美国医师执照考试 High-Yield 组织病理学 第2版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:北京:北京大学医学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787565904806
- 页数:328 页
1 Nucleus 1
Ⅰ.Nuclear Envelope 1
Ⅱ.Apoptosis 1
Ⅲ.Nucleolus 1
Ⅳ.Chromatin 2
Ⅴ.Chromosomes 2
Ⅵ.Types of DNA Damage and DNA Repair 3
Ⅶ.Clinical Importance of DNA Repair 3
Ⅷ.Cell Cycle 4
Ⅸ.Proto-Oncogenes and Oncogenes 8
Ⅹ.Tumor Suppressor Genes 10
Ⅺ.Oncofetal Antigens and Tumor Markers 11
Ⅻ.Transcription in Protein Synthesis 11
ⅩⅢ.Processing the RNA Transcript into mRNA 11
ⅩⅨ Selected Photomicrographs 13
2 Cytoplasm and Organelles 18
Ⅰ.Cytoplasm 18
Ⅱ.Ribosomes 18
Ⅲ.Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum(rER) 19
Ⅳ.Translation 20
Ⅴ.Golgi Complex 22
Ⅵ.Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum(sER) 22
Ⅶ.Mitochondria 22
Ⅷ.Lvsosomes 25
Ⅸ.Peroxisomes 25
Ⅹ.Cytoskeleton 27
Ⅺ.Lipofuscin 28
Ⅻ.Hemosiderin 28
ⅩⅢ.Glycogen 29
ⅩⅣ.Selected Photomicrographs 31
3 The Cell Membrane:Eicosanoids and ReceptorsSignal Transduction 36
Ⅰ.The Lipid Component of the Cell Membrane 36
Ⅱ.The Protein Component of the Cell Membrane 38
Ⅲ.Membrane Transport Proteins 38
Ⅳ.G Protein-linked Receptors 42
Ⅴ.Types of G Protein-linked Receptors 44
Ⅵ.Enzyme-linked Receptors 46
Ⅶ.Low-density Lipoprotein(LDL)Receptor 48
4 Epithelium 49
Ⅰ.Introduction 49
Ⅱ.Classification of Epithelium 49
Ⅲ.Apical Region 50
Ⅳ.Lateral Region 51
Ⅴ.Basal Region 52
Ⅵ.Clinical Considerations 52
Ⅶ.Selected Photomicrographs 54
5 Connective Tissue 55
Ⅰ.Introduction 55
Ⅱ.Ground Substance 55
Ⅲ.Fibers 55
Ⅳ.Cells 56
Ⅴ.Clinical Considerations 58
Ⅵ.Selected Photomicrographs 60
6 Cartilage 62
Ⅰ.Introduction 62
Ⅱ.Ground Substance 62
Ⅲ.Fibers 62
Ⅳ.Cells 62
Ⅴ.Blood Vessels and Nerves 62
Ⅵ.Chondrogenesis 63
Ⅶ.Hormonal Influence 63
Ⅷ.Repair 63
7 Bone 64
Ⅰ.Introduction 64
Ⅱ.Ground Substance 64
Ⅲ.Fibers 64
Ⅳ.Cells 64
Ⅴ.Blood Vessels and Nerves 65
Ⅵ.Osteogenesis 65
Ⅶ.Bone Repair 66
Ⅷ.Hormonal Influence 66
Ⅸ.Cartilage and Bone Comparison 67
Ⅹ.Clinical Considerations of Bone 67
Ⅺ.Clinical Considerations of Joints 68
Ⅻ.Selected Photomicrographs 69
8 Muscle 73
Ⅰ.Skeletal Muscle 73
Ⅱ.Cardiac Muscle 77
Ⅲ.Smooth Muscle 77
Ⅳ.Comparisons and Contrasts of Skeletal.Cardiac.and Smooth Muscle 79
Ⅴ.Selected Photomicrographs 80
9 Nervous Tissue 83
Ⅰ.The Neuron 83
Ⅱ.Neurotransmitters 85
Ⅲ.Parasympathetic Pharmacology 86
