欧盟贸易决策中的公私互动 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王宏禹著
- 出 版 社:广州:世界图书广东出版公司
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787510079283
- 页数:278 页
Introduction 1
1 Multilevel Networks Approach to European Trade Policy making 9
1.1 European Multilevel Governance 10
1.2 Policy Networks Analysis 15
1.2.1 Explicating Policy Networks 16
1.2.2 The Levels of Analysis of Policy Networks 19
1.2.3 The Applicability of Policy Networks to European Policy Studies 23
1.2.4 Summary 28
1.3 Multilevel Networks Approach 29
1.3.1 The Combination of Multilevel Governance and Policy Networks Analysis 29
1.3.2 European Multilevel Network Governance 31
1.3.3 Multilevel Network Approach 34
1.3.4 Summary 43
1.4 Applicability of the Multilevel Networks Approach to the European Trade Policy Making 44
1.4.1 European Trade Policy 44
1.4.2 Applicability of Multilevel Networks Analysis to the European Trade Policy Making 47
1.5 Chapter Summary 52
2 The Actors and Their Roles in European Trade Policy Making 53
2.1 Public Actors and European Trade Policy making 54
2.1.1 Public Actors and Their Roles in European Trade Policy Making 55
2.1.2 The Institutional Power Structure of European Trade Policy Making 70
2.1.3 Consultation Process and the Goods-demand of Public Actors 75
2.1.4 Summary 79
2.2 Private Actors and European Trade Policy Making 80
2.2.1 Companies and Their Roles in European Trade Policy making 82
2.2.2 Trade Associations and Their Roles in European Trade Policy Making 89
2.2.3 Trade Unions and Their Roles in European Trade Policy Making 100
2.2.4 Lobbying Activities and the Goods-supply of Private Actors 101
2.2.5 Summary 109
2.3 Partner actors and European Trade Policy Making 110
2.3.1 Extemal Partners 112
2.3.2 Consultants 114
2.3.3 Civil Society Organizations/NGOs 119
2.3.4 Think Tanks 123
2.3.5 Media 126
2.3.6 Interest intermediation and the Roles of PartnerActors 128
2.3.7 Summary 129
2.4 Resource-interdependency and Goods-exchange Network Structure 130
2.5 Chapter Summary 135
3 The Public/Private Interactions in European External Trade Negotiations 136
3 1 Institutional Background of European External Trade Negotiation 137
3.2 Public/private Interactions in the Commission 139
3.2.1 Policy Communication and Consultation by the Commission in Trade Negotiation 141
3.2.2 Lobbying and Interest Representation by Private Actors 151
3.3 Public/Private Interactions in the Council 158
3.3.1 Private Lobbying to the Council 158
3.3.2 Private Lobbying to the 133 Committee 159
3.3.3 Private Lobbying to the National Authorities 162
3.4 Public/Private Interactions in the European Parliament 163
3.5 Goods-exchange Network Structure and European Trade Negotiation 168
3.6 Chapter Summary 180
4 Public/Private Interactions in European Anti-dumping Policy Making towards Chinese Footwear(2005-2009) 181
4.1 Institutional Setting of Anti-Dumping Regulation 182
4.2 Background of the Example of AD-FLC 187
4.3 Public/Private Interaction during the Initiation,Investigation and Provisional Measures(2005.05-2006.08) 192
4.3.1 Notice of Initiation of an Anti-dumping Investigation by the Commission 192
4.3.2 Imposing a Provisional Measure by the Commission 195
4.3.3 Proposal for Council Regulation on Definitive Measure by the Commission 204
4.4 Public/Private Interaction during the Legislation of Definitive Measure(2006.08-2008.10) 213
4.4.1 Imposing a Definitive Measure by the Council 214
4.4.2 Initiating an Investigation on Possible Circumvention by the Commission 215
4.4.3 Notice of the Impending Expiry of Anti-dumping Measures by the Commission 217
4.4.4 Proposal for Council Regulation on Extending Anti-Dumping Measures to Macao SAR by the Commission 218
4.4.5 Extending the Definitive Anti-dumping Measures to Macao SAR by the Council 221
4.5 Public/Private Interaction during the Expiry Review and Extension(2008.10-2009.12) 222
4.5.1 Initiation of Expiry Review of Anti-dumping Measures by the Commission 222
4.5.2 Imposing a Definitive anti-dumping Duty on Footwear from China and Macao SAR by the Commission and the Council 224
4.6 Goods-exchange Network Structure and Anti-Dumping Policy Making 233
4.7 Chapter Summary 238
Conclusions 239
Reference 247
Index 1 271
Index 2 275
Acknowledgement 277
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