药理学 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)MagaliTaylor,(英)PeterReide著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7030101014
- 页数:240 页
Part Ⅰ:Principles of Pharmacology 1
1.Introduction to Pharmacology 3
Molecular basis of pharmacology 3
Drugs and receptors 8
Pharmacokinetics 10
Drug interactions and adverse effects 17
Part Ⅱ:Phasrmacology of the Major Organ Systems 19
2.Peripheral and Autonomic Nervous Systems 21
Peripheral nervous system 21
Autonomic nervous system 30
3.Central Nervous System 39
Parkinsonism 39
Anxiolytics and hypnotics 42
Affective disorders and antidepressants 47
Neuroleptics 52
Epilepsy and anticonvulsants 57
General anaesthetics 62
Opioid analgesics 67
Drug misuse 72
4.Cardiovascular System 79
The heart 79
The circulation 92
Haemostasis and thrombosis 102
5.Respiratory System 109
Asthma 109
Respiratory stimulants,anti-tussives,and mucolytics 113
6.Kidneys 115
Diuretic drugs and the kidney 115
Diuretics 118
The stomach 123
7.Gastrointestinal Tract 123
Intestines,motility,and secretions 128
8.The Endocrine and Reproductive Systems 135
The thyroid gland 135
The endocrine pancreas and diabetes mellitus 139
Adrenal corticosteroids 142
The reproductive system 148
9.Eyes and Skin 155
The eyes 155
The skin 159
10.Immune System 165
Inflammation and anti-inflammatory drugs 165
Allergic disorders and drug therapy 172
Immunosuppressants 175
Part Ⅲ:Chemotherapy 179
Concepts of cancer chemotherapy 181
11.Cancer 181
12.Infectious Disease 189
Antibacterial drugs 189
Antiviral drugs 198
Antifungal drugs 203
Antiprotozoal drugs 206
Antihelmintic drugs 210
Part Ⅳ:Self-Assessment 213
Multiple-choice questions 215
Short-answer questions 220
Essay questions 221
MCQ answers 222
SAQ answers 223
Index 229
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