成功英语 第2册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:娄蛘编著
- 出 版 社:武汉:武汉大学出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7307035391
- 页数:399 页
一、成功英语1—1000句 1
(一)高一词语例句1 1
notice与take notice of 的区别 1
complete与finish词义的区别 1
information与news词义的区别 1
take part in,join与attend的区别 2
appear,seem,look词义的区别 2
prepare与get ready的区别 2
be prepared与prepare for的区别 2
make,have,get构成的句型区别 3
finally,at last,in the end的区别 3
vocation,holiday,leave词义的区别 4
used to do sth.,be sued to do sth.,be used to doing sth.的区别 4
such与so词义的区别 4
fetch与carry词义的区别 4
shut与close词义的区别 4
so do I与so I do的区别 5
(im)possible与(im)probable词义的区别 6
sport与game词义的区别 8
ago与before词义的区别 8
at first,first of all,firstly的区别 9
fewer与less词义的区别 9
be going to与will的区别 9
be made of与be made from的区别 11
worth与worthy词义的区别 12
start与begin词义的区别 12
at table与at the table的区别 12
at one time,at a time,at the same time的区别 14
call at与call on的区别 15
all is与all are的区别 16
answer与reply词义的区别 17
do with与deal with 的区别 17
mean to do与mean doing的区别 19
(二)定语从句 21
(三)高一词语例句2 28
big,large,huge,great词义的区别 33
call sb.by the name与call sb.names的区别 34
cause与reason词义的区别 34
cut off与cut down的区别 35
get along,get along with,get along without的区别 35
go for sb.与send for sb.的区别 35
注意happen的三种结构 35
fell like,would like,would rather,want的区别 36
注意be+不定式的用法 37
seat与sit词义的区别 38
It is+形容词+for sb.to do sth.与It is+形容词+of sb.to do sth.的区别 38
for one's good与for the good of的区别 38
be to do 与be about to do的区别 38
give in 与give up的区别 39
注意good and nice的用法 40
whatever与what ever的区别 41
lie与lay词义的区别 41
be tired with与be tired of的区别 42
means与method词义的区别 42
Mr.与Sir的区别 42
hope,wish,expect与look forard to的区别 42
answer for与answer to的区别 45
at hand,at sb.'s hands,in hand的区别 46
(四)动名词 46
(五)分词 50
(六)高二词语例句1 60
different与various词义的区别 60
enter与enter into的区别 60
fun,joke,trick,funny词义的区别 61
hate doing sth.与hate to do sth.的区别 61
hard at与hard on的区别 61
on hand,on all hands,on one's hands的区别 62
pay,salary,wage词义的区别 62
rather than she与rather than her的区别 62
rich与wealthy词义的区别 62
satisfying与satisfied词义的区别 63
absent in 与absent from的区别 63
allow,permit,let词义的区别 64
be careful of,be careful with,be careful for,be careful about的区别 64
calm,quiet,silent词义的区别 65
suit与fit词义的区别 65
fix,mend,repair词义的区别 65
go on for与go in for的区别 66
persuade与advise词义的区别 67
manage与try词义的区别 68
custom与habit词义的区别 68
injure,hurt,wound词义的区别 69
fit sb.与be fit for sb.的区别 70
cause与reason词义的区别 70
fault与mistake词义的区别 70
probably,possibly,maybe,perhaps,likely词义的区别 71
at,with,through在表示原因时的区别 73
die of与die from的区别 75
when,while,after,before+现在分词用法的区别 75
注意expect的用法 80
noise,voice,sound词义的区别 80
(七)将来完成时 81
(八)将来进行时 82
(九)过去将来进行时 82
(十)现在完成进行时 82
(十一)过去完成进行时 83
(十二)将来完成进行时 84
(十三)过去将来完成进行时 84
(十四)省略句 85
(十五)倒装 85
(十六)强调句 89
(十七)高二词语例句2 89
动词lay与lie用法的区别 89
heavy与weighty词义的区别 93
ill与sick词义的区别 93
certain与sure词义的区别 93
continual与continuous词义的区别 94
in the distance与at a distance的区别 95
forget与leave词义的区别 95
some与certain词义的区别 95
sport与game词义的区别 95
as far as与as long as的区别 96
at present,at the present time与presently的区别 96
attend to与attend的区别 96
be over与be up的区别 96
consist in,consist of,consist with的区别 97
hardly ever与not always的区别 98
increase与add词义的区别 98
interest与interests词义的区别 99
on the point of与to the point of的区别 99
pleased与pleasing词义的区别 100
insist on,keep up,persist in的区别 101
divide与separate词义的区别 101
nature与the nature的区别 102
worth,worthy,worthwhile词义的区别 105
be useful to与be used for的区别 105
between与among词义的区别 106
could与was/were ablt to用法的区别 106
any one与anyone词义的区别 106
注意so… as,so… that与such… as,such… that的用法 107
(十八)虚拟语气 108
(十九)高三词语例句1 119
to,in,for表示方位时的区别 119
by the lights of与in the light of的区别 120
care for,care about,care to do sth.的区别 121
experience,experiences,experienced词义的区别 121
fail与lose词义的区别 122
have the pleasure of与take pleasure in的区别 122
in course,in course of,in the course of的区别 123
in one’s best,at(the)best,at one’s best的区别 123
in place,in one's place,out of place的区别 123
ordinary与common词义的区别 124
realize与come true的区别 125
agree with,agree on,agree to的区别 126
because,as,since,for与because of的区别 126
below与under词义的区别 127
build,found与set up的区别 127
close与closely词义的区别 127
cloth,clothes,dress,coat,suit,clothing词义的区别 127
discover,invent,find与find out的区别 130
everything与every thing词义的区别 130
for,to,towards词义的区别 131
happen,occur与take place,come about的区别 131
problem与question词义的区别 132
anxious与eager词义的区别 136
(二十)句子分析 137
(二十一)高三词语例句2 139
not more than,no more than与not less than,no less than的区别 142
forgive,excuse,pardon词义的区别 150
be sure与make sure的区别 150
believe与believe in的区别 151
effect与affect词义的区别 151
provide与supply词义的区别 152
keep up与keep out的区别 155
find与finding词义的区别 157
注意but的用法 157
(二十二)趣味口语 158
(二十三)日常用语 189
问候 189
介绍 189
祝贺、祝愿 190
感谢 190
道歉 191
安慰 193
称赞 193
问路 194
请求帮助 194
打电话 195
时间、日期 196
天气 196
乘飞机 197
乘火车 199
在海关 200
在旅馆 203
在餐馆 203
在理发店 205
在洗衣店(干洗店) 206
在图书馆 206
观光 206
在邮局 207
在银行 208
看病 210
告别 212
找工作 212
购物 215
生意用语 217
其他日常用语 225
二、第二册词汇表 226
三、高中词汇表 240
四、第二册词语表 262
五、构词法 276
六、第二册同步练习 279
七、第二册汉译英综合练习 304
八、第二册同步练习答案 315
九、第二册汉英对照答案 324
(一)第二册同步练习汉译英答案 324
(二)第二册汉译英综合练习答案 339
十、高一英语练习 352
十一、高一英语练习答案 362
十二、高二英语练习 367
十三、高二英语练习答案 379
十四、高三英语练习 384
十五、高三英语练习答案 395
参考书目 399
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