高原生物学集刊 第6集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:中国科学院西北高原生物研究所编
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:1987
- ISBN:13031·3641
- 页数:264 页
虫草菌属Cordyceps(Fr.)Link的寄主和分布 印象初 1
高原生物学集刊 第6集(1987年) 1
The hosts and distributions of Cordycepc(Fr.)Link(Xylariales Clavicipitaceae) Yin Xiangchu 24
Acta Biologica Plateau Sinica No.6(1987) 24
中国无心菜属新分类群 周立华 25
New plants of Arecaria from China Zhou Lihua 25
青海高原藏药用紫堇属植物的解剖学研究 冯赤华、左振常 49
Studies on the comparative anatomy of the tibetan medicinal plants—Corydalis from Qinghai plateau Feng Chihua and Zuo Zhenchang 57
柴达木地区植被分布 杜庆 65
On the distribution of the vegetation in Qaidam basin Du Qing 70
青海湖裸鲤Gymnocypris przewalskii przewalskii (Kessler)寄生壶形科(Urceolariidae)纤毛虫的研究 刘立庆、王宝铎、杨涛 71
Studies on the parasitic cilites (Urceolariidae)from the Gymnocypris przewalskii przewalskii(Kessler)in Qinghai lake Liu Liqing Wang Baoduo and Yang Tao 76
云南滇池、抚仙湖、洱海鱼类区系的起源和关系的分析 褚新洛 79
An Analysis on the Origin and Relationships of Ichthyofauna in Lakes Dianchi,Fuxian and Erhai of Yunnan Chu Xinluo 84
青海及内蒙古高原雏蝗属三新种(直翅目:蝗总科 李保平、印象初 85
Three new species of Chorthippus from Qinghai and Inner Mongolia Plateau(Orthoptera:Acridoidea) Li Baoping and Yin Xiangchu 90
青海省东南部茸足蚤属一新种记述(蚤目:细蚤科) 吴文贞、倪国祥、李贵真 93
A new species of Geusibia Jordan, 1932 from southeastern Qinghai (Siphona-ptera:Leptopsyllidae) Wu Wenzhen Ni Guoxiang and Li Kueichen 95
新疆阿尔泰山地鸟类区系与动物地理区划问题 高行宜、谷景和、傅春利、王德忠 97
The avifauna and dividing of the zoogeogra phical Regions in Altai mountainousregion,Xinjiang Gao Xingyi Gu Jinghe Fu Chunli and Wang Dezhong 104
高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)和达乌尔鼠兔(Ochotona daurica)的昼夜活动节律与能量代谢的研究及比较——关于两种鼠兔功能分类的探讨 宗浩、夏武平 105
Comparisons in locomotory activity and energy metabolium consumption rhythms between the plateau pika,Ochotona curzoniae and daurian pika,Ochotona daurica-Study of functional taxonomy on two pikas Zong Hao and Xia Wuping 114
高寒草甸生态系统中牦牛、藏系绵羊和高原鼠兔的生态龛(niche)研究 蒋志刚、夏武平 115
The niches of yaks,tibetan sheep and plateau pikas in the alpinc meadow eco—system Jiang Zhigang and Xia Wuping 145
皱边喉毛花的?酮成分 孙洪发、樊淑芬、丁经业、胡伯林、张晓峰 147
The xanthone constituents from Comastoma polycladum Sun Hongfa Fan Shufen Ding Jinye Hu Beling and Zhang Xiaofeng 150
辐花肋柱花的?酮成分 孙洪发、丁经业、胡伯林、樊淑芬、魏全嘉 151
Xanthone constituents from Lomatogonium rotatum Sun Hongfa Ding Jinye Hu Beling Fan Shufen and Wei Quanjia 154
青海高原的太阳辐射与植物生产 张树源、马章英、白雪芳 155
Solar radiation and production of plants in Qinghai plateau Zhang Shuyuan Ma Zhangying and Bai Xuefang 162
三种垫状植物基础抗寒生理的比较 张树源、白雪芳、马章英 165
A comparison of basic cold-tolerant physiology between three cushion plants Zhang Shuyuan Bai Xuefang and Ma Zhangying 170
几个小麦远缘杂种的同工酶分析 贲桂英、韩发 171
An analysis of several distant hybrids of wheat isozymes Ben Guiying and Han Fa 176
环糊精对麦类作物生长发育及生理功能的影响 韩发、贲桂英、马晓明 177
Effects of a-cyclodextrins on the growth and physiological function of cerealcrops Han Fa Ben Guiying and Ma Xiaoming 182
春小麦六个光合性状的遗传分析 高国强、陈集贤 183
A genetic analysis of six photosynthetic characteristics in spring wheat Gao Guoqiang and Chen Jixian 197
春小麦品种开花后干物质累积量和分配方式对高产稳产的影响 郜和臣 199
Effects of accumulation and distribution of the photosynthetic products after flo-wering phase on high and stable yield of some spring wheat varieties Gao Hechen 208
春小麦品种在青海海东、海西两类生态区的性状表现 白秦安、黄相国 209
The character divergence of spring wheat in Haidong and Haixi ecological regi-ons of Qinghai province Bai Qin an and Huang Xiangguo 217
中国大麦属的分类研究 蔡联炳、郭本兆 219
A Study on Classification of the Genus Hordeum in China Cai Lianbing and Kuo Penchao 227
用逻辑斯蒂方程边值问题构造生物学指标数量动态模型 周立 231
Using the boundary problem of logistic equation to construct a dynamic model of biological indexes Zhou Li 241
A quantitative analysis of oleanolic acid in six Zangyinchen drugs from Qinghai province Sun Hongfa Fan Shufen Ding Jingye Hu Beling and Zhang Xiaofeng 243
青海产六种“藏茵陈”生药中齐墩果酸含量测定 孙洪发、樊淑芬、丁经业、胡伯林、张晓峰 243
Fifth congress of European ichthyologists was held in Stockholm,Sweden on Au-gust12-16,1985 Wu yunfei 245
欧洲鱼类学家第五次大会在瑞典斯德哥尔摩召开 武云飞 245
西北地区藨草属Scirpus L.研究(一)叶片解剖及分类问题的探讨 詹明、杨永昌 247
Studies on the Genus Scirpus L.(S.L.)in North-Western China I.the anatomy of leaf blade with a discussion of its taxonomy Zhan Ming Yang Yongchang 258
The success on the winter sowing experiment of artificial grassland in alpine pastoral area Shi Yuhui 263
高寒牧区人工草地冬播试验成功 施玉辉 263
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