小说中的隐喻与隐喻角色 《简·爱》的认知文体学研究PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:程瑾涛著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787512119673
- 页数:306 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 The Rationale of the Study 1
1.2 Objectives of the Study 3
1.3 Methods of the Study 3
1.4 The Organization of the Study 9
Chapter 2 Literature Review 11
2.1 Stylistics 11
2.1.1 The Notion of Stylistics 11
2.1.2 The Classification of Stylistics 13
2.2 Cognitive Stylistics 16
2.2.1 The Emergence of Cognitive Stylistics 16
2.2.2 Central Theoretical Issues in Cognitive Stylistics 21
2.2.3 The Cognitive Metaphor Study in Poetic Texts 23
2.2.4 The Image Schema Study in Poetic Text 32
2.3 General Criticisms on Jane Eyre 34
2.4 Summary 38
Chapter 3 Theoretical Description and Analytic Framework 41
3.1 The Theoretical Basis 41
3.2 Metaphorical Creativity 43
3.2.1 Lakoff & Turner's Theory on Metaphorical Creativity 44
3.2.2 Limitations of Lakoff & Turner's Metaphorical Creativity 48
3.2.3 Zoltán K?vecses'Context Model and Suggestions for a Revision 50
3.2.4 Aesthetic Motivation 52
3.3 Conceptual Metaphor Theory 59
3.3.1 The Concept of Conceptual Metaphor 59
3.3.2 The Conceptual Metaphor Studies on Life,Self and Relationships 63
3.4 Image Schema Theory 67
3.4.1 Image Schema 67
3.4.2 Image Schema as Macrostructure 70
3.5 An Analytic Framework 78
Chapter 4 Metaphorical Creativity in Jane Eyre 81
4.1 An Overview of Metaphorical Creativity in Jane Eyre 81
4.2 Contextual Motivation 82
4.2.1 The Natural-physical Environment 83
4.2.2 The Social Context 89
4.2.3 The Cultural Context 93
4.2.4 The Immediate Discourse Context 109
4.3 The Aesthetic Motivation 118
4.3.1 Aesthetic Motivation of Image Metaphors in Jane Eyre 118
4.3.2 Aesthetic Motivation of Conceptual Metaphors in Jane Eyre 120
4.4 Summary 122
Chapter 5 Metaphors and World Views in Jane Eyre 124
5.1 Metaphors and General Views on Personal State 125
5.1.1 Metaphors of Life in Jane Eyre 126
5.1.2 Metaphors of Relationships in Jane Eyre 142
5.1.3 Metaphors of Self in Jane Eyre 165
5.2 Metaphors and Views on Gender and Race 176
5.2.1 Birds Metaphors 177
5.2.2 Plants Metaphor 187
5.3 Metaphors and Views on Religion 193
5.4 Summary 206
Chapter 6 Image Schematic Metaphors and Image Schema in Jane Eyre 208
6.1 Macro Structural Level Image Schema 209
6.1.1 Plot Overview and Four Major Categories of Metaphors in Jane Eyre 209
6.1.2 Plot Mnemonic and Image Schema 221
6.1.3 Metaphor Networks and Image Schema 230
6.1.4 Merging of Spatial and Propositional Metaphors through Image Schema 232
6.1.5 Theme of SelfandImage Schema 239
6.1.6 Affect Contours,Story Mood and Image Schema 242
6.2 Micro-level Image Schemas 246
6.2.1 Image Schemas through Explicit Cues in Jane Eyre 247
6.2.2 Image schemas through Implicit Cues in Jane Eyre 257
6.3 Summary 271
Chapter 7 Conclusion 273
7.1 Major Findings oftheStudy 273
7.2 Contributions of the Study 276
7.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Studies 277
Appendix A Life Metaphors in Jane Eyre 279
Appendix B Biographical Sketch 285
Bibliography 287
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