratic dictatorship) 373

工农民主专政(democratic dictatorship of the workers and peasants) 139

专政对象(object of dictatorship) 814

民主原则(democratic principle) 309

无产阶级专政下继续革命的理论(theory of continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat) 486

有中国特色社会主义的理论(theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics) 685

独立自主的外交政策(diplomatic policy of independence) 84

经济制度(economic system) 249

以公有制为主体的多种经济形式(multiple patterns of economy with public ownership as principal part) 652

社会主义公有制(system of socialist public ownership) 401

社会主义全民所有制(socialist ownership by the whole people) 404

社会主义劳动群众集体所有制(socialist collective ownership by the working masses) 402

生产资料所有制的社会主义改造(socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production) 412

国营经济(state-operated economy) 206

国有经济(state-owned economy) 206

自然资源(natural resource) 818

城乡劳动者个体经济(individual economy of the urban and rural working people) 31

私营经济(private economy) 435

外商独资经济(economy of own investment by foreign traders) 468

中外合资经济(Chinese-foreign joint economy) 803

中外合作经济(Chinese-foreign cooperative economy) 804

政社合一(integration of government administration with commune management) 699

三级所有,队为基础(tri-level ownership of capital goods and products) 392

人民公社(the people s commune) 367

农业生产合作社(agricultural production co-operatives) 322

生产、供销、信用、消费等各种形式的合作经济(multiple pattems of co-operative economy of production,supply and marketing) 412

企业组织(enterprise) 337

社会主义市场经济(socialist market economy) 405

计划经济(planned economy) 221

计划经济与市场调节相结合(combination of planned economy and market forces) 222

计划经济为主,市场调节为辅(relying maionly on planned economy with market adjustment subsiding) 222

土地所有权(land ownership) 459

土地征用(land requisition) 460

土地转让(land transfer) 460

土地使用权(right of land use) 458

出租土地(lease land) 36

批租土地(lease land) 325

经营管理自主权(decision-making power in operation and management) 250

职工代表大会(conference of the workers representatives) 704

以按劳分配为主体的多种分配形式(multiple pattems of distribution with distribution according to labour as principal parts) 651

社会主义分配原则(socialist distribution principle) 400

社会主义公共财产(socialist common property) 401

公民合法财产(citizens legal property) 147

私有财产继承权(right of inheritance of private property) 435

家庭副业(household sideline production) 226

宅基地(house sites) 693

自留地、自留山、自留畜(land allocated for personal needs,hilly land allocated for private use,livestock for personal needs) 817

家庭联产承包责任制(household contract responsibility system) 226

直接税(direct tax) 703

间接税(indirect tax) 230

〔港、澳〕 817

资本主义制度和生活方式【香港 澳门】(capitalist system and way of life,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 817

量入为出(keeping expenditure within the limits of revenues) 282

低税政策(low tax policy) 62

自由港(free port) 820

旅游娱乐业【澳门】(tourism and recreation,Macao SAR) 285

单独关税地区(separate customs territory) 46

出口配额(export quotas) 35

土地契约【香港 澳门】(land leases,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 457

产地来源证【香港 澳门】(certificate of origin for products,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 26

〔精神文明〕 401

社会主义精神文明建设(culture and ideology of socialism) 401

资本主义精神文明(culture and ideology of capitalism) 816

五爱教育(five-love education)(见社会主义精神文明建设) 488

双百方针(double-hundred guiding principle) 424

文化建设(cultural construction)(见社会主义精神文明建设) 482

思想建设(ideological construction)(见社会主义精神文明建设) 436

物质文明(material civilization)(见社会主义精神文明建设) 489

义务教育(compulsory education) 653

城乡群众公约(convention on the masses of the city and countryside) 32

国家形式(form of state) 190

国家结构形式(state structgural pattern) 178

单一制(unitary state system) 47

联邦制(federal state) 479

复合制(multi-mode system) 121

邦联(confederation) 10

地方自治(local autonomy) 72

高度自治权(a high degree of autonomy) 133

一国两制(one country,two systems) 645

行政区域划分(administrative division) 600

中央集权(centralization) 806

地方分权(decentralization) 63

州保留权(residual powers of the states) 810

剩余权力(residual power) 415

联邦和州共有权(common power of federation and states) 279

中央和地方专属权(exclusive power of the central and local govenment) 806

建置(organizational system) 231

省(province) 414

自治区(autonomous region) 820

直辖市(municipality directly under the central government) 703

省、自治区人民政府派出机关(detatched agencies of the people s government of provinces and autonomous regions) 414

自治州(autonomous prefecture) 821

县(county) 491

自治县(autonomous county) 821

市(city) 417

区(district) 343

设区的市(city divided into districts) 398

不设区的市(city not divided into districts) 18

省、自治区人民政府所在地的市(city with the people s government of provinces and autonomous regions located) 414

