- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)特纳(TurnerP.C.)等著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7030109597
- 页数:346 页
Section A - Cells and macromloecules 1
A1 Cellular Classification 1
A2 Subcellular organelles 4
A3 Macromolecules 7
Abbreviations 9
F4 Recombimation 9
A4 Large macromolecular assemblies 11
Preface to the second edition 11
Preface to the first edition 13
Section B - Protein structure 15
B1 Amino acids 15
B2 Protein structure and function 18
B3 Protein analysis 25
C1 Nucleic acid structure 31
Section C - Properties of nucleic acids 31
C2 Chemical and physical properties of nucleic acids 38
C3 Spectroscopic and thermal properties of nucleic acids 42
C4 DNA supercoiling 45
Section D - Prokaryotic and eukaryotic chromosome structure 49
D1 Prokaryotic chromosome structure 49
D2 Chromatin structure 51
D3 Eukaryotic chromosome structure 56
D4 Genome complexity 61
D5 The flow of gengtic information 66
E1 DNA replication:an overview 71
Section E - DNA replication 71
E2 Bacterial DNA replication 76
E3 The cell cycle 80
E4 Eukaryotic DNA replication 84
Section F- DNA damage,repair and recombimation 89
F1 Mutagenesis 89
F2 DAN damage 93
F3 DAN repair 96
Section G - Gene manipulation 103
G1 DAN cloning:an overview 103
G2 Preparation of plasmid DNA 108
G3 Restriction dnzymes and electriphoresis 111
G4 Ligation.transformation and analysis of recombinants 116
Section H - Cloning vectors 123
H1 Desing of plasmid vectors 123
H2 Bacteriophage vectors 127
H3 Cosmide,YACs and BACs 132
H4 Eukaryotic vectors 137
Section I - Gene libraries and screening 143
I1 Genomic libraries 143
I2 cDNA libraries 146
I3 Screening procedures 151
Section J - Analysis and uses of cloned DNA 155
J1 Charactrization of clones 155
J2 Nucleic acid sequencing 160
J3 Polymeraes chain reaction 165
J4 Organization of clonen genes 170
J5 Mutagenesis of cloned genes 174
J6 Applications of cloning 178
Section K - Transcription in prokaryotes 183
K1 Basic principles of transcription 183
K2 Escherichia coli RNA poly merase 186
K3 The E. coli a 70 promoter 188
K4 Transcription,initiation,elongation and etrmination 191
Section L - Regulation of transcrlption in prokaryotes 197
L1 The lac operon 197
L2 The trp operon 201
L3 Transcriptional regulation by alternative or factors 205
Section M - Transcription in eukaryotes 209
M1 The three RNA polymerases:characterization and function 209
M2 RNA polⅠ genes:the ribosomal repeat 211
M3 RNA pol Ⅲ genes: 5S and tRNA transcription 215
M4 RAN PolⅡgenes;promoters and enhancers 219
M5 General transcripton factors and RNA Pol Ⅱinitiation 221
Section N - Regulation of transcription in eukaryotes 225
N1 Eukaryotic transcription facrots 225
N2 Examples of transcriptional regulation 231
Section O - RNA processing and RNPs 237
O1 rRNA processing and ribosornes 237
O2 tRNA processing,RNase P and ribozymes 243
O3 mRNA processing, hnRNPs and snRNPs 246
O4 Alternative mRNA processing 252
Section P - The genetic code and tRNA 255
P1 The genetic code 255
P2 tRNA structuer and function 259
Section Q - Protenin symthesis 265
Q1 Aspects of protein symthesis 265
Q2 Mechanism of protein symthesis 269
Q3 Initiation in eukaryotes 275
Q4 Translational control and post-translational events 279
R1 Introduction to viruese 283
Section R - Baclexiophages and eukaryotic viruses 283
R2 Bacterophages 287
R3 DNA viruses 292
R4 RNA viruses 296
Section S - Tumor viruses and oncogenes 301
S1 Oncogenes found in turnor viruses 301
S2 Categories of on cogenes 305
S3 Tumor suppressor genes 308
S4 Apoptosis 312
Futrher reading 317
Multiple choice questions 321
Ansers 337
Index 339
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