- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈显钊主编;张翠英等编写
- 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
- 出版年份:1994
- ISBN:7309012062
- 页数:284 页
UNIT 1 What to Do and How to Do It(Ⅰ)(应知应会一) 1
1-1 Welcoming the Customet(迎宾导购) 1
1-2 Recommending a New Product(介绍新产品) 2
1-3 Showing the Sample and Persuading the Customer(出祥和劝购) 2
Exercises(练习) 8
UNIT 2 What to Do and How to Do It(Ⅱ)(应知应会二) 10
2-1 Explaining and Cartioning(解释性能和提醒注意事项) 10
2-2 Bargaining(议价) 10
2-3 Accepting the Payment(收贷款) 11
Exercises(练习) 15
UNIT 3 What to Do and How to Do It(Ⅲ)(应知应会三) 18
3-1 Giving the Guarantee(提供保修单) 18
3-2 Delivering the Gooks to the Customer s(送货上门) 18
3-3 Showing the Way(指路) 19
Exercises(练习) 23
UNIT 4 What to Do and How to Do It(Ⅳ)(应知应会四) 26
4-1 May I Take a Print of Your Card?(我可以复印您的信用卡吗?) 26
4-2 You d Better Repport the Loss Immediately(您最好立即报失) 26
4-3 Foreign Exchange Service(外币兑换服务) 27
Exercises(练习) 31
UNIT 5 At teh Gatment Depariiment(在服装部) 33
5-1 How About Ordering a Suit?(定做一套西服如何? 33
5-2 I ll have to take Your Measurements(我行替您量一下尺寸) 33
5-3 You Really Look Beartiful In It(您穿这件真好看) 34
Exercises(练习) 37
Additional Expressions(附加专业词汇) 39
6-1 You May Exchange It for Another One (您可以换一件) 44
6-2 Please Try us Tomorrow(请明天来看看) 44
UNIT 6 At the Knitting-Wool Department(在毛线部) 44
6-3 The Qualtity of the Knitting-Wool Is Warranted(毛线质量可靠) 45
Exercises(练习) 49
Additional Expressions(附加专业词汇) 51
UNIT 7 At the Textile Department(在纺织品部) 52
7-1 Choosing Silk Fabrics(选购丝绸面料) 52
7-2 At The Stuff adn Cotton Counters(在昵绒和棉布柜) 53
7-3 Offering Cartions to the Silk-Buyers(向购买丝绸的顾客说明注意事项) 53
Exercises(练习) 57
Additional Expressions(附加专业词汇) 59
8-2 A Suitcase With or Without Wheels?(要带轮的还是不带轮的皮箱) 61
8-1 Fulfilling the Customer s Request(满足顾客的要求) 61
UNIT 8 At the Leather Goods Department(在皮件部) 61
8-3 Everything Bag for Every Purpose(万和包:供万用) 62
Exercises(练习) 66
Additional Expressions(附加专业词汇) 68
UNIT 9 At the Shoes Department(在鞋子部) 70
9-1 This Pair Fits Perfectly(这双正合脚) 70
9-2 Selling Shoes for Everyday Wear(售便鞋) 70
9-3 The Fur Cap Looks Good on You(这顶皮帽您戴正合适) 71
Exercises(练习) 74
Additional Expressions(附加专业词汇) 75
UNIT 10 At the Toy Department(在玩具部) 78
10-1 The Blocks and the Transformers Help the Child(这些积木和变形玩个对孩子不无益处) 78
10-2 A Teddy Panda(玩具熊猫) 78
10-3 Is This Umbrellr Yours?(这把伞是您的吗?) 79
Exercises(练习) 84
Exercises(练习) 84
Additional Expressions(附加专业词汇) 85
11-1 Introducing Native Prodrce and FoodStuffs(介绍上特产) 88
11-2 Describing the Moon Cake Symbolize the Family Reunion(月饼象征合家团圆) 89
11-3 Selling Fresh Fruit(卖新鲜水果) 89
Additional Expressions(附加专业词汇) 96
12-1 Yunnan Cigarettes Are among the Best(云烟首屈一指) 100
UNIT 13 At the Foodstrff Department(Ⅲ)(在食品部三) 100
UNIT 12 At the Foodstrff Department(Ⅱ)(在食品部二) 100
12-2 Chinses Tea Is World Famous(中国茶叶闻名世界) 101
12-3 Please Handle Thent with Care(请小心轻拿) 101
Exercises(练习) 106
Additional Expressions(附加专业词汇) 108
13-1 Recommending Young Pilose Antler Tablets(介绍鹿茸片) 110
13-2 It s Improtant to take Gingseng Properly(服用人参务须得当) 111
13-3 Dealing With a Emergency Caes(应会紧急情况) 111
Exercises(练习) 116
Additional Expressions(附加专业词汇) 118
UNIT 14 At the Household Electric Appliance Department(在家用电器部) 120
14-1 The Cooker Is Automatic(这种电饭煲是自动的) 120
14-2 The TV Set Has a Guarantee Against Mechanical is Nothing Wrong withIt(这个整发器没毛病) 121
14-3 There is Nothing Wrong with It(这个整发器没毛病) 121
Exercises(练习) 125
Additional Expressions(附加专业词汇) 126
15-1 Sdlling Photohraphis Articles(出售照相器材) 129
15-2 The Film Winder Works Again(胶卷 旋纽又转了) 129
UNIT 15 At the Photographic Articles Departmetn(在摄影器村部) 129
