阳刚与阴柔的变奏 中国历史上的圣杯与剑 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:闵家胤主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国社会科学出版社
- 出版年份:1995
- ISBN:7500417411
- 页数:637 页
Introduction Min Jiayin 1
1.Riane Eisler and The Chalice and the Blade 1
2.The Concept of Yin and Yang and Gender Relations 19
Chapter One Myth and Reality:The Projection of Gender Relations in Prehistoric China Cai Junsheng 34
1.Nü Wa and Her Partners 34
2.Traces of the Age of Group Marriage 54
Chapter Two Gender Relations in Prehistoric Chinese Society:Archaeological Discoveries Jiao Tianlong 91
1.Settlements of Chinese Gens Communities 92
2.Burial Institutions and Prehistoric Gender Relations 107
3.The Prehistoric Goddess World:Chinese Venuses 117
Chapter Three The Social Relationships of Men and Women in the Xia-Shang Era Du Jinpeng 127
1.The Succession to the Throne Under Patriarchy 127
2.An Analysis of the Marriage System in the Xia and Shang Dynasties 130
3.The Legendary Genesis of the Founders of the Xia and Shang Peoples and Sexual Customs Mirrored in these Legends 141
4.Women s Professions and Social Status 150
5.The Superior Male and Inferior Female:The Origin of the Later Theme 156
6.Class and Gender 163
Chapter Four The Rise and Fall of the Zhou Rites:A Rational Foundation for the Gender Relationship Model Du Fangqin 169
1.The Rise of the Zhou Rites:The Founding of the Institutional Civilisation of the Gender Order 169
2.The Husband-Wife Unit:One Man with Several Women,Dominant Husband and Submissive Wife 184
3.Respecting Mothers and Observing Filial Obedience 185
4.The Principal Ideologies and Sexual Norms 186
5.The Rites Remote from Commoners:Popular Gender Relations Economic Life and Sex 195
6.The Fall of the Rites and the Degeneration of Music:The Challenged Sexual Order and its Self-grouping 202
7.The Sexual Conceptions of the Pre-Qin Philosophers 217
Chapter Five Order and Chaos:The Social Positions of Men and Women in the Qin,Han and Six Dynasties Period Sun Xiao and Pan Shaoping 226
1.The Ethics of Bonds and Virtues in an Autocratic Age 227
2.The Conception of Female Chastity and Instructions to Women Nü jiao 238
3.Woman s Position in Social Life 250
4.The Invasion of Alien Peoples and the Division of Culture 259
Chapter Six A Fixed State of Affairs and Mis-positioned Status:Gender Relations During the Sui,Tang and Five Dynasties Gao Shiyu 270
1.Social Change and Gender Relations 271
2.Gender Relations in Social Life 290
Chapter Seven Women s Status and Gender Relationships in the Liao,Jin and Yuan Dynasties Liu Ruzhen 315
1.The Nomadic Economy and Gender Relationships in Politics 317
2.Marriage Patterns of the Ruling Nationalities of the Liao,Jin and Yuan 330
3.Cross-influences of Nomadic and Han Cultures and Changes in Gender Relations 346
Chapter Eight Brightness Versus Darkness:Gender Relations in the Ming and Qing Dynastiies Zhao Shiyu 359
1.The Entangled Skein 359
2.The Cells of Society 367
3.General Division of Labour:Relations between Men and Women and Their Social Roles 378
4.Seeking More Space 383
5.Concluding Remarks 391
Chapter Nine Monographs 399
Monograph Ⅰ.Goddesses Worshipped by the Chinese Zhao Zhewei 399
1.Ma Zu 399
2.Avalokitesvara 406
3.Other Goddesses 414
1.Civil Law 418
MonographⅡ.Changes in Women s Status as Reflected in Ancient Chinese Law Zhang Zhijing 418
2.Criminal Law 432
3.Procedural Law 444
4.A Brief Inquiry into Women s Subordinate Position 448
Monograph Ⅲ Peking Opera:a Window on Changes in Chinese Women s social status(1790-1937) Huang Yufu 454
1.Peking Opera in Its Early Days:A World of Men 456
2.Changes in the Status of Women in Peking Opera 460
3.Observing the Changes in Chinese Women s Status through Peking Opera 475
Chapter Ten The Women s Movement and Women s Liberation in China Lü Meiyi and Zheng Yongfu 479
1.The Brewing of the Modern Chinese Women s Move-ment 479
2.The 1898 Modernisation Movement and Enlightenment for Women 484
3.The Women s Movement Inspired by Democratic Ideas 489
4.From the Discovery of the Human Being to the Discovery of the Female:The May 4th Movement and Woment s Liberation 497
5.Chinese Women in the 1920s and 1930s 502
6.Women and the Women s Movement in the Anti-Japanese War 513
7.The Women s Movement during the War of Liberation 525
8.The Historic Emancipation of Chinese Women 529
Chapter Eleven Relationships between the Sexes in the New Age of Reform and Open Policy Huang Dezhi and Feng Chunjeng 536
1.Marriages in the Social Transformation in China 536
2.The Employment of Women during the Social Transformation in China 544
3.The Sexes in Families during the Social Transformation in China 549
Conclusion Min Jiayin 553
1.The Chalice and The Blade in Chinese Culture 553
2.The Chalice and the Blade in Chinese Culture 583
3.Fine Conditions Exist for the Cultural Transformation and the Realization of a Good Partnership between the Sexes in China 614
Epilogue 621
Glossary of Historical Texts 624
A Brief Introduction to Chinese Partnership Research Group 630
Editor-in-Chief,Writers and Editors 632
Translators,Polisher and Editors of the English Version 636
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