- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)爱立森(Allison
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7030124693
- 页数:570 页
C++:The Making of a Standard 1
PartⅠ Preliminaries 9
1 A Better C 11
A Tale Of Two Languages 11
Incremental Journey 12
The Type System 12
Function Prototypes 13
Type-safe Linkage 17
References 19
Type-safe I/O 20
Standard Streams 21
Formatting 24
Manipulators 29
Function Overloading and Function Templates 32
Operator Overloading 32
Inline Functions 34
Default Arguments 35
new and delete 36
Statement Declarations 37
Standard Library Features 38
C Compatibility 38
Summary 40
2 Pointers 40
Programming on the Edge 40
The Basics 40
Pointer Arithmetic 44
Pass-By-Reference Semantics 48
Generic Pointers 49
const Pointers 50
Pointers and One-Dimensional Arrays 52
Arrays as Parameters 56
Arrays of Strings 59
Pointers and Multidimensional Arrays 62
Higher and Deeper 64
Pointers to Functions 68
Pointers to Member Functions 71
Encapsulation and Incomplete Types 73
Summary 78
3 The Preprocessor 79
The #include Directive 79
Other Preprocessor Directives 80
Predefined Macros 83
Conditional Compilation 85
Preprocessing Operators 86
Implementing assert 88
Macro Magic 89
Character Sets,Trigraphs,and Digraphs 93
Phases of Translation 96
Summary 97
4 The Standard C Library,Part Ⅰ 98
5 The Standard C Library,Part Ⅱ 118
Appendix 5.1:Character Sets 127
Code Pages 129
Character Set Standards 130
ISO 10646 130
Unicode 131
6 The Standard C Library,Part Ⅲ 131
va_list s As Arguments 143
An Application 146
Conclusion 150
Appendix 6.1:Floating-point Number Systems 151
Part Ⅱ Key Concepts 159
7 Abstraction 161
Data Abstraction 161
Operator Overloading 168
Concrete Data Types 173
Type Abstraction 180
Function Abstraction 181
Summary 184
8 Templates 185
Generic Programming 187
Function Templates 187
Class Templates 189
Template Parameters 194
Template Specialization 196
Summary 199
9 Bit Manipulation 202
Bitwise Operators 202
Accessing Individual Bits 204
Large Bitsets 209
The bitset Template 224
Wish List 224
Bit Strings 224
The vector
Summary 228
10 Conversions and Casts 229
Integral Promotion 229
Demotions 233
Arithmetic Conversions 235
Function Prototypes 237
Explicit Conversions 239
Function-style Casts 240
Const Correctness 240
User-Defined Conversions 243
Beefing up operator[] 249
New-Style Casts 252
Summary 253
What s In a Name? 255
Scope 255
11 Visibility 255
Minimal Scoping 258
Class Scope 259
Nested Classes 265
Local Classes 266
Classic Namespaces 268
Namespace Scope 269
Lifetime 272
Lifetime of Temporaries 275
Linkage 276
Type-safe Linkage 280
Summary 281
Language Linkage 281
12 Control Structures 283
Structured Programming 283
Branching 290
Nonlocal Branching 296
Signals 300
Summary 305
References 305
13 Exceptions 306
Error Handling Alternatives 306
Stack Unwinding 314
Catching Exceptions 316
Standard Exceptions 318
Constructors and Exceptions 322
Resource Management 322
Memory Management 330
Exception Specifications 331
An Error-Handling Strategy 333
Summary 337
14 Object-oriented Programming 338
Inheritance 342
Heterogeneous Collections 343
Virtual Functions and Polymorphism 344
Abstract Base Classes 347
Case Study:A Framework for Object Persistence 350
Database Access 353
Mapping Objects to Relational Schema 354
PFX Architecture 356
A Code Walkthrough 359
Summary 379
Part Ⅲ Leveraging the Standard Library 381
15 Algorithms 383
Complexity 386
Generic Algorithms 388
Function Objects 392
Function Taxonomy 394
Function Object Adapters 395
Algorithm Taxonomy 396
16 Containers and Iterators 398
Summary 399
References 399
Standard Containers 401
Iterators 402
Iterator Taxonomy 403
Special-Purpose Iterators 405
Container Adapters 408
Associative Containers 409
Applications 409
Non-STL Containers 417
Summary 419
17 Text Processing 421
scanf 421
printf 427
Substrings 429
The Standard C++ String Class 436
String Streams 440
Wide Strings 441
Summary 442
18 File Processing 443
Filters 443
Binary Files 446
Record Processing 448
Temporary Files 454
Portability 455
File Descriptors 456
Copying Files via Descriptors 456
Reading Directory Entries 458
Redirecting Standard Error 462
Encapsulating Directory Operations 466
Summary 471
19 Time and Date Processing 472
Julian Day Encoding 475
Date Classes for Real Work 495
Calculating the Week of the Year 521
Summary 522
Reference 522
20 Dynamic Memory Management 523
Ragged Arrays 523
Using the Heap in Standard C 525
The C++ Free Store 529
Deep versus Shallow Copy 530
Handling Memory Allocation Failure 533
Overriding new and delete 534
Placement new 535
Managing the Heap 538
Avoiding Memory Management 539
Summary 546
Appendices 547
A C/C++ Compatibility 547
B Standard C++ Algorithms 549
C Function Objects and Adapters 558
Function Objects 558
Function Object Adapters 560
D Annotated Bibliography 561
The C Practitioner s Booklist 561
The C++ Practitioner s Booklist 562
Index 565
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