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  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:范剑平主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:人民出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7010034737
  • 页数:428 页

总序 1

Chapter 1 The Analysis on Consumption Structure of Rural and Urban Residents 1

1 The Static Analysis on Consumption Structure of Urban Residents 1

Preface 1

前言 1

第一章 城乡居民消费结构分析 1

一、城镇居民消费结构静态分析 1

二、城镇居民消费结构动态分析 10

2 The Dynamic Analysis on Consumption Structure of Urban Residents 10

三、农村居民消费结构动态分析 29

3 The Dynamic Analysis on Consumption Structure of Rural Residents 29

Chapter 2 The Trend of the Variation of Urban and Rural Residents Income in China 40

第二章 中国城乡居民收入变动趋势 40

1 The Current Situation of Distribution of Urban Residents Income and Its Trends 41

一、城镇居民收入分配现状和变化趋势 41

2 The Current Situation of Peasants Income Increase 56

二、农民收入增长的现状和变动趋势 56

Chapitr 3 The Prediction of Consumpion Structure of Rural and Urban Residents during the Period of the 10th 5-Year Plan 73

一、城乡居民消费结构变化数量预测 73

第三章 城乡居民“十五”时期消费结构预测 73

1 The Quantitative Prediction of Consumption Structute s Variation of Rural and Urban Residents 73

2 Several Trends of the Variation of Consumption Structure of Rural and Urban Residents 80

二、城乡居民消费结构变化的几大趋势 80

3 Policy Recommendation on Promoting the Escalation of Consumption Structure 96

三、促进消费结构升级的对策选择 96

Chapter 4 The Housing Demand in Urban Area 103

1 The Current Situation of China s Urban Housing Demand:Descriptive Analysis and International Comparison 103

一、中国城镇居民住宅消费的现状:描述性分析及国际比较 103

第四章 城镇住宅消费需求 103

二、中国城镇居民住宅消费的未来:2001~2005~2010年需求潜力预测 111

2 The Future Trend of China s Urban Housing Demand:A Prediction of Its Potentials During the Period of 2001 and 2010 111

3 Transfering the Potentials of Housing Demand into Effective One:Obstacles and How to Counter 124

三、住宅消费需求潜力向现实购买力的转化:阻碍因素与对策分析 124

4 A Simple Conclusion 194

四、简要的综述 194

Chapter 5 The Urban Residents Consumption on Communication and Telecommunication 200

1 The Current Situation and Features of Chinese Urban Resident s Consumption on Communication and Telecommunication 200

一、我国城镇居民交通通讯消费现状及特点 200

第五章 城镇交通通讯消费 200

二、交通通讯消费对刺激内需及促进经济增长的作用 207

2 The Role of the Consumption on Communication and Telecommunication in Stimulating Domestic Demand and Promoting Economic Growth 207

三、我国城镇居民交通通讯消费的热点和难点 215

四、政策建议 225

3 The Hot Points and Difficulties of China s Urban Residents Consumption on Communication And Telecommunication 225

4 Policy Recommendation 225

Chapter 6 The Consumption on Electronic Products 229

第六章 消费类电子产品 229

一、我国消费类电子产品消费现状 229

1 The Current Situation of Chinese Consumption on Electronic Products 229

2 The Changing Contributing Factors to Affect the Consumption on Electronic Products 245

二、中国消费类电子产品需求影响因素的可能变化 245

3 The Outlook for Chinese Consumption on Electronic Products From the 10th 5 Year Plan to 2015 249

三、“十五”至2015年中国消费类电子产品需求展望 249

4 The Policy Recommendation on Promoting Electronic Products Consumption 256

四、促进消费类电子产品消费的政策建议 256

Chapter 7 The Consumption Demand of Rural Residents 261

1 Six Trends of Rural Residents Consumption Structure at the Beginning of the 21st Century 261

一、21世纪初我国农村居民消费结构的六大趋势 261

第七章 农民消费需求 261

2 The Analysis on Consumption Demand Increase of Rural Residents:Advantages and Disadvantages 273

二、影响农民消费需求增长的有利因素与不利因素分析 277

3 The Policy for Expanding Consumption Demand of Rural Residents 287

三、扩大农村消费需求的对策 287

Chapter 8 Expanding Domestic Consumption Demand and Speeding up Urbanization Development 300

第八章 扩大消费内需与加快城市化发展 300

一、加快城市化进程是扩大内需的最有效途径 300

1 Speeding up the Process of Urbanization is the Most Effective Way to Expand Domestic Demand 300

二、变农民为市民应成为城市化方针的核心 305

2 Changing Peasants to Citizens is the Core of Urbanization Guideline 305

三、推进城市化进程需着力解决的几个问题 323

3 The Issues That Must be Properly Addressed in the Process of Urbanization 323

Chapter 9 Social Security and Household Consumption 332

第九章 社会保障与居民消费 332

一、中国社会保障制度现状以及面临的难题 332

1 The Current Situation and Problems of China s Social Security System 332

二、社会保障与居民消费关系的国际比较 338

2 The International Comparison of the Relationship Between Social Security System and Household Consumption 338

3 The Influence of China s Social Security System on Household Consumption 349

三、我国社会保障对居民消费的影响 349

4 Perfecting China s Social Security System to Lessen Residents Fear of Disturbance in the Rear 363

四、消除居民后顾之忧,完善我国社会保障体系 363

Chapter 10 The Potentials and Risks of Consumer Credit 371

1 The Basic Analysis on the Potential Demand of Consumer Credit in China 371

一、我国消费信贷需求潜力的基本分析 371

第十章 消费信贷潜力与风险 371

二、拓展消费信贷发展潜力的对策建议 378

2 The Policy for Expanding the Potentials of Consumer Credit 378

3 The Major Types of Consumer Credit Risks 386

三、消费信贷风险的主要类型 386

4 The Establishment of the Effective Anti-risk Mechanism of Consumer Credit 391

四、建立有效的消费信贷风险防范机制 391

Chapter 11 The Theory and Policy of Consumption Regulation in Western Countries 400

1 The Role and Position of Consumption Regulation in Macroeconmic Regulation 400

一、消费调控政策在宏观调控中的作用与地位 400

第十一章 西方消费调控的理论与政策 400

2 The Theory of Consumption Determination 403

二、消费决定理论 403

3 Consumption System 411

三、消费体制 411

4 The Policy Tools for Consumption Regulation 415

四、消费调控的政策工具 415

5 Linking Consumption Regulating Practices in Western Countries to China s Reality 423

五、西方消费调控政策的借鉴 423

Reference 426

附录:主要参考资料 426
