- 电子书积分:25 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)Floyd著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7030124715
- 页数:992 页
1-1 Electrical Components and Measuring Instruments 2
Contents 5
1 Components,Quantities,and Units 5
1-2 Electrical and Magnetic Units 6
1-3 Scientific Notation 8
1-4 Engineering Notation and Metric Prefixes 12
1-5 Metric Unit Conversions 15
2 Voltage,Current,and Resistance 22
2-1 Atomic Structure 24
2-2 Electrical Charge 27
2-3 Voltage 29
2-4 Current 33
2-5 Resistance 35
2-6 The Electric Circuit 44
2-7 Basic Circuit Measurements 51
2-8 Electrical Safety 59
Technology Theory into Practice 62
3 Ohm's Law 78
3-1 Ohm's Law 80
3-2 Calculating Current 82
3-3 Calculating Voltage 85
3-4 Calculating Resistance 88
3-5 The Relationship of Current,Voltage,and Resistance 89
3-6 Introduction to Troubleshooting 92
Technology Theory into Practice 95
4 Energy and Power 106
4-1 Energy and Power 108
4-2 Power in an Electric Circuit 110
4-3 Resistor Power Ratings 112
4-4 Energy Conversion and Voltage Drop in Resistance 116
4-5 Power Supplies 117
Technology Theory into Practice 120
5 Series Circuits 128
5-1 Resistors in Series 130
5-2 Current in a Series Circuit 132
5-3 Total Series Resistance 134
5-4 Ohm's Law in Series Circuits 138
5-5 Voltage Sources in Series 142
5-6 Kirchhoff's Voltage Law 145
5-7 Voltage Dividers 149
5-8 Power in a Series Circuit 156
5-9 Circuit Ground 158
5-10 Troubleshooting 162
Technology Theory into Practice 167
6 Parallel Circuits 184
6-1 Resistors in Parallel 186
6-2 Voltage in Parallel Circuits 189
6-3 Kirchhoff's Current Law 191
6-4 Total Parallel Resistance 195
6-5 Ohm's Law in Parallel Circuits 201
6-6 Current Sources in Parallel 205
6-7 Current Dividers 206
6-8 Power in Parallel Circuits 210
6-9 Examples of Parallel Circuit Applications 212
6-10 Troubleshooting 217
Technology Theory into Practice 222
7 Series-Parallel Circuits 238
7-1 Identifying Series-Parallel Relationships 240
7-2 Analysis of Series-Parallel Circuits 246
7-3 Voltage Dividers with Resistive Loads 253
7-4 Loading Effect of a Voltmeter 258
7-5 Ladder Networks 261
7-6 The Wheatstone Bridge 266
7-7 Troubleshooting 271
Technology Theory into Practice 275
8 Circuit Theorems and Conversions 294
8-1 The Voltage Source 296
8-2 The Current Source 298
8-3 Source Conversions 300
8-4 The Superposition Theorem 303
8-5 Thevenin's Theorem 310
8-6 Norton's Theorem 319
8-7 Maximum Power Transfer Theorem 323
8-8 Delta-to-Wye(△-to-Y)and Wye-to-Delta(Y-to-△) Conversions 325
Technology Theory into Practice 331
9 Branch,Mesh,and Node Analysis 346
9-1 Branch Current Method 348
9-2 Determinants 351
9-3 Solving Simultaneous Equations Using a Calculator 357
9-4 Mesh Current Method 359
9-5 Node Voltage Method 364
Technology Theory into Practice 367
10 Magnetism and Electromagnetism 378
10-1 The Magnetic Field 380
10-2 Electromagnetism 384
10-3 Electromagnetic Devices 390
10-4 Magnetic Hysteresis 395
10-5 Electromagnetic Induction 397
10-6 Applications of Electromagnetic Induction 401
Technology Theory into Practice 405
11 Introduction to Alternating Current and Voltage 414
11-1 The Sine Wave 416
11-2 Sinusoidal Voltage Sources 421
11-3 Voltage and Current Values of Sine Waves 424
11-4 Angular Measurement of a Sine Wave 428
11-5 The Sine Wave Formula 432
11-6 Ohm's Law and Kirchhoff's Laws in AC Circuits 434
11-7 Superimposed DC and AC Voltages 437
11-8 Nonsinusoidal Waveforms 439
11-9 The Oscilloscope 446
Technology Theory into Practice 453
12 Phasors and Complex Numbers 468
12-1 Introduction to Phasors 470
17-2 The Complex Number System 475
12-3 Rectangular and Polar Forms 479
12-4 Mathematical Operations 486
Technology Theory into Practice 491
13 Capacitors 498
13-1 The Basic Capacitor 500
13-2 Types of Capacitors 507
13-3 Series Capacitors 513
13-4 Parallel Capacitors 518
13-5 Capacitors in DC Circuits 520