较大的市(bigger cities) 234

州(prefecture) 810

市辖区(district under the city government) 418

区公所(subcounty administrative office) 343

乡(township) 520

民族乡(national township) 314

镇(town) 694

经济特区(economic special zone) 248

特别行政区(special administrative region) 449

经济开发区(economic development zone) 248

基层政权(primary political power) 220

居民委员会(residents committee) 259

居民会议(residents meeting) 258

居民小组(residents group) 259

村民委员会(villagers committee) 40

村民会议(villagers meeting) 40

街道办事处(subdistrict administrative office) 238

专员公署(commissioner s office) 814

行政公署(subprovincial administrative office) 570

大行政区(grand administrative area) 42

加盟共和国(union republic) 226

自治共和国(autonomous republic) 820

边疆区(borderland region) 15

专区(subprovincial administrative region) 814

自治专区(autonomous subprovincial administrative region) 821

旗(banner,county as in Inner Mongolia) 332

盟(league,prefecture as in Inner Mongolia) 304

地方公共团体(local public group) 69

自然村(natural village) 818

中央和地方国家机构的职权划分(division of functions and powers between central and local governments) 805

民族区域自治制度(the system of regional national autonomy) 312

社会主义民族关系(socialist national relationship) 403

民族风俗习惯(national custom) 310

民族压迫(national oppression) 314

民族特点(national characteristics) 313

民族团结(national unity) 313

民族互助(national assistance among nations) 310

民族分裂(national splittism) 310

大汉族主义(Han chauvinism) 41

大民族主义(chauvinism) 41

地方民族主义(regional nationalism) 70

民族虚无主义(national nihilism) 314

民族自治地方(place of national autonomy) 315

民族自治机关的自治权(autonomy of office of national autonomy) 315

民族自决(national self-determination) 314

散居的少数民族(minority nationality living in scattered groups) 393

少数民族聚居区(compact community area of minority nationality) 398

国家政权组织形式(form of government and local governments) 194

政治制度(political system) 701

政体(form of government) 699

专制政体(dictatorial form of government) 815

独裁政体(autocracy) 83

奴隶制国家政体(form of slavery government) 323

封建制国家政体(form of feudal government) 120

资本主义国家政体(form of capitalist government) 816

二元君主制政体(dual monarchy)(见二元君主立宪制) 90

二元君主立宪制(constitutional dual monarchy) 90

君主制(monarchy) 266

君主立宪制(constitutional monarchy) 265

民主制(democratic system) 309

共和制(republicanism) 159

独裁制(dictatorial system) 83

议会制(parliamentary system) 659

总统制(presidential system) 823

委员会制(councilor government) 476

半总统制(semi-presidential system) 10

美国总统制(American presidential system) 303

责任内阁制(responsible cabinet system) 693

贵族共和制(noble republic system) 165

无限君主制(absolute monarchy) 487

议会共和制(parliamentary republic system) 658

议会君主立宪制(parliamentary monarchy) 659

人民代表大会制(people s congress system) 363

苏维埃制(soviet system) 443

巴黎公社(Paris commune) 8

议行合一(combination of legislative and executive powers) 661

工农兵代表大会制(workers,peasants and soldiers s congress system) 138

英国政体(British government form) 679

法国政体(French government form) 110

瑞士政体(Switzerland government form) 391

国王不能为非(The king can do no wrong) 198

终身制(term for life) 808

文官(civil servant) 481

国家行为(act of state) 189

国家立法权(legislative power of the nation,national legislative power) 182

一院制议会(unicameral parliament) 648

两院制议会(bicameral parliament) 282

三院制议会(three-chamber parliament) 393

议会的立法权(legislative power of parliament) 658

国家责任(state obligation) 194

立法程序(law-making procedure) 277

三读程序(three readings) 392

提案权(right to present bills) 449

议案的提出(presentation of the bill) 655

议案的审议(consideration of the bill) 655

议案的表决(voting on the bill) 654

议案的通过(adoption of the bill) 655

公布法律(law promulgation) 144

议事公开(consideration on open meetings) 660

听证会(hearing) 454

公听会(public hearing)(见听证会) 151

复议(parliamentary reconsideration) 122

议事日程(agenda) 661

议事规则(rule of legislative procedure) 661

议会中的女王(queen in parliament) 660

一事不再议(no consideration twice for the same case) 647

议会的召集(summon of parliament) 658

议会的解散(dissolution of parliament) 658

休会(adjournment of parliament) 627

公议案(public bill)(见议案) 156

私议案(private bill)(见议案) 435

全民公决(referendum) 358

委任立法(delegated legislation) 475

授权立法(authorized legislation) 423

议事规程(rule of legislative procedure)(见议事规则) 661

列席(nonvoting attendance) 282

提名(nomination) 450

议案(bill of parliament) 654

法案(legislative bill) 93

法律案(bill of legislation) 112

罢免案(bill of recall) 8

公告(proclamation,announcement) 144

主席令(order of the president) 811

决定(decision) 261

命令(order) 317

地方性法规和决议(local regulations and decisions) 71

自治条例(autonomy regulations) 821

单行条例(specific regulations) 47

基本法律(basic statutes) 219

备案制度(on file) 13

抵触(contravention) 62

发回(issue-back) 91

改变和撤销(alteration and annulment) 130

无溯及力(non-retroaction) 487

不适当的决定(inappropriate decisions) 18

公权剥夺令(act of attaionder) 149

最高法律(supreme law) 825

全权委任状(carte blanche certificate) 358

人民代表资格(qualification of the people s deputies) 365

人民代表的任期(tenure of the people s deputies) 364

人民代表的辞职(resignation of the people s deputies) 364

人民代表的特别权利(privileges of the people s deputies) 364

议员的特权和豁免权(privileges and immunities of the parliamentary members) 662

议员的惩罚(discipline to the parliamentary members) 661

请假制度(asking for leave by representatives) 343

发言和表决(speaking and voting) 92

人大代表的职务(duties of the people s deputies) 362

代表在人大会议期间的工作(jobs of deputies in the course of the convention of the people s congress) 45

