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跨文化商务沟通  英文
跨文化商务沟通  英文

跨文化商务沟通 英文PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:刘琴,王丽峰主编;赵丹,翁雨淋,裴沁,蒲慧副主编
  • 出 版 社:武汉:武汉理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2015
  • ISBN:9787562948452
  • 页数:182 页
《跨文化商务沟通 英文》目录

Chapter One Culture and Intercultural Communication 1

Ⅰ.Culture 2

1.1 The Definition of Culture 2

1.2 The Characteristics of Culture 5

Ⅱ.Communication 6

2.1 The Definition of Communication 6

2.2 The Communication Process 7

Ⅲ.Business Communication 9

3.1 The Definition of Business Communication 9

3.2 The Structure of Business Communication 10

Ⅳ.Intercultural Communication 11

Chapter Two Cultural Patterns 19

Ⅰ.Hall's High-context and Low-context Orientations 20

Ⅱ.Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Value Orientations 23

2.1 Human Nature 23

2.2 Humankind and Nature 24

2.3 Sense of Time 25

2.4 Activity 25

2.5 Social Relationship 26

Ⅲ.Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions 27

3.1 Individualism versus Collectivism 28

3.2 Uncertainty Avoidance 28

3.3 Power Distance 29

3.4 Masculinity versus Femininity 29

3.5 Long-term versus Short-term Time Orientation 30

Chapter Three Verbal Communication 34

Ⅰ.Understanding Language 35

Ⅱ.The Relationship between Language and Culture 36

2.1 The Influence of Culture on Language 36

2.2 The Influence of Language on Culture 40

Ⅲ.Meanings of Words 41

3.1 Defining Denotational Meaning and Connotational Meaning 41

3.2 Culturally Loaded Words 44

Ⅳ.Discourse Patterns and Thought Patterns 47

4.1 Parataxis V.S.Hypotaxis 47

4.2 Subjective V.S.Objective 47

4.3 Deductive V.S.Inductive 48

4.4 Linear V.S.Nonlinear 49

Chapter Four Nonverbal Communication 59

Ⅰ.The Definition of Nonverbal Communication 59

Ⅱ.Nonverbal Communication and Culture 60

Ⅲ.Functions of Nonverbal Communication 61

Ⅳ.Elements of Nonverbal Communication 63

4.1 Kinesics 63

4.2 Proxemics 71

4.3 Chronemics 73

4.4 Paralanguage 75

4.5 Silence 76

4.6 Clothing 77

Chapter Five Written Communication 83

Ⅰ.Four Keys to Effective Writing 84

1.1 Identifying Your Audience 85

1.2 Establishing Your Purpose 86

1.3 Formulating Your Message 87

1.4 Selecting Your Tone 88

Ⅱ.Practical Writing 90

2.1 How to Write a Letter? 90

2.2 How to Apply for an Ideal Job? 92

2.3 How to Write a Report? 99

2.4 How to Write a Memo? 104

Chapter Six Intercultural Business Etiquette and Protocol 110

Ⅰ.The Importance of Appropriate Etiquette and Protocol 112

Ⅱ.Cultural Difference in Business Etiquette and Protocol 113

2.1 Initial Business Relationships 113

2.2 Social Entertainment 121

2.3 Gift-giving Etiquette 128

2.4 Conversation Taboos 133

Chapter Seven Intercultural Business Negotiation 140

Ⅰ.Understanding Negotiation 141

1.1 The Definition of Negotiation 141

1.2 Intercultural Negotiation Variables 141

Ⅱ.Intercultural Negotiation Process 146

2.1 Pre-negotiation Stage 146

2.2 Face-to-face Negotiation 149

2.3 Post-negotiation 151

Ⅲ.Cross-cultural Negotiations(Different Negotiation Styles) 151

3.1 Chinese Styles of Negotiation 152

3.2 U.S.Approaches to Negotiation 153

3.3 Japanese Styles of Negotiation 153

Ⅳ.Intercultural Negotiation Strategies 154

Chapter Eight Managing Intercultural Conflicts 166

Ⅰ.The Problems in Intercultural Communication 167

1.1 The Complexity in Intercultural Communication 167

1.2 The Conflicts in Intercultural Business Communication 173

Ⅱ.The Steps Eliminating Intercultural Business Communication Barriers 174

References 180
