多线程、并行与分布式程序设计基础 影印版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)Gregory R.Andrews著
- 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7040114003
- 页数:664 页
Chapter 1:The Concurrent Computing Landscape 1
1.1 The Essence of Concurrent Programming 2
1.2 Hardware Architectures 4
1.2.1 Processors and Caches 4
1.2.2 Shared-Memory Multiprocessors 6
1.2.3 Distributed-Memory Multicomputers and Networks 8
1.3 Applications and Programming Styles 10
1.4 Iterative Parallelism:Matrix Multiplication 13
1.5 Recursive Parallelism:Adaptive Quadrature 17
1.6 Producers and Consumers:Unix Pipes 19
1.7 Clients and Servers:File Systems 21
1.8 Peers:Distributed Matrix Multiplication 23
1.9 Summary of Programming Notation 26
1.9.1 Declarations 26
1.9.2 Sequential Statements 27
1.9.3 Concurrent Statements,Processes,and Procedures 29
Historical Notes 31
1.9.4 Comments 31
References 33
Exercises 34
Part 1:Shared-Variable Programming 39
Chapter 2:Processes and Synchronization 41
2.1 States,Actions,Histories,and Properties 42
2.2 Parallelization:Finding Patterns in a File 44
2.3 Synchronization:The Maximum of an Array 48
2.4 Atomic Actions and Await Statements 51
2.4.1 Fine-Grained Atomicity 51
2.4.2 Specifying Synchronization:The Await Statement 54
2.5 Producer/Consumer Synchronization 56
2.6 A Synopsis of Axiomatic Semantics 57
2.6.1 Formal Logical Systems 58
2.6.2 A Programming Logic 59
2.6.3 Semantics of Concurrent Execution 62
2.7.1 Disjoint Variables 65
2.7 Techniques for Avoiding Interference 65
2.7.2 Weakened Assertions 66
2.7.3 Global Invariants 68
2.7.4 Synchronization 69
2.7.5 An Example:The Array Copy Problem Revisited 70
2.8 Safety and Liveness Properties 72
2.8.1 Proving Safety Properties 73
2.8.2 Scheduling Policies and Fairness 74
Historical Notes 77
References 80
Exercises 81
Chapter 3:Locks and Barriers 93
3.1 The Critical Section Problem 94
3.2 Critical Sections:Spin Locks 97
3.2.1 Test and Set 98
3.2.2 Test and Test and Set 100
3.2.3 Implementing Await Statements 101
3.3.1 The Tie-Breaker Algorithm 104
3.3 Critical Sections:Fair Solutions 104
3.3.2 The Ticket Algorithm 108
3.3.3 The Bakery Algorithm 111
3.4 Barrier Synchronization 115
3.4.1 Shared Counter 116
3.4.2 Flags and Coordinators 117
3.4.3 Symmetric Barriers 120
3.5 Data Parallel Algorithms 124
3.5.1 Parallel Prefix Computations 124
3.5.2 Operations on Linked Lists 127
3.5.3 Grid Computations:Jacobi Iteration 129
3.5.4 Synchronous Multiprocessors 131
3.6 Parallel Computing with a Bag of Tasks 132
3.6.1 Matrix Multiplication 133
3.6.2 Adaptive Quadrature 134
Historical Notes 135
References 139
Exercises 141
Chapter 4:Semaphores 153
4.1 Syntax and Semantics 154
4.2 Basic Problems and Techniques 156
4.2.1 Critical Sections:Mutual Exclusion 156
4.2.2 Barriers:Signaling Events 156
4.2.3 Producers and Consumers:Split Binary Semaphores 158
4.2.4 Bounded Buffers:Resource Counting 160
4.3 The Dining Philosophers 164
4.4 Readers and Writers 166
4.4.1 Readers/Writers as an Exclusion Problem 167
4.4.2 Readers/Writers Using Condition Synchronization 169
4.4.3 The Technique of Passing the Baton 171
4.4.4 Alternative Scheduling Policies 175
4.5 Resource Allocation and Scheduling 178
4.5.1 Problem Definition and General Solution Pattern 178