代表在人大闭会期间的活动(activities of deputies during the adjournment of the people s congress) 45

停止执行代表职务(suspension of performance of deputy s duties) 454

代表资格的终止(termination of the qualification of deputy)(见人民代表资格) 45

代表提出的议案(bills submitted by deputies) 44

县级以上各级人大代表视察制度(inspection system for deputies from local people s congresses at and above the county level) 492

组成代表小组的原则(rule to form the deputies group) 824

代表执行职务的保障(guarantees for deputies in duty) 45

议会的财政权(financial power of parliament) 657

国家预算的审查和批准(examination and approval of the state budget) 192

国民经济和社会发展计划的审查与批准(examination and approval of the plan for national economic and social development) 197

临时拨款(ad hoc appropriation) 283

预备费(reserve) 687

议会的监督权(supervisory power of parliament) 657

信任案(resolution of confidence) 528

不信任案(resolution of non-confidence) 18

弹劾案(articles of impeachment) 448

弹劾(impeachment) 448

建设性不信任投票(constructive non-confidence voting) 231

质询(questions) 712

普通质询(ordinary questions) 329

星标质询(star question) 529

询问(inquiry) 638

质问(interogation) 712

倒阁权(power of overthrowing the cabinet) 48

组织特定问题的调查委员会(appointing committees of inquiry into specific questions) 825

瑞典的监察专员制度(Ombudsman in Sweden) 390

大臣助言制(ministerial assistance) 41

大赦(amnesty) 41

赦免(pardon) 407

特赦(special pardon) 449

军衔制度(system of titles and ranks for military) 263

外交人员衔级制度(system of titles and ranks for diplomatic personnel) 467

国家荣誉称号(state titles of honour) 186

中华人民共和国名誉主席(honorary president of the People s Republic of China) 766

戒严(martial law) 239

戒严法(martial law) 239

戒严令(order of martial law) 240

全国总动员(general mobilization) 358

宣布战争状态(proclamation of the state of war) 627

紧急状态(state of emergency) 244

国家勋章(state medal) 191

条约和重要协定(treaties and important agreements) 453

驻外全权代表(plenipotentiary representatives abroad) 812

外交事务(foreign affairs) 467

对外事务(foreign affairs) 88

行政权(administrative powers) 601

精简原则(principle of simplification) 250

工作责任制(system of responsibility for work) 141

行政机构编制(establishment of administrative organs) 577

总理负责制(overall responsibility of the premier) 823

内阁组织原则(organic principles of the cabinet) 320

内阁总辞职(general resignation of the cabinet) 319

内阁全体一致原则(principle of cabinet unanimity) 319

有限政府(limited government) 685

责任政府(responsible government) 693

摄政(regency) 407

国家行政机关首长负责制(responsibility of the principals of state administrative agencies) 190

相对否决权(relative veto power) 521

搁延否决权(delayed veto power) 135

口袋否决权(pocket veto power) 273

行政协定(executive agreement) 608

内阁会议(cabinet meetings) 319

国情咨文(state of the union message) 198

签署(signature) 338

副署(countersignature) 129

连署(joint signature) 279

连带责任(joint responsibility) 279

审计监督(supervision through auditing) 410

中央军事委员会主席负责制(overall responsibility of the chairman of the Central Military Commission) 807

