计算物理和C++面向对象的程序设计教程 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)耶维克著
- 出 版 社:北京:世界图书北京出版公司
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787510087738
- 页数:403 页
Part Ⅰ C++ programming basics 1
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Objective 3
1.2 Presentation 3
1.3 Why C++ 4
1.4 C++ standards 6
1.5 Summary 7
1.6 How to use this text 7
1.7 Additional study aids 8
1.8 Additional and alternative software packages 8
2 Installing and running the Dev-C++ programming environment 10
2.1 Compiling and running a first program 10
2.2 Using the Dev-C++ debugger 12
2.3 Installing DISLIN and gsl 13
2.4 A first graphics program 14
2.5 The help system 15
2.6 Linux alternatives 16
2.7 Assignment 16
3 Introduction to computer and software architecture 17
3.1 Computational methods 17
3.2 Hardware architecture 18
3.3 Software architecture 20
3.4 The operating system and application software 23
3.5 Assignments 23
4 Fundamental concepts 25
4.1 Overview of program structure 25
4.2 Tokens,names,and keywords 25
4.3 Expressions and statements 26
4.4 Constants,variables,and identifiers 26
4.5 Declarations,definitions,and scope 27
4.6 rvalues and lvalues 28
4.7 Block structure 28
4.8 The const keyword 29
4.9 Operators-precedence and associativity 30
4.10 Formatting conventions 31
4.11 Comments 32
4.12 Assignments 33
5 Writing a first program 37
5.1 The main() function 37
5.2 Namespaces 37
5.3 #include Statements 38
5.4 Input and output streams 39
5.5 File streams 40
5.6 Constant and variable types 41
5.7 Casts 44
5.8 Operators 45
5.9 Control flow 46
5.10 Functions 47
5.11 Arrays and typedefs 47
5.12 A first look at scientific software development 48
5.13 Program errors 51
5.14 Numerical errors with floating-point types 53
5.15 Assignments 55
6 An introduction to object-oriented analysis 62
6.1 Procedural versus object-oriented programming 62
6.2 Problem definition 65
6.3 Requirements specification 66
6.4 UML diagrams 66
6.5 Use case diagram 67
6.6 Classes and objects 68
6.7 Object discovery 71
6.8 Sequence and collaboration diagrams 72
6.9 Aggregation and association 74
6.10 Inheritance 75
6.11 Object-oriented programming approaches 78
6.12 Assignments 79
7 C++ object-oriented programming syntax 83
7.1 Class declaration 83
7.2 Class definition and member functions 83
7.3 Object creation and polymorphism 86
7.4 Information hiding 87
7.5 Constructors 89
7.6 Wrappering legacy code 91
7.7 Inheritance 92
7.8 The'protected'keyword 94
7.9 Assignments 95
8 Control logic and iteration 104
8.1 The bool and enum types 104
8.2 Logical operators 106
8.3 if statements and implicit blocks 107
8.4 else,else if,conditional and switch statements 108
8.5 The exit()function 109
8.6 Conditional compilation 109
8.7 The for statement 110
8.8 while and do...while statements 111
8.9 The break and continue statements 112
8.10 Assignments 112
9 Basic function properties 119
9.1 Principles of function operation 119
9.2 Function declarations and prototypes 121
9.3 Overloading and argument conversion 121
9.4 Built-in functions and header files 122
9.5 Program libraries 124
9.6 Function preconditions and postconditions-the assert statement 128
9.7 Multiple return statements 130
9.8 Functions and global variables 130
9.9 Use of const in functions 131
9.10 Default parameters 132
9.11 Inline functions 132
9.12 Modular programming 133
9.13 Recursive functions 134
9.14 Assignments 134
10 Arrays and matrices 140
10.1 Data structures and arrays 140
10.2 Array definition and initialization 141
10.3 Array manipulation and memory access 142
10.4 Arrays as function parameters 144
10.5 Returning arrays and object arrays 145
10.6 const arrays 146
10.7 Matrices 146
10.8 Matrix storage and loop order 147
10.9 Matrices as function arguments 150
10.10 Assignments 150
11 Input and output streams 158
11.1 The iostream class and stream manipulators 158
11.2 File streams 161
11.3 The string class and string streams 163
11.4 The toString()class member 165
11.5 The printf function 167
11.6 Assignments 167
Part Ⅱ Numerical analysis 173
12 Numerical error analysis-derivatives 175
12.1 The derivative operator 175
12.2 Error dependence 177
12.3 Graphical error analysis 177
