高原生物学集刊 第14集 1998-1999PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:中国科学院西北高原生物研究所编辑
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7030073878
- 页数:257 页
高原生物学集刊 第14集(1998——1999) 1
从叶片表皮结构试论猬草属与披碱草属间的分合与演化 蔡联炳 王世金 1
On the Systematic Treatment and Evolution of the Genera Hystrix and Elymus Based on the Structure of Leaf Epidermis Cai Lianbing and Wang Shijin 5
Acta Biologica Plateau Sinica No.14(1998——1999) 5
New Taxa of the Genus Elymus from the Qing-Zang Plateau Cai Lianbing 7
New Taxa of the Genus Elymus from the Qing-Zang Plateau Cai Lianbing 7
黄河上游地区植被特征及其与毗邻地区的关系 陈桂琛 刘光秀 Kam-biu Liu 彭敏 11
Vegetation Characteristics of the Upper Reaches of the Yellow River and Relationships with Its Adjacent Areas Chen Guichen,Liu Guangxiu,Kam-biu Liu and Peng Min 19
五福花二倍体核型及其系统学意义 刘建全 陈世龙 卢学峰 何廷农 20
Karyotype Analysis of Diploidy Adoxa moschatellina with Reference to Its Systematic Significance Liu Jianquan,Chen Shilong,Lu Xuefeng and He Tingnong 25
双蝴蝶大、小孢子发生及雌雄配子体发育 陈世龙 何廷农 刘建全 洪德元 26
Mega-,Microsporogenesis and Female-,Malegametogenesis of Tripterospermum chinense(Gentianaceae) Chen Shilong,He Tingnong,Liu Jianquan and Hong Deyuan 33
蔓龙胆属及其相关类群的花部解剖学研究 陈世龙 何廷农 刘建全 洪德元 35
Studies on Floral Anatomy of Crawfurdia Wall. and Its Related Taxa(Gen-tianaceae) Chen Shilong,He Tingnong,Liu Jinaquan and Hong Deyuan 45
祁连山冰缘植物区系探讨 黄荣福 卢学峰 沈颂东 47
The Features of the Periglacial Flora in the Qilian Mountains Huang Rongfu,Lu Xuefeng and Shen Songdong 56
西宁地区野生种子植物区系研究 周立华 周笃珺 58
A Study on the Flora of the Wild Seed Plants in Xining Region Zhou Lihua and Zhou Dujun 68
高寒草甸垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)种群繁殖对策的研究 邓自发 王文颖 王启基 周兴民 李英年 69
The Study of Reproductive Strategies of Elymus nutans Population in Alpine Meadow Deng Zifa,Wang Wenying,Wang Qiji,Zhou Xingmin and Li Yingnian 76
高寒草甸主要植物群落物种多样性的初步研究 王启基 周兴民 王文颖 77
A Preliminary Study of Species Diversity of Main Plant Communities in Alpine Meadow Wang Qiji,Zhou Xingmin and Wang Wenying 87
模拟气候变化对植被分布影响的分析——以青海省为例 李英年 王文颖 88
Analysis on Response of Vegetation Distribution in Simulated Climate Change Qinghai Province as an Example Li Yingnian and Wang Wenying 94
高原鼢鼠种群动态的灰色模拟模型 张堰铭 96
Grey Model for Simulating the Population Dynamics of Plateau Zokor in Alpine Meadow Zhang Yanming 100
高原鼢鼠种群密度与环境因子的关系 张堰铭 樊乃昌 王权业 101
The Effects of Some Environmental Factors on Population Abundance of Plateau Zokor Zhang Yanming,Fan Naichang and Wang Quanye 108
草地围栏对高原鼠兔种群密度的影响 边疆晖 景增春 樊乃昌 110
Fence on the Effect of Population Density of Plateau Pikaa Bian Jianghui,Jing Zengchun and Fan Naichang 115
A Systematic List and Status of Waterbirds in Qinghai-Xizang(Tibet)Plateau Li Laixing 116
青藏高原水鸟系统名录及其状况 李来兴 128
Systematic Studies on the Ant Genera of Carebara,Rhopalomastix and Kartidris in China(Hymenoptera:Formicidae:Myrmicinae) Xu Zhenghui 129
中国盲切叶蚁属、棒角蚁属和无刺蚁属的分类研究(膜翅目:蚁科:切叶蚁亚科) 徐正会 136
急性低氧对发育中大鼠肾上腺及甲状腺切能的影响 杨生妹 杜继曾 李良成 刘健翔 137
Effect of Acute Hypoxia on the Function of Adrenal Gland and Thyroid Gland in Developing Rats Yang Shengmei,Du Jizeng,Li Liangcheng and Liu Jianxiang 141
高寒草甸生态系统环境的异质性特征 张晓爱 赵亮 刘泽华 142