军事管制(martial law) 264

考试权(examination power) 269

行政法规(administrative regulation) 552

行政规章(administrative rule) 573

官僚主义(bureaucracy) 161

司法权(judicial power) 432

司法独立(judicial independence) 430

审判权(judicial authority) 411

审判独立(independence of trial and decision) 410

司法豁免(immunity from jurisdiction) 430

陪审制度(jury system) 324

四级两审终审制(four-level court and final decision in the second level court) 436

初审(first instance) 36

终审权(final jurisdiction) 809

上诉(appeal) 397

判决(decision) 324

裁定(holding) 23

公开审判(public trial) 145

审判监督程序(procedure of adjudication supervision) 411

人民法院的任务(task of the people s court) 365

人民法院的职权(duty of the people s court) 367

人民法院的审判工作原则(functional principles of the people s court) 365

人民法院的组织系统(organization of the people s court) 367

检察权(procuratorial power) 229

追诉(prosecution) 815

侦查(detect) 694

公诉(public prosecution) 151

复核(review) 122

司法监督(judicial supervision) 431

审判监督(adjudication supervision) 410

人民检察院的任务(task of the people s procuratorates) 368

人民检察院的职权(duty of the people s procuratorates) 368

人民检察院的工作原则(functional principles of the people s procuratorates) 367

人民检察院的组织系统(organization of the people s procuratorates) 368

〔公民的基本权利和义务〕 146

公民(citizenship) 146

国民(citizen) 196

人民(people) 363

居民(resident) 258

村民(villager) 40

市民(city resident,urban inhabitants,townspeople) 418

公民权(civil rights) 147

人权(human right) 375

国籍(nationality) 167

国籍的恢复(resumption of nationality) 168

出生地主义(Jus soll) 35

血统主义(Jus sanguinis) 638

未成年人(juvenile) 480

外国人(foreigner) 464

国籍取得的混合原则(mixed principle of acquirement of nationality) 169

无国籍人(stateless person) 487

公民的基本权利和自由(fundamental rights and freedoms of citizen)(见公民权) 147

基本权利(fundamental rights) 219

基本义务(fundamental duties) 220

公权利(public right) 149

公义务(public obligation) 156

法律权利(legal right) 114

社会权利(social right) 399

积极的基本权利(positive basic right) 219

消极的基本权利(passive basic right) 526

法律面前一律平等(equality before the law) 113

权利义务的一致性(coherence between right and obligation) 360

权利义务的平等性(equality of right and obligation) 360

家庭出身(family background) 226

人身自由(personal freedom,freedom of person) 376

无罪推定(presumption of innocence) 487

搜查(search) 438

侮辱、诽谤、诬告、陷害(insult,libel,false charge or frame-up) 488

褫夺公权(deprivation of public right) 32

申诉、控告和检举的权利(right of complaint,charge and exposure) 409

建议和批评的权利(right to criticize and make suggestion) 231

辩护权(right of defence) 15

居住自由(freedom of choice of residence) 260

迁徙自由(freedom of migration,freedom of movement) 338

言论自由(freedom of speech,liberty of speech) 639

思想自由(freedom of thought) 436

表达自由(freedom of expression) 16

明确的和现实的危险(clear and present danger) 316

学术自由(academic freedom) 636

良心自由(freedom of conscience) 281

人格(personality,human dignity) 362

人格尊严(personal dignity) 362

沉默的自由(freedom of silence) 28

出版自由(freedom of publication) 35

宗教信仰自由(freedom of religious belief) 822

宗教容忍(religious toleration) 822

礼拜自由(freedom of worship) 277

新闻自由(freedom of the press) 527

集会自由(freedom of assembly) 221

结社自由(freedom of association,liberty of association) 239

游行自由(freedom of procession) 683

示威自由(freedom of demonstration) 419

罢工权(right of strike) 8

四大自由(four kinds of freedom) 436

通信自由和通信秘密(freedom and privacy of correspondence) 454

平等权(right of equality) 326

财产权(property right) 21

参政权(right of participation in political affairs) 24

创制权(initiative) 38

创制权的限制(limitation of initiative) 39

复决权(right of revote) 122

罢免权(right of recall) 9

抵抗权(right of resistance) 63

亡命权(right of seeking refuge) 470

良心的兵役拒绝权(right of conscience against military service) 281

受益权(right to benefit) 423

积极的受益权(active right to benefit) 219

消极的受益权(passive right to benefit) 526

请愿权(right of petition) 343

诉愿权(right of appeal) 444

申诉权(right of complaint) 409

取得赔偿权(right to compensation) 345

对军人及其家属的优待(favored treatment to servicemen and their families) 87

劳动的权利和义务(right as well as obligation to work) 275

正当法律程序(due process of law) 695

保释金(bail) 11

劳动者的团结权(right of unity of laborer) 276

劳动者的集体交涉权(right of collective negotiation of laborer) 276

休息权(right of rest) 627

退休制度(system of retirement) 461

社会保障制度(system of social security) 399

同工同酬(equal pay for equal work) 454

抚养(fostering) 121

赡养(maintenance) 394

物质帮助权(right to material assistance) 489

受教育的权利和义务(obligation as well as right to be educated) 423

生存权(right to exist) 413

发展权(right of development) 93

婚姻自由(freedom of marriage) 216

老人、妇女、儿童的合法权益(lawful rights and interests of old people,women and children) 277

华侨(overseas Chinese) 213

归侨(returned overseas Chinese) 164

侨眷(family members of overseas Chinese) 341

华侨、归侨、侨眷的权利和利益(rights and interests of overseas Chinese,returned overseas Chinese,the family members of overseas Chinese) 213

残疾人的权利(rights of handicapped persons) 25

政治避难(political asylum) 700

受庇护权(right of asylum)(见政治避难) 422

居留权(right of abode) 258

引渡(extradition) 666

隐私权(privacy right) 666

环境权(right of environment) 215

遵守宪法和法律的义务(obligation of abiding by constitution and law) 828

维护国家统一和各民族团结的义务(obligation of safeguarding the integration of the country and the unity of all nationalities) 474

保守国家秘密的义务(obligation to keep state secrets) 11

受护公共财产的义务(obligation of protection of public property) 2

遵守劳动纪律和公共秩序的义务(obligation of observation of labor discipline and public order) 828

尊重社会公德的义务(obligation of respect for social ethics) 828

维护祖国的安全、荣誉和利益的义务(obligation of safeguarding the security,honour and interests of the motherland) 474

服兵役的义务(obligation of performance of military service) 120

纳税的义务(obligation of payment of taxation) 321

〔港、澳居民〕 522

香港特别行政区非永久性居民(non-permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region) 522

香港特别行政区永久性居民(permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region) 523

香港特别行政区居民(residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Regioin) 523

香港永久性居民身份证(permanent identity card of HKSAR) 524

香港居民身份证(Hong Kong identity card) 521

有效旅行证件【香港】(valid travel document,HKSAR) 685

香港居民以外的其他人(persons other than Hong Kong residents) 521

在外国无居留权(no right of abode in any foreign country) 692

澳门特别行政区非永久性居民(non-permanent residents of the Macao Special Administrative Region) 3