12.4 Analytic error analysis-higher-order methods 179
12.5 Extrapolation 179
12.6 The derivative calculator class 180
12.7 Assignments 182
13 Integration 183
13.1 Discretization procedures 183
13.2 Implementation 184
13.3 Discretization error 188
13.4 Assignments 189
14 Root-finding procedures 191
14.1 Bisection method 191
14.2 Newton's method 193
14.3 Assignments 194
15 Differential equations 196
15.1 Euler's method 196
15.2 Error analysis 198
15.3 The spring class 199
15.4 Assignments 201
16 Linear algebra 203
16.1 Linear equation solvers 203
16.2 Errors and condition numbers 206
16.3 Eigenvalues and iterative eigenvalue solvers 207
16.4 Assignments 209
Part Ⅲ Advanced object-oriented programming 215
17 References 217
17.1 Basic properties 217
17.2 References as function arguments 218
17.3 Reference member variables 219
17.4 const reference variables 220
17.5 Reference return values 221
17.6 Assignments 222
18 Pointers and dynamic memory allocation 227
18.1 Introduction to pointers 228
18.2 Initializing pointer variables 228
18.3 The address-of and dereferencing operators 229
18.4 Uninitialized pointer errors 230
18.5 NULL and void pointers 230
18.6 Dangling pointers 231
18.7 Pointers in function blocks 232
18.8 The const keyword and pointers 232
18.9 Pointer arithmetic 234
18.10 Pointers and arrays 234
18.11 Pointer comparisons 234
18.12 Pointers to pointers and matrices 235
18.13 String manipulation 235
18.14 Static and dynamic memory allocation 237
18.15 Memory leaks and dangling pointers 239
18.16 Dynamic memory allocation within functions 241
18.17 Dynamically allocated matrices 242
18.18 Dynamically allocated matrices as function arguments and parameters 243
18.19 Pointer data structures and linked lists 244
18.20 Assignments 248
19 Advanced memory management 261
19.1 The this pointer 261
19.2 The friend keyword 262
19.3 Operators 263
19.4 Destructors 265
19.5 Assignment operators 267
19.6 Copy constructors 269
19.7 Assignments 271
20 The static keyword,multiple and virtual inheritance,templates,and the STL library 286
20.1 Static variables 286
20.2 Static class members 287
20.3 Pointer to class members 288
20.4 Multiple inheritance 288
20.5 Virtual functions 289
20.6 Heterogeneous object collections and runtime type identification 291
20.7 Abstract base classes and interfaces 292
20.8 Virtual inheritance 293
20.9 User-defined conversions 294
20.10 Function templates 295
20.11 Templates and classes 296
20.12 The complex class 298
20.13 The standard template library 299
20.14 Structures and unions 303
20.15 Bit fields and operators 305
20.16 Assignments 306
21 Program optimization in C++ 319
21.1 Compiling 319
21.2 Critical code segments 319
21.3 Virtual functions 321
21.4 Function pointers and functors 326
21.5 Aliasing 327
21.6 High-performance template libraries 327
21.7 Assignments 329
Part Ⅳ Scientific programming examples 331
22 Monte Carlo methods 333
22.1 Monte Carlo integration 333
22.2 Monte Carlo evaluation of distribution functions 334
22.3 Importance sampling 339
22.4 The metropolis algorithm 343
22.5 Multicanonical methods 347
22.6 Assignments 352
23 Parabolic partial differential equation solvers 354
23.1 Partial differential equations in scientific applications 354
23.2 Direct solution methods 356
23.3 The Crank-Nicholson method 359
23.4 Assignments 363
Appendix A Overview of MATLAB 365
Appendix B The Borland C++ Compiler 371
B.1 Borland C++ installation 371
B.2 Compiling and running a first program 373
B.3 Installing the optional program editor 375
B.4 Using the Borland turbo debugger 377
B.5 Installing DISLIN 378
B.6 A first graphics program 379
B.7 The help system 380
Appendix C The Linux/Windows Command-Line C++ Compiler and Profiler 381
Appendix D Calling FORTRAN programs from C++ 384
Appendix E C++ coding standard 387
E.1 Program design language 387
E.2 Comments 388
E.3 Layout 388
E.4 Continuation lines 389
E.5 Constants and literals 389
E.6 Variables and definitions 389
E.7 Functions 390
E.8 Operators 390
E.9 Classes 390
E.10 Typedefs 391
E.11 Macros 391
E.12 Templates 391
E.13 Control structures 391
References and further reading 393
Index 398
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