高速平衡技术装备 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王悦武,田社平,徐锡林等编著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787313110770
- 页数:159 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 A brief introduction to high-speed balancing technology 1
1.2 Rotor and unbalance 3
1.3 Expression of rotor unbalance 9
1.4 Rigid and flexible rotors 11
1.5 Mechanical balance of rotor 13
Chapter 2 High-speed Balancing of Flexible Rotors 15
2.1 Theoretical basis of high-speed balancing 15
2.1.1 Introduction 15
2.1.2 Balancing conditions of rigid rotors 16
2.1.3 Principle of flexible rotor balancing 18
2.1.4 Balancing conditions of flexible rotors 23
2.2 Flexible rotor balancing 25
2.2.1 Aims of flexible rotor balancing 25
2.2.2 Flexible rotor mode shapes 26
2.2.3 High-speed balancing of flexible rotors 31
2.3 Modal balancing 34
2.3.1 Computation of unbalance corrections 34
2.3.2 Procedures for modal balancing 35
2.4 Influence coefficient balancing 37
2.5 Harmonic component balancing 40
2.5.1 Procedures for harmonic component balancing 40
2.5.2 Comparison between influence coefficient balancing and harmonic component balancing 43
Chapter 3 Structural Analysis and Design of High-speed Balancing Machine 45
3.1 Mechanical support 45
3.2 Design of high-speed mechanical support 49
3.2.1 Principle of mechanical support 49
3.2.2 Design of complementary stiffness mechanism 52
3.2.3 Design of axial stiffness and damping mechanism 54
3.2.4 Dynamic stiffness calculation of the mechanical support 55
3.2.5 Calculation of natural frequencies of mechanical support 57
3.2.6 Brief summary 59
3.3 Measurement of performance parameters of mechanical support 60
3.3.1 Detection of complementary stiffness mechanism 60
3.3.2 Measurement of natural frequencies of mechanical support 61
3.3.3 Measurement of dynamic stiffness of mechanical support 63
3.4 Finite element analysis of mechanical support 65
3.4.1 Analysis of dynamic stiffness of mechanical support 65
3.4.2 Modal analysis of mechanical support 67
Chapter 4 Design of Electrical Measuring Unit of High-speed Balancing Machine 71
4.1 Basic function and composition of high-speed balancing machine 71
4.2 Sensor and Its selection 74
4.2.1 Vibration Sensor 74
4.2.2 Rotational speed sensor 80
4.2.3 Basic selection principles of the sensors 83
4.3 Circuit design 83
4.3.1 Programmable gain amplifier 84
4.3.2 Integration circuit 88
4.3.3 Filter circuit 91
4.3.4 A/D converter 101
4.4 Software Design 111
4.4.1 Basic functions of the software of the electrical measuring unit 111
4.4.2 Some noteworthy points in software design 113
4.5 Digital signal processing 115
4.5.1 Estimation algorithm of sinusoidal signal amplitude and phase 116
4.5.2 Digital filter design 118
4.6 Calibration and test of electrical measuring unit 127
4.6.1 Sensitivity calibration of mechanical support and sensor 127
4.6.2 Inspection and evaluation of the electrical measuring unit 128
4.6.3 Other projects test 128
Chapter 5 High-speed Balancing and Overspeed Test Chamber 129
5.1 Introduction 129
5.2 Drive system 130
5.2.1 Working mode of drive system 130
5.2.2 Determination of power of drive motor 131
5.2.3 Gearbox and intermediate shaft 133
5.3 Explosion-proof vacuum cylindrical body 135
5.4 Vacuum system 137
5.5 Oil system 139
5.5.1 Vacuum oil lubrication system 139
5.5.2 Atmospheric oil lubrication system 141
5.5.3 Complementary stiffness oil station 142
5.5.4 Auxiliary oil station 142
5.6 Safety emergency system 143
5.7 The central control monitoring system 143
5.8 Other auxiliary devices 147
Appendix Ⅰ Technical Data Sheet of DG and HY-VG Series High-speed Balancing Machines 149
Appendix Ⅱ Introduction to Shanghai Schiak Testing Machinery Co.,Ltd 151
Index 155
References 157
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