澳门特别行政区永久性居民(permanent residents of the Macao Special Administrative Region) 5

澳门特别行政区居民(residents of the Macao Special Administrative Region) 5

澳门永久性居民身份证(permanent identity card of Macao SAR) 7

澳门居民身份证(Macao identity card) 3

澳门居民以外的其他人(persons other than Macao residents) 3

选择职业和工作的自由【香港 澳门】(freedom of choice of occupation and work,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 635

司法补救【香港 澳门】(judicial remedies,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 429

自愿生育【香港 澳门】(to raise a family freely,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 820

新界 原居民的合法传统权益(lawful traditional rights and interests of the indigenous inhabitants of the New Territories ) 526

申报财产【香港 澳门】(declaration of assets,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 407

专业资格和执业资格【香港 澳门】(professional qualification and qualification for professional practice,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 814

中华人民共和国香港特别行政区护照(passport of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People s Republic of China) 785

退休金【香港 澳门】(pension,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 461

津贴【香港 澳门】(allowance,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 244

福利待遇【香港 澳门】(welfare benefit,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 120

信仰自由【香港 澳门】(freedom of conscience,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 529

葡萄牙后裔居民(residents of Portuguese descent) 327

中华人民共和国澳门特别行政区护照(passport of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People s Republic of China) 733

国家机构(state organ) 175

国家元首(head of state) 192

君主制国家元首(monarchical head of state) 266

共和制国家元首(republican head of state) 159

总统(president) 823

集体元首(collective head of state) 221

个人元首(single head of state) 136

国家权力机关(organ of state authority) 184

最高国家权利机关(highest organ of state authority) 825

国家立法机关(legislature of state) 181

议会(parliament,congress,national assembly) 656

模范议会(model parliament) 317

三级会议(法文 Etats G閚閞aux) 392

等级会议(curia regis) 62

立宪会议(constitutional conference) 279

国民会议(national conference) 197

地方议会(local legislature,local assembly) 71

议员(congressman,representative) 661

敕任议员(imperial assemblyman) 33

前座议员(front-bencher) 338

后座议员(back-bencher) 221

议长(speacker) 655

上议院(House of Lords) 398

下议院(House of Commons) 490

贵族院(Domus Procerum) 165

平民院(House of Commons) 326

参议院【美国】(Senate) 24

众议院(House of Representatives) 809

德国联邦议院(德文 Bundestage) 51

法国参议院(法文 Le Senat;英文 French Senate) 95

法国国民议会(法文 L Assemblee;英文 National Assembly) 97

议会常设委员会(standing committee of the legislature) 656

议会临时委员会(special committee of the legislature) 659

两院联席会议(joint meeting of both chambers) 281

两院联合委员会(joint committee of both chambers) 281

全院委员会(committee of the Whole House) 358

议会监察员(parliamentary ombudsman) 659

党鞭(parliamentary whip) 48

议会党团(parliamentary parties and groups) 657

压力集团(pressure group) 639

人民委员会(people s council) 374

苏联最高苏维埃(The Highest Soviet of USSR) 442

民族苏维埃(Nationalities Soviet) 313

联盟苏维埃(Union Soviet) 280

人民代表苏维埃(people s representative soviet) 364

国家行政机关(administrative organ of the state) 189

内阁(cabinet) 319

内内阁(core cabinet) 320

过渡内阁(transitional cabinet) 207

国民内阁(national cabinet) 197

事务内阁(service cabinet) 420

政党内阁(political party cabinet) 698

战时内阁(wartime cabinet) 693

联合内阁(coalition cabinet) 280

一日内阁(one-day cabinet) 647

专家内阁(expert cabinet) 812

皇族内阁(imperial kinsmen cabinet) 215

首相(prime minister) 422

总理(premier) 822

国务卿(secretary of state) 199

英国枢密院(Privy Council of Britain) 670

英国枢密院司法委员会(Judicial Committee of the Privy Council) 670

人民政府(people s government) 375

法兰西共同体(French Common) 112

阁员大臣(minister of cabinet) 136

不管部部长(minister without portfolio) 18

国务大臣(minister of state) 198

政务次官(vice-minister) 700

内阁总理大臣(Prime Minister of Cabinet) 320

部长会议(council of ministers) 20

专员公署(commissioner s office) 814

国家司法机关(judicial organ of the state) 186

最高审判机关(highest judicial organ) 827

最高检察机关(highest procuratorial organ) 826

法院(court) 114

检察院(procuratorate) 230

行政法院(administrative court) 559

宪法法院(constitutional court) 505

宪法委员会(constitutional council) 510

总检察长(Attorney-General) 822

特别法院(special court) 448

特别检察厅(special procuratorate) 448

〔中国国家机构〕 754

中华人民共和国国家元首(head of state of the People s Republic of China) 754

中华人民共和国主席(President of the People s Republic of China) 798

中华人民共和国副主席(Vice-president of the People s Republic of China) 749

中华人民共和国中央人民政府委员会(Central People s Government Council of the People s Republic of China) 749

中华人民共和国中央人民政府主席(Chairman of the Central People s Government of the People s Republic of China) 797

中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会(National People s Congress of the People s Republic of China) 768

中华人民共和国国防委员会(National Defence Council of the People s Republic of China) 752

中华人民共和国最高国务会议(Supreme State Conference of the People s Republic of China) 800

全国人民代表大会会议(session of the National People s Congress) 355

全国人民代表大会常务委员会(Standing Committee of the National People s Congress) 346

全国人民代表大会常务委员会法制委员会(Legislative Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People s Congress) 348