15-3 How Many Copies Do You Want?(您要印几张) 130
Exercises(练习) 134
Additional Expressions(附加专业词汇) 136
UNIT 16 At the Clock and Watch Departiment(在钟表部) 138
16-1 A Souvenir of the China Tour(中国之行的纪念品) 138
16-2 At the Clock and Watch Repairer s(在钟表修理部) 138
16-3 At the Glasses and Contact Lens Counter(在眼镜和隐形眼镜柜) 139
Exercises(练习) 143
Additional Expressions(附加专业词汇) 145
UNIT 17 At the Cosmetice Department(在化妆品部) 147
17-1 Selling a Lipstick(出售口红) 147
17-2 Recommending a Perfume(推荐香水) 147
17-3 The 101 Hair Tonic Is Wonderfur(101生发水有奇效) 148
Exercises(练习) 152
Additional Expressions(附加专业词汇) 153
UNIT 18 At the Beauty Parlor(美容室) 155
18-1 What Kind of Perm Wonld You like?(您要烫哪种发式?) 155
18-2 It s Your Turn(轮到您了) 155
18-3 A new Dandruff Shampoo(一种新型去头屑香波) 156
Exercises(练习) 160
Additional Expressions(附加专业词汇) 162
UNIT 19 At the Jewelry and Decoration Department(在珠宝首饰部) 164
19-1 The Luster Will Nwver Fade Our(光泽永不暗淡) 164
19-2 Let Me Help You to Try I on(让我帮您试带一下) 164
19-3 How to Tell Real Jade from the Imitation Jade(如何区分真假玉) 165
Exercises(练习) 168
Additional Expressions(附加专业词汇) 170
Additional Expressions(附加专业词汇) 170
UNIT 21 At the Art and Craft Department(Ⅱ)(在工艺美术品部二) 172
20-2 There Are Few Others Like It(像这样的精品为数极少) 172
20-1 How Pure and Even the Texture Is!(玉质多么纯净匀称) 172
UNIT 20 At the Art and Craft Department(Ⅰ)(在工艺美术品部一) 172
20-3 Correcting an Error(纠正差错) 173
Exercises(练习) 177
21-1 Selling Furnitrue in the Qing Dynasty Style(出售清式家具) 182
21-2 China Is the Home of Cloisone(中国是景寨蓝的故乡) 182
21-3 No Trouble at the Customs(出关没问题) 183
Exercises(练习) 187
Additional Expressions(附加专业词汇) 189
22-2 Waiting On a Baseball Fan(接待棒球迷) 191
22-1 The Racket Is Dependable for Tournament Use(这是可靠的比赛用球拍) 191
UNIT 22 At the Sporting Goods Department(在体育用品部) 191
22-3 We Are Sending the Climber At Once (登山器我们马上送业) 192
Exercises(练习) 195
Additional Expressions(附加专业词汇) 197
UNIT 23 At the Office Appliances Department(在办公用品部) 200
23-1 Demonstrating the Copier(演示复印机) 200
23-2 We Heve the Very Things for Your Office(你们办公室需要的我们全都有) 200
23-3 Anything Else You d Like to Have?(还要别的吗) 201
Exercises(练习) 204
Additional Expressions(附加专业词汇) 206
UNIT 24 At the Cultural and Recreational Department(Ⅰ)(在文化娱乐部一) 209
24-1 Selling a Guide Book with a Tourist Map(出售附有旅游地图的旅行指南) 209
UNIT 25 At the Cultural and Recreational Department(Ⅱ)(在文化娱乐部二 ) 209
24-2 Recommending Some Chinses Classics(介绍中国古典名著) 210
24-3 The Tape Is Characterislic of the Orient(这盒磁带具有东方特有的韵) 210
Exercises(练习) 215
Additional Expressions(附加专业词汇) 217
25-2 Recommending Goldfish-Peony in Water(介绍水中牡丹——金鱼) 221
25-3 Creating the Miniature of Natural Beauty(造化之美缩于方寸) 221
Exercises(练习) 228
25-1 At the Florist Counter(在花卉柜) 229
Additional Expressions(附加专业词汇) 230
UNIT 26 At the Chinses Painting and Calligraphy Depart-ment(在字画部) 233
26-1 Appreciating the Abstract Beauty of Strokes(欣赏笔划的抽象美) 233
26-3 The Seal-Cutting Service(刻制图章服务) 234
26-2 Selling Traditional Chinese Paintings(出售传统的一中国画) 235
Exercises(练习) 240
Additional Expressions(附加专业词汇) 241
UNIT 27 At the Sundry Goods Department(在杂货部) 244
27-3 They Are Microwave-Oven Proofed(它们能放进微波炉中使用) 245
27-2 At the Walking Stick Counter (在手杖柜) 245
Exercises(练习) 250
Additional Expressions(附加专业词汇) 252
UNIT 28 Businsee Talks(商务洽谈) 255
28-1 In the Sample Room (在样品陈列室) 255
28-2 Making a Deal(成交) 256
Exercises(练习) 265
Additional Expressions(附加专业词汇) 266
PANT TWO 第二部分 270
Ⅰ.Elementrary English 88 for Shop Assistants(营业员常用基础英语88句) 271
Ⅱ.The Names of Shops and Stores(商店店名) 280
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