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管理会计案例  英文版
管理会计案例  英文版

管理会计案例 英文版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:6 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(加)邵达伟(SharpD.J.)编
  • 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:7111065999
  • 页数:33 页
《管理会计案例 英文版》目录

ContentCASE 1 CARIBBEAN INTERNET CAFE.案例1 加勒比网络咖啡屋David Grant is hoping to open CaribbeanInternet Cafe in Kingston,Jamaica.He has gathereddata on all the relevant costs:equipment,rent.labor.etc.He has also found a partner in the 1

ContentCASE 1 CARIBBEAN INTERNET CAFE.案例1 加勒比网络咖啡屋David Grant is hoping to open CaribbeanInternet Cafe in Kingston,Jamaica.He has gathereddata on all the relevant costs:equipment,rent.labor.etc.He has also found a partner in the 1

INDUSTRY:13 Food and Kindred ProductsISSUES: 286 Relevant Costs40 Capital Budgeting247 Present Value321 TaxationSmall 4 PAGESAUTHOR:Archibald,T.R.本案例可以作为净现值法决策投资的介绍。它覆盖了有关成本案例分析所得的结论,包括收入税贴现 2

INDUSTRY:13 Food and Kindred ProductsISSUES: 286 Relevant Costs40 Capital Budgeting247 Present Value321 TaxationSmall 4 PAGESAUTHOR:Archibald,T.R.本案例可以作为净现值法决策投资的介绍。它覆盖了有关成本案例分析所得的结论,包括收入税贴现 2

CASE 2 STUART DAW案例2 Stuart DawSmart Daw wonders if there is a different way toprice his product and thus gain a competitiveadvantage for his business in the marketplace.INDUSTRY:Food and Kindred ProductsISSUES: Cost Accounting Distrib 6

CASE 2 STUART DAW案例2 Stuart DawSmart Daw wonders if there is a different way toprice his product and thus gain a competitiveadvantage for his business in the marketplace.INDUSTRY:Food and Kindred ProductsISSUES: Cost Accounting Distrib 6

CASE 4 MENCOTTI WINE COMPANY案例4 Mencotti葡萄酒公司This case serves as the introductory case oninvestment decisions using the net present valueapproach.It caps the relevant cost case sequence withdiscounting and explicit calculation of in 12

CASE 4 MENCOTTI WINE COMPANY案例4 Mencotti葡萄酒公司This case serves as the introductory case oninvestment decisions using the net present valueapproach.It caps the relevant cost case sequence withdiscounting and explicit calculation of in 12

Hong Kong Small 1998 3 PAGESAUTHOR:Sharp,D.J.香港香槟饭店的总经理GloriaXu必须决定对其所在饭店的洗衣店采取怎样措施。元月的经营费用大大超过了预算。她必须调查成本飞涨的原因,决定下一步的行动,包括是否关闭洗衣店的业务。P 15

Hong Kong Small 1998 3 PAGESAUTHOR:Sharp,D.J.香港香槟饭店的总经理GloriaXu必须决定对其所在饭店的洗衣店采取怎样措施。元月的经营费用大大超过了预算。她必须调查成本飞涨的原因,决定下一步的行动,包括是否关闭洗衣店的业务。P 15