全国人民代表大会专门委员会(special committees of the National People s Congress) 356

特定问题调查委员会(committee of inquiry into specific questions) 449

全国人民代表大会常务委员会香港特别行政区基本法委员会(Committee for the Basic Law of the HK Special Administrative Region under the Standing Committee of the NPC) 352

全国人民代表大会常务委员会澳门特别行政区基本法委员会(Committee for the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region under the Standing Committee of the NPC) 347

全国人民代表大会常务委员会委员长(Chairman of the Standing Committee of the NPC) 351

全国人民代表大会常务委员会会议(meeting of the Standing Committee of the NPC) 351

全国人民代表大会代表(deputies to the NPC) 352

香港特别行政区基本法的解释权(the power of interpretation of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region) 522

香港特别行政区基本法的修改权(the power of amendment of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region) 522

澳门特别行政区基本法的解释权(the power of interpretation of the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region) 3

澳门特别行政区基本法的修改权(the power of amendment of the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region) 4

全国人民代表大会香港特别行政区筹备委员会(Preparatory Committee for the HK Special Administrative Region of the NPC)(见《全国人民代表大会关于香港特别行政区第一届政府和立法会产生办法的决定》) 356

全国人民代表大会澳门特别行政区筹备委员会(Preparatory Committee for the Macao Special Administrative Region of the NPC)(见《全国人民代表大会关于澳门特别行政区第一届政府、立法会和司法机关产生办法的决定》) 346

中华人民共和国宪法起草委员会(Constitution Drafting Committee of the People s Republic of China) 784

中华人民共和国修改委员会(Constitution Revision Committee of the People s Republic of China) 785

全国人民代表大会常务委员会香港特别行政区筹备委员会预备工作委员会(Preliminary Working Committee for the Preparatory Committee of the HK Special Administrative Region under the Standing Committee of the PNC) 352

地方各级人民代表大会(local people s congresses at various levels) 65

地方各界人民代表会议(local congresses of people s representatives) 69

地方各级国家权力机关(local organs of state power at various levels)(见地方各级人民代表大会) 64

县级以上地方各级人民代表大会常务委员会(standing committees of the local people s congresses at and above the county level) 491

地方各级人民政府(local people s governments at various levels) 68

地方各级人民委员会(local people s committees at various levels) 67

地方各级革命委员会(local revolutionary committees at various levels) 63

中华人民共和国民族自治地方的自治机关(organs of self-government of national autonomous areas of the People s Republic of China) 765

中华人民共和国中央人民政府政务院(Council of the Central People s Govemment of the Peopl e Republic of China) 797

中华人民共和国国务院(State Council of the People s Republic of China) 756

国务院总理(Premier of the State Council) 205

国务院副总理(Vice-premier of the State Council) 201

国务委员(State Councilor) 199

国务院秘书长(Secretarty-General of the State Council) 203

国务院审计长(Auditor-General of the State Council) 204

国务院全体会议(plenary meeting of the State Council) 204

国务院常务会议(executive meeting of the State Council) 199

国务院各部部长(ministers of the State Council) 201

部务会议(conference of department affairs) 20

国务院各委员会主任(directors of committees of the State Council) 201

委务会议(conference of committee affairs) 476

大行政区人民政府委员会(People s Government Committee of Grand Administrative Area) 43

大行政区行政委员会(Administrative Commission of Grand Administrative Area) 43

中国人民解放军(Chinese People s Liberation Army) 722

中华人民共和国中央军事委员会(Central Military Commission of the People s Republic of China) 796

中华人民共和国武装力量(the armed force of the People s Republic of China) 778

中国人民武装警察部队(Chinese People s Armed Policeman) 723

中华人民共和国最高人民法院(Supreme People s Court of P.R.C) 800

中华人民共和国最高人民检察院(Supreme People s Procuratorate of P.R.C) 801

中华人民共和国最高人民检察署(Supreme People s Procuratory Bureau of P.R.C) 801

地方各级人民法院(local people s courts at various levels) 66

地方各级人民检察院(local people s procuratorates at various levels) 64

专门人民法院(special people s court) 813

专门人民检察院(special people s procuratorate) 813

军事法院(military court) 264

军事检察院(military procuratorate) 264

人民法院(people s tribunal) 365

审判委员会(judicial council) 411

审判庭(judicial bench) 411

合议制(collegiate system) 211

审判员(judge) 412

助理审判员(assistant judge)(见审判员) 812

人民陪审员(people s juror) 373

检察委员会(procuratorial council) 229

检察员(prosecutor) 230

助理检察员(assistant prosecutor)(见检察员) 812

法律监督机关(legal supervisory organ) 113

调解委员会(mediation commission) 452

审计机关(auditiong body) 409

中国人民政治协商会议(Chinese People s Political Consultative Conference) 724

中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会主席(Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People s Political Consultative Conference) 725

中国人民政治协商会议专门委员会(special committee of the CPPCC) 725

中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会常务委员会(Standing Committee of the National Committee of the CPPCC) 725

人民团体(people s organization) 374

社会团体(community of interest,community) 400

事业组织(undertakings) 420

民兵组织(organization of the people s militia) 305

〔港、澳特别行政区立法、行政、司法机构〕 533

行政长官【香港 澳门】(Chief Executive,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 533