The Characters of Evironmental Heterogeneity of Alpine Meadow Ecosystem Zhang Xiaoai,Zhao Liang and Liu Zehua 149
高寒草甸生态系统结构的初步分析 张晓爱 赵亮 刘泽华 150
A Primary Analysis of Structure in Alpine Meadow Ecosystem Zhang Xiaoai,Zhao Liang and Liu Zehua 155
生态系统生态学的发展阶段 张晓爱 赵亮 刘泽华 157
The Developmental Stages of Ecosystem Ecology Zhang Xiaoai,Zhao Ling and Liu Zehua 161
生态系统生态学的最新研究进展 张晓爱 刘泽华 赵亮 162
The New Advances of Studying Ecosystems Ecology Zhang Xiaoai,Liu Zehua and Zhao Liang 175
青海湖地区大气顶净辐射与主要植被可能蒸散关系的研究 周筠珺 周立华 177
The Relationship Between the Planetary Net Radiation and the Potential Evapotranspiration of Main Vegetation Types in Qinghai Lake Area Zhou Junjun and Zhou Lihua 183
高寒牧区燕麦与箭舌豌豆、毛苕子混播优化组合模式的初步研究 张耀生 周兴民 王启基 赵新全 184
A Preliminary Study on optimum Mixedcropping Pattern of the Oat(Avena sativa)and the Common Vetch(Vicia sativa)or Thehairy Vetch(V.villosa)in the Alpine Pastoral Area Zhang Yaosheng,Zhou Xingmin and Wang Qiji Zhao Xinquan 189
澳大利亚萨福克羊及无角陶塞特羊对天山北麓的生态适应性 李俊年 191
Ecological Adaptability of Suffolk Sheep and Polled Dosert Sheep Introduced from Australia to Northern Slopes of Tianshan Mountains Li Junnian 196
小麦体细胞无性系蛋白质含量的变异与遗传 张怀刚 葛菊梅 陈集贤 胡含 197
Variation and Heridity of Protein Contents in Wheat Somaclones Zhang Huaigang,Ge Jumei,Chen Jixian and Hu Han 202
不同地膜覆盖技术对春小麦生长发育的效应 李春喜 陈志国 谢玉芬 龙宝卓玛 任金科 张亚琴 203
Effects of Plastic Film mulching Techniques On Growth and Development Of Spring Wheat Li chunxi,Chen Zhiguo,Xie Yufen,Long Baozhuoma,Ren Jinke and Zhang Yaqin 208
灰翅麦茎蜂对春小麦危害的研究 李春喜 郜和臣 黄相国 王海庆 葛菊梅 209
Damaged of Wheat Stem Sawfly for Spring Wheat Li Chunxi,Gao Hechen,Huang Xiangguo,Wang Haiqing and Ge Jumei 214
小麦新种质241穗粒数的基因定位 谢晓玲 解俊峰 215
Location of the Genes for the Kernel Number Per Ear of the New Wheat Germplasm 241 Xie Xiaoling and Xie Junfeng 218
青海高原小麦及其面粉和麩皮中的营养元素含量分析 索有瑞 伊甫申 220
The Contents of Nutritional Elements of Wheat and Its Flour,Wheat Bran in Qinghai Plateau Suo Yourui and Yi Fushen 224
塞隆骨和虎骨的蛋白与氨基酸含量分析 张晓峰 魏立新 张宝琛 225
Analysis on Proteins and Amino Acids of Bone of Sailong and Tiger Zhang Xiaofeng,Wei Lixin and Zhang Baochen 227
塞隆骨与虎骨的骨胶蛋白对比分析 张晓峰 胡伯林 张宝琛 228
Analysis on Glue Proteins of Bone of Sailong and Tiger Zhang Xiaofeng,Hu Bolin and Zhang Baochen 232
藏药唐古特青兰植物挥发油化学成分的测定 张晓峰 233
Determination on the Chemical Constituents of the Essen tial Oil from Dracocephalum tanguticum maxim Zhang Xiaofeng 236
四种大黄化学成分的测定 纪兰菊 廖志新 孙洪发 237
Determination of Chemical Compounds of Four Rhubarbs Ji Lanju,Liao Zhixin and Sun Hongfa 243
短穗兔耳草化学成分的研究 廖志新 孙洪发 244
Chemical Compounds of Lagotis brachystachya Maxim Liao Zhixing and Sun Hongfa 248
虎骨脂肪油化学成分的测定 张晓峰 张宝琛 249
Determination on the Chemical Constituents of the Fat Oil in Bone of Panthera tigris altaica Zhang Xiaofeng and Zhang Baochen 249
研究简报 249
Determination of Oleanolic Acid in Dracocephalum Tanguticum Maxim by HPLC Zhang Xiaofeng 253
反相HPLC测定藏药唐古特青兰植物中的齐墩果酸含量 张晓峰 253
Determination of Berberine in Three Species of Genus Berberis by TLC Scanning Liao Zhixin,Li Yulin,Ji Lanju,Sun Hongfa and Dong Jiansheng 256
薄层扫描法测定小檗属三种植物中的小檗碱含量 廖志新 李玉林 纪兰菊 孙洪发 董建生 256
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