4.5.2 Shortest-Job-Next Allocation 180
4.6 Case Study:Pthreads 184
4.6.1 Thread Creation 185
4.6.2 Semaphores 186
4.6.3 Example:A Simple Producer and Consumer 186
Historical Notes 188
References 190
Exercises 191
Chapter 5:Monitors 203
5.1 Syntax and Semantics 204
5.1.1 Mutual Exclusion 206
5.1.2 Condition Variables 207
5.1.3 Signaling Disciplines 208
5.1.4 Additional Operations on Condition Variables 212
5.2 Synchronization Techniques 213
5.2.1 Bounded Buffers:Basic Condition Synchronization 213
5.2.2 Readers and Writers:Broadcast Signal 215
5.2.3 Shortest-Job-Next Allocation:Priority Wait 217
5.2.4 Interval Timer:Covering Conditions 218
5.2.5 The Sleeping Barber:Rendezvous 221
5.3 Disk Scheduling:Program Structures 224
5.3.1 Using a Separate Monitor 228
5.3.2 Using an Intermediary 230
5.3.3 Using a Nested Monitor 235
5.4 Case Study:Java 237
5.4.1 The Threads Class 238
5.4.2 Synchronized Methods 239
5.4.3 Parallel Readers/Writers 241
5.4.4 Exclusive Readers/Writers 243
5.4.5 True Readers/Writers 245
5.5 Case Study:Pthreads 246
5.5.1 Locks and Condition Variables 246
5.5.2 Example:Summing the Elements of a Matrix 248
Historical Notes 250
References 253
Exercises 255
Chapter 6:Implementations 265
6.1 A Single-Processor Kernel 266
6.2 A Multiprocessor Kernel 270
6.3 Implementing Semaphores in a Kernel 276
6.4 Implementing Monitors in a Kernel 279
6.5 Implementing Monitors Using Semaphores 283
Historical Notes 284
References 286
Exercises 287
Part 2:Distributed Programming 291
Chapter 7:Message Passing 295
7.1 Asynchronous Message Passing 296
7.2 Filters:A Sorting Network 298
7.3 Clients and Servers 302
7.3.1 Active Monitors 302
7.3.2 A Self-Scheduling Disk Server 308
7.3.3 File Servers:Conversational Continuity 311
7.4 Interacting Peers:Exchanging Values 314
7.5 Synchronous Message Passing 318
7.6 Case Study:CSP 320
7.6.1 Communication Statements 321
7.6.2 Guarded Communication 323
7.6.3 Example:The Sieve of Eratosthenes 326
7.6.4 Occam and Modern CSP 328
7.7 Case Study:Linda 334
7.7.1 Tuple Space and Process Interaction 334
7.7.2 Example:Prime Numbers with a Bag of Tasks 337
7.8 Case Study:MPI 340
7.8.1 Basic Functions 341
7.8.2 Global Communication and Synchronization 343
7.9 Case Study:Java 344
7.9.1 Networks and Sockets 344
7.9.2 Example:A Remote File Reader 345
Historical Notes 348
References 351
Exercises 353
Chapter 8:RPC and Rendezvous 361
8.1 Remote Procedure Call 362
8.1.1 Synchronization in Modules 364
8.1.2 A Time Server 365
8.1.3 Caches in a Distributed File System 367
8.1.4 A Sorting Network of Merge Filters 370
8.1.5 Interacting Peers:Exchanging Values 371
8.2 Rendezvous 373
8.2.1 Input Statements 374
8.2.2 Client/Server Examples 376
8.2.3 A Sorting Network of Merge Filters 379
8.2.4 Interacting Peers:Exchanging Values 381
8.3 A Multiple Primitives Notation 382
8.3.1 Invoking and Servicing Operations 382
8.3.2 Examples 384
8.4 Readers/Writers Revisited 386
8.4.1 Encapsulated Access 387
8.4.2 Replicated Files 389
8.5.1 Remote Method Invocation 393
8.5 Case Study:Java 393
8.5.2 Example:A Remote Database 395
8.6 Case Study:Ada 397
8.6.1 Tasks 398
8.6.2 Rendezvous 399
8.6.3 Protected Types 401
8.6.4 Example:The Dining Philosophers 403
8.7.1 Resources and Globals 406
8.7 Case Study:SR 406