主要官员【香港 澳门】(principal officials,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 811

公务人员【香港 澳门】(public servants,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 152

立法会【香港 澳门】(Legislative Council,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 278

咨询组织【香港 澳门】(advisory body,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 816

立法会主席【香港 澳门】(President of the Legislative Council,HKSAR,Macao SAR)(见立法会【香港 澳门】) 278

法令【澳门】(decree,Macao SAR) 112

条例【香港】(ordinance,HKSAR) 452

附属立法【香港】(subordinate legislation,HKSAR) 121

规范性文件【澳门】(normative act,Macao SAR) 164

行政会【澳门】(Executive Council,Macao SAR) 576

审计长【香港 澳门】(director of audit,HKSAR,Macao SAR)(见审计署【香港 澳门】) 409

行政机关【香港 澳门】(executive authority,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 578

行政会议【香港】(Executive Council,HKSAR) 577

政务司【香港 澳门】(Department of Administration,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 700

财政司【香港】(Department of Finance,HKSAR) 23

律政司【香港】(Department of Justice,HKSAR) 290

廉政公署【香港 澳门】(Commission Against Corruption,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 280

审计署【香港 澳门】(Commission of Audit,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 410

审计署署长【香港 澳门】(Director of Audit,HKSAR,Macao SAR)(见审计署【香港 澳门】) 410

司长【香港 澳门】(Secretary of Department,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 429

副司长【香港】(Deputy Secretary of Department,HKSAR)(见司长【香港】) 129

局长【香港】(Director of Bureau,HKSAR) 260

廉政专员【香港 澳门】(Commissioner Against Corruption,HKSAR,Macao SAR)(见廉政公署【香港 澳门】) 280

警务处处长【香港】(Commissioner of Police,HKSAR) 252

入境事务处处长【香港】(Director of Immigration,HKSAR) 389

海关关长【香港】(Commissioner of Customs and Exercise,HKSAR) 208

政府部门的顾问【香港 澳门】(adviser to government department,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 698

香港特别行政区第一届政府推选委员会(Selection Committee for the First Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region) 521

澳门特别行政区第一届政府推选委员会(Selection Committee for the First Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region) 3

选举委员会【香港 澳门】(election committee,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 631

区域组织【香港】(district organization,HKSAR) 345

市政局【香港】(Urban Council,HKSAR) 418

区域市政局【香港】(Regional Council,HKSAR) 345

区议会【香港】(District Board,HKSAR) 344

市政机构【澳门】(municipal organs,Macao SAR) 418

市政厅【澳门】(Municipal Department,Macao SAR) 418

咨询性的协调组织【澳门】(consultative coordination organization,Macao SAR) 815

司法机关【香港 澳门】(the judiciary,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 430

终审法院【香港 澳门】(Court of Final Appeal,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 808

高等法院【香港】(the High Court,HKSAR) 131

区域法院【香港】(district court,HKSAR) 345

裁判署法院【香港】(magistrates court,HKSAR) 23

专门法院【香港】(special court,HKSAR) 813

上诉法院【香港】(Court of Appeal,HKSAR) 397

原讼法庭【香港】(Court of First Instance,HKSAR)(见高等法院【香港】) 691

全国性法律(national law) 358

普通法适用地区【香港】(common law jurisdiction,HKSAR) 327

首席法官【香港】(Chief Justice,Chief Judge,HKSAR) 422

独立委员会【香港 澳门】(independent commission,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 84

其他司法人员【香港】(other members of the judiciary,HKSAR) 331

初级法院【澳门】(primary court,Macao SAR) 36

中级法院【澳门】(intermediate court,Macao SAR) 802

检察长【澳门】(Procurator-General,Macao SAR) 228

司法辅助人员【澳门】(supporting member of the judiciary,Macao SAR) 430

区旗【香港 澳门】(regional flag,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 344

区徽【香港 澳门】(regional emblem,HKSAR,Macao SAR) 343

选举制度(electoral system) 632

选举制度的原则(principles of electoral system) 633

普选权(universal suffrage) 329

直接民主制(direct democracy) 702

选举人(elector) 630

选民(electorate) 633

选民心理(psychology of the electorate) 634

五分之三非自由人(three fifths of all other persons) 488

选举权(right of election) 630

被选举权(right to be elected) 13

选举实施细则(enforcement rules of election) 631

平等选举与不平等选举(equal election and unequal election) 326

直接选举与间接选举(direct election and indirect election) 703

补缺选举(supplementary election) 18

差额选举(competitive election) 26

等额选举(incompetitive election) 62

有效选举与无效选举(valid election and invalid election) 685

直接选举和间接选举并有的原则(principle of combining direct suffrage and indirect suf-frage) 703

