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跨文化交际  语言文化类
跨文化交际  语言文化类

跨文化交际 语言文化类PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:张爱琳主编;王蓉,张爱文副主编
  • 出 版 社:重庆:重庆大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7562428298
  • 页数:289 页
《跨文化交际 语言文化类》目录

Chapter One Communication and Culture 1

Ⅰ Warm-up:Look and Say 1

Ⅱ Basics of Communication 2

Communication:broad types and essential elements 2

Communication:definition and components 4

Communication:characteristics 7

Ⅲ Understanding Culture 9

Culture:too familiar to be noticed 9

Culture:definition 10

Culture:elements 14

Culture:characteristics 17

Ⅳ Communication and Culture 22

Communication:culture bound 22

Communication:high-context and low-context 24

Ⅴ Summary 30

Chapter Two Intercultural Communication 36

Ⅰ Warm-up:Read and Say 36

Ⅱ Intercultural Communication 37

intercultural communication:definition and levels 37

Intercultural communication:importance and difficulties 38

Ⅲ Overview 43

Ⅳ Summary 45

Chapter Three The hidden Core of Culture 48

Ⅰ Warm-up:Read and Say 48

Ⅱ Understanding the Core of Culture 49

Ⅲ Recognizing Key Elements in the Core of Culture 50

The Axial Age and the different cultural spirits 51

Worldviews 54

Holistic vs. dualistic worldviews 56

Values:definition 61

Values:types 61

Values:characteristics 62

Ⅳ Instruments Comparing Cultural Values 66

Kluchhohn's value orientations 66

Hofstede's value dimensions 71

Ⅴ Study of Specific Cultural Values 75

Ⅵ Summary 92

Chapter Four Verbal Communication 98

Ⅰ Warm-up:Read and Say 98

Ⅱ Understanding Language 99

Ⅲ Language and Culture 101

The influence of language on culture 103

The influence of culture on language 107

Styles of discourse 121

Discourse patterns and thought patterns 131

Ⅳ Summary 136

Chapter Five Non-verbal Communication 144

Ⅴ Warm-up:Look and Say 144

Ⅵ Understanding Non-verbal Communication 144

Non-verbal communication:Definition 145

Non-verbal communication:Importance 145

Non-verbal communication:Functions 147

Ⅶ Nonverbal Communication and Culture 148

Ⅷ Elements of Nonverbal Communication 151

Body language 151

Paralanguage 165

Environmental language 167

Ⅸ Summary 182

Chapter Six Interpersonal Relationships 188

Ⅰ Warm-up:Read and Say 188

Ⅱ Understanding Interpersonal Relationships 189

Ⅲ Family Relationships 189

Family types 189

Family structures 191

Ⅳ Friends and Friendship 203

Ⅴ Summary 215

Chapter Seven Social Interaction Customs 222

Ⅰ Warm-up:Read the Say 222

Ⅱ Understanding Social Customs 223

Forms of address 223

Greetings and farewell 228

Compliments and responses 231

Gratitude and thanks 233

Invitation 236

Appointment and visiting 237

Hospitality 240

Ⅲ Summary 247

Chapter Eight Im proving Intercultural Com petence 253

Ⅰ Warm-up:Look and Say 253

Ⅱ Intercultural Communication Competence 254

Ⅲ Potential Problems in Intercultural Communication 258

Cognitive barriers 259

Stereotyping 260

Ethnocentrism 263

Culture shock 268

Ⅳ Efforts We Should Make 270

Knowing ourselves 270

Appreciating similarities and respecting differences 272

Developing empathy 275

Keeping an open mind 275

Ⅴ Summary 277

Appendix 282

Ⅰ Book List for Students 282

Ⅱ Relevant Websites 284

References 286