8.7.2 Communication and Synchronization 408
8.7.3 Example:Critical Section Simulation 409
Historical Notes 411
References 415
Exercises 416
Chapter 9:Paradigms for Process Interaction 423
9.1.1 Sparse Matrix Multiplication 424
9.1 Manager/Workers(Distributed Bag of Tasks) 424
9.1.2 Adaptive Quadrature Revisited 428
9.2 Heartbeat Algorithms 430
9.2.1 Image Processing:Region Labeling 432
9.2.2 Cellular Automata:The Game of Life 435
9.3 Pipeline Algorithms 437
9.3.1 A Distributed Matrix Multiplication Pipeline 438
9.3.2 Matrix Multiplication by Blocks 441
9.4 Probe/Echo Algorithms 444
9.4.1 Broadcast in a Network 444
9.4.2 Computing the Topology of a Network 448
9.5 Broadcast Algorithms 451
9.5.1 Logical Clocks and Event Ordering 452
9.5.2 Distributed Semaphores 454
9.6 Token-Passing Algorithms 457
9.6.1 Distributed Mutual Exclusion 457
9.6.2 Termination Detection in a Ring 460
9.6.3 Termination Detection in a Graph 462
9.7 Replicated Servers 465
9.7.1 Distributed Dining Philosophers 466
9.7.2 Decentralized Dining Philosophers 467
Historical Notes 471
References 474
Exercises 477
Chapter 10:Implementations 487
10.1 Asynchronous Message Passing 488
10.1.1 Shared-Memory Kernel 488
10.1.2 Distributed Kernel 491
10.2 Synchronous Message Passing 496
10.2.1 Direct Communication Using Asynchronous Messages 497
10.2.2 Guarded Communication Using a Clearinghouse 498
10.3 RPC and Rendezvous 504
10.3.1 RPC in a Kernel 504
10.3.2 Rendezvous Using Asynchronous Message Passing 507
10.3.3 Multiple Primitives in a Kernel 509
10.4 Distributed Shared Memory 515
10.4.1 Implementation Overview 516
10.4.2 Page Consistency Protocols 518
Historical Notes 520
References 521
Exercises 522
Part 3:Parallel Programming 527
Chapter 11:Scientific Computing 533
11.1.1 Laplace s Equation 534
11.1 Grid Computations 534
11.1.2 Sequential Jacobi Iteration 535
11.1.3 Jacobi Iteration Using Shared Variables 540
11.1.4 Jacobi Iteration Using Message Passing 541
11.1.5 Red/Black Successive Over-Relaxation(SOR) 546
11.1.6 Multigrid Methods 549
11.2 Particle Computations 553
11.2.1 The Gravitational N-Body Problem 554
11.2.2 Shared-Variable Program 555
11.2.3 Message-Passing Programs 559
11.2.4 Approximate Methods 569
11.3 Matrix Computations 573
11.3.1 Gaussian Elimination 573
11.3.2 LU Decomposition 575
11.3.3 Shared-Variable Program 576
11.3.4 Message-Passing Program 581
Historical Notes 583
References 584
Exercises 585
Chapter 12:Languages,Compilers,Libraries,and Tools 591
12.1 Parallel Programming Libraries 592
12.1.1 Case Study:Pthreads 593
12.1.2 Case Study:MPI 593
12.1.3 Case Study:OpenMP 595
12.2 Parallelizing Compilers 603
12.2.1 Dependence Analysis 604
12.2.2 Program Transformations 607
12.3 Languages and Models 614
12.3.1 Imperative Languages 616
12.3.2 Coordination Languages 619
12.3.3 Data Parallel Languages 620
12.3.4 Functional Languages 623
12.3.5 Abstract Models 626
12.3.6 Case Study:High-Performance Fortran(HPF) 629
12.4.1 Performance Measurement and Visualization 633
12.4 Parallel Programming Tools 633
12.4.2 Metacomputers and Metacomputing 634
12.4.3 Case Study:The Globus Toolkit 636
Historical Notes 638
References 642
Exercises 644
Glossary 647
Index 657
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