总选举(general election) 824

中期选举(off year election) 802

决选(run-off election) 261

公费选举(election at state expense) 144

投票(vote) 455

秘密投票和公开投票(secret voting and open voting) 304

无记名投票(nameless ballot) 487

缺席投票(absent voting) 360

复数投票制度(plural voting system) 122

等级投票制度(class vote system) 62

一人一票原则(principle of one ballot per voter) 647

强制投票(coercive votiong) 341

单记投票法(single voting) 46

单记转让法(single transferable vote) 46

投票所(polling place) 455

流动票箱(floating ballot box) 283

投票站(polling booth) 456

选票的代写(write ballot ticket for others) 634

选举日(polling day) 630

预选(preliminary election) 691

委托投票(proxy voting) 476

重新投票(re-election) 34

递减投票法(degressive vote) 75

选区(constituency) 635

生产单位、事业单位、工作单位(production unit,institution unit,work unit) 412

候选人(candidate) 211

代表候选人的推荐制(nomination system of candidate of representative) 44

候选人资格(candidature) 212

代表资格审查(examination of qualification of representative) 45

确认代表资格(confirmation of qualification of representative) 361

选区划分(zoning of electoral districts) 635

地域代表制(territorial representation) 74

职业代表制(functional representation) 706

单名代表制(single-member representation) 46

复名代表制(multi-member representation) 122

小选区制(single-member constituency ststem)(见单名代表制) 526

大选区制(multi-member constituency system)(见复名代表制) 44

中选区制(mid-constituency system) 805

兼职代表制(non-occupational representation) 227

居住区与单位结合选区制(constituency system based on residence and sectors) 260

专职代表制(occupational representation) 815

选票计算制度(ballot accounting system) 634

多数代表制(majority representation) 89

比例代表制(proportional representation) 13

相对多数代表制(relative majority representation) 521

绝对多数代表制(absolute majority representation) 261

一轮多数联盟制(one-round majority coalition voting system) 647

二轮多数选举制(tow-round majority voting system,second ballot) 90

名单比例代表法(list-system of proportional representation) 316

最大均数法(highest average method) 825

单人选区两轮多数制(two-round majority voting system in single-member constituency) 47

单记名多数两轮投票制(two-round majority voting system in single-member constituency)(见单人选区两轮多数制) 46

哈尔比例选举法(Hare s propoptional electoral method) 208

选举商数(electoral quota) 631

监票(scrutinizing of ballor) 228

选举的物质保障(substantial guaranty of election) 628

选举的司法保障(judicial guaranty of election) 628

选举诉讼(electoral litigation,electoral lawsuit) 631

对破坏选举的制裁(sanctions against illegal electoral action) 87

选举舞弊(electoral corrupt practice) 631

保证金制度(electoral guaranty money system) 11

对代表的监督和罢免(supervision and recall of deputies) 86

中国城市与乡村每一代表所代表的人口比例之间的差别(the difference between the number of people represented by each town deputy and that represented by each rural deputy) 713

积极公民与消极公民(positive citizens and negative citizens) 219

散居的少数民族人民代表名额确定的原则(the principle of determining the number of deputies of minority nationalities living in scattered groups) 393

确定聚居区内少数民族代表名额的原则(the principle of deternmining the number of deputies of minority nationalities living in compact communities) 360

确定少数民族出席全国人民代表大会名额的原则(the principle of determining the number of deputies to the National People s Congress from minority nationalities) 361

已被判决的犯罪分子的选举权(convicted prisoners rights to vote) 651

在羁押期间未被判决者的选举权(unconvinced prisoners rights to vote) 692

精神病患者的选举权(mental patients rights to vote) 250

当选(be elected) 48

另选(second ballot) 283

补选(by-election)(见补缺选举) 18

弃权(abstain) 337

竞选(election campaign,campaign) 254

选举机构(electoral organs) 629

选民登记(registration of electors) 633

选举活动(electoral activities) 629

选举程序(election procedures) 628

选民小组(voter groups) 634

代表小组(deputy groups) 44

选举结果的公布(announcement of the result of election) 629

原选举单位(previous electoral units) 691

代表当选证书(elected deputies certificates) 44

举手表决(voting by hand show) 260

口头表决(voting by voice) 273

选民名单的公布(publishing of the roll of voters) 634

选民证(registration cards) 634

选举令(ordinance of election) 630

选举经费(election expense) 629

选举地理学(electoral geography) 628

选举志(record of election) 632

选举法(election law) 629

英国选举制度(electoral svstem in United Kingdom) 677

美国选举制度(electoral system in United States) 303

日本选举制度(electoral system in Japan) 388

德国选举制度(electoral system in Germany) 59

法国选举制度(electoral system in France) 109

苏联选举制度(electoral system in the Soviet Union) 441

中国选举制度(electoral system in China) 729

政党(political party) 697

资本主义政党制度(capitalist party system) 817

一党制(one-party system) 645

单党制(single party system) 46

一党多元制(one-party multiple system) 645

两党制(two-party system) 281

多党制(multi-party system) 89

英国的两党制(two parties system in Britain) 668

美国两党制(bipartisan system in the United States) 294

执政党(ruling party) 702

反对党(opposition party) 115

参政党(party participating in government and political affairs) 24

在朝党(party in office) 692

在野党(party out of office) 692

政党政治(political party politics) 698

五五体制 (May 5th system) 488

以党训政(politics under a party s tutelage) 652

资产阶级政党(bourgeois political party) 817

无产阶级政党(proletarian political party) 486

日本自由民主党(Japanese Liberal Democratic Party) 389

德国基督教民主联盟(Christian Democratic Union) 50

法国保卫共和联盟(法文 Rassemblement Pour la Republique-RPR;英文 Rally for the Republic) 95

意大利天主教民主党(Christian Democratic Party,Italy) 663

中国共产党(Communist Party of China) 715

中国国民党(Nationalist Party of China) 717

九三学社(Jiu San Society) 256

中国 致公党(China Party for Public Interest) 731