13-6 Capacitors in AC Circuits 529
13-7 Capacitor Applications 535
13-8 Testing Capacitors 540
Technology Theory into Practice 542
14 Inductors 556
14-1 The Basic Inductor 558
14-2 Types of Inductors 564
14-3 Series Inductors 565
14-4 Parallel Inductors 566
14-5 Inductors in DC Circuits 568
14-6 Inductors in AC Circuits 577
14-7 Inductor Applications 583
14-8 Testing Inductors 584
Technology Theory into Practice 585
15 Transformers 598
15-1 Mutual Inductance 600
15-2 The Basic Transformer 601
15-3 Step-Up Transformers 605
15-4 Step-Down Transformers 606
15-5 Loading the Secondary Winding 607
15-6 Reflected Load 609
15-7 Matching the Load and Source Resistances 611
15-8 The Transformer as an Isolation Device 614
15-9 Practical Transformers 616
15-10 Other Types of Transformers 619
15-11 Troubleshooting 624
Technology Theory into Practice 626
16 RC Circuits 638
Part 1:Series Reactive Circuits 640
16-1 Sinusoidal Response of RC Circuits 640
16-2 Impedance and Phase Angle of Series RC Circuits 641
16-3 Analysis of Series RC Circuits 644
Part 2:Parallel Reactive Circuits 651
16-4 Impedance and Phase Angle of Parallel RC Circuits 651
16-5 Analysis of Parallel RC Circuits 654
Part 3:Series-Parallel Reactive Circuits 660
16-6 Analysis of Series-Parallel RC Circuits 660
16-7 Power in RC Circuits 666
Part 4:Special Topics 666
16-8 Basic Applications 670
16-9 Troubleshooting 681
Technology Theory into Practice 687
17 RL Circuits 706
Part 1:Series Reactive Circuits 708
17-1 Sinusoidal Response of RL Circuits 708
17-2 Inpedance and Phase Angle of Series RL Circuits 709
17-3 Analysis of Series RL Circuits 711
Part 2:Parallel Reactive Circuits 716
17-4 Impedance and Phase Angle of Parallel RL Circuits 716
17-5 Analysis of Parallel RL Circuits 719
Part 3:Series-Parallel Reactive Circuits 723
17-6 Analysis of Series-Parallel RL Circuits 723
17-7 Power in RL Circuits 727
Part 4:Special Topics 727
17-8 Basic Applications 730
17-9 Troubleshooting 738
Technology Theory into Practice 743
18 RLC Circuits and Resonance 758
Part 1:Series Reactive Circuits 760
18-1 Impedance of Series RLC Circuits 760
18-2 Analysis of Series RLC Circuits 762
18-3 Series Resonance 766
Part 2:Parallel Reactive Circuits 773
18-4 Impedance of Parallel RLC Circuits 773
18-5 Analysis of Parallel RLC Circuits 775
18-6 Parallel Resonance 778
18-7 Analysis of Series-Parallel RLC Circuits 782
Part 3:Series-Parallel Reactive Circuits 782
Part 4:Special Topics 790
18-8 Bandwidth of Resonant Circuits 790
18-9 Applications 794
Technology Theory into Practice 798
19 Basic Filters 812
19-1 Low-Pass Filters 814
19-2 High-Pass Filters 821
19-3 Band-Pass Filters 826
19-4 Band-Stop Filters 830
Technology Theory into Practice 834
20 Circuit Theorems in AC Analysis 846
20-1 The Superposition Theorem 848
20-2 Thevenin's Theorem 853
20-3 Norton's Theorem 863
20-4 Maximum Power Transfer Theorem 867
Technology Theory into Practice 871
21 Pulse Response of Reactive Circuits 882
21-1 The RC Integrator 884
21-2 Single-Pulse Response of RC Integrators 885
21-3 Repetitive-Pulse Response of RC Integrators 890
21-4 Single-Pulse Response of RC Differentiators 895
21-5 Repetitive-Pulse Response of RC Differentiators 900
21-6 Pulse Response of RL Integrators 903
21-7 Pulse Response of RL Differentiators 908
21-8 Relationship of Time(Pulse)Response to Frequency Response 911
21-9 Troubleshooting 914
Technology Theory into Practice 917
22 Polyphase Systems in Power Applications 928
22-1 Basic Polyphase Machines 930
22-2 Polyphase Generators in Power Applications 932
22-3 Three-Phase Generators 938
22-4 Three-Phase Source/Load Analysis 943
22-5 Three-Phase Power 950
A Table of Standard Resistor Values 959
B Batteries 960
C Derivations 963
D Capacitor Color Coding 966
Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems 970
Glossary 982
Index 989
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