Ⅳ.Sympathetic Pharmacology 86
Ⅴ.Neuroglial Cells 87
Ⅵ.The Blood-Brain Barrier(BB) 88
Ⅶ.Nerve Degeneration and Regeneration 88
Ⅷ.Clinical Considerations 88
Ⅸ.Selected Photomicrographs 92
10 Heart and Blood Vessels 97
Ⅰ.Heart Layers 97
Ⅱ.Cardiac Myocytes 97
Ⅲ.Purkinje Myocytes 99
Ⅳ.Myocardial Endocrine Cells 99
Ⅴ.Conduction System 100
Ⅵ.Parasympathetic Regulation of Heart Rate 102
Ⅶ.Sympathetic Regulation of Heart Rate 102
Ⅷ.Clinical Consideration:Myocardial Infarction(MI) 103
Ⅸ.Tunics of Blood Vessels 105
Ⅹ.Types of Blood Vessels 107
Ⅺ.Functions of Endothelium 107
Ⅻ.Clinical Considerations 108
11 Blood 111
Ⅰ.Plasma 111
Ⅱ.Red Blood Cells 111
Ⅲ.Hemoglobin(Hb) 113
Ⅳ.Clinical Considerations 114
Ⅴ.White Blood Cells 117
Ⅵ.Platelets(Thrombocytes) 118
Ⅶ.Hemostasis(Blood Clotting) 119
Ⅷ.Clinical Considerations 121
Ⅸ.Red Bone Marrow(Myeloid Tissue) 122
Ⅹ.Selected Photomicrographs 123
12 Thymus 130
Ⅰ.General Features 130
Ⅱ.Thymic Cortex. 130
Ⅲ.Thymic Medulla 130
Ⅳ.Types of Mature T Cells 131
Ⅴ.Blood-Thymus Barrier 132
Ⅵ.T Cell Lymphopoiesis(T Cell Formation) 132
Ⅶ.Clinical Considerations 134
Ⅷ.Selected Photomicrographs 134
13 Lymph Node 135
Ⅰ.General Features 135
Ⅱ.Outer Cortex 136
Ⅲ.Inner Cortex 136
Ⅳ.Medulla 136
Ⅴ.Flow of Lymph 136
Ⅵ.Flow of Blood 136
Ⅶ.B-Cell Lymphopoiesis(B-cell Formation) 136
Ⅷ.Cytokines 138
Ⅸ.Clinical Consideration 141
14 Spleen 143
Ⅰ.General Features 143
Ⅱ.White Pulp 143
Ⅲ.Marginal Zone 143
Ⅳ.Red Pulp 143
Ⅴ.Blood Flow 145
Ⅵ.Clinical Considerations 145
Ⅶ.Hypersensitivity Reactions 145
15 Esophagus and Stomach 147
Esophagus 147
Ⅰ.General Features 147
Ⅱ.Mucosa 147
Ⅲ.Submucosa 147
Ⅳ.Muscularis Externa 147
Ⅴ.Gastroesophageal(GE)Junction 147
Ⅵ.Clinical Considerations 148
Stomach 148
Ⅰ.General Features 148
Ⅱ.Gastric Mucosa 148
Ⅲ.Gastric Glands 148
Ⅳ.Clinical Considerations 150
16 Small Intestine 152
Ⅰ.General Features 152
Ⅱ.Intestinal Mucosa 152
Ⅲ.Intestinal Glands (Crypts of Lieberkühn) 154
Ⅳ.Gut-Associated Lymphatic Tissue(GALT;Peyer Patches) 155
Ⅴ.Clinical Considerations 156
17 Large Intestine(Colon) 160
Ⅰ.General Features 160
Ⅱ.Large Intestinal Mucosa 160
Ⅲ.Intestinal Glands 160
Ⅳ.GUT-Associated Lymphatic Tissue(GALT) 160
Ⅴ.Anal Canal 160
Ⅵ.Clinical Considerations 162
18 Liver and Gallbladder 165
Ⅰ.Hepatocytes 165
Ⅱ.Kupffer Cells 168
Ⅲ.Hepatic Stellate Cells(Fat-Storing Cells;ITO Cells) 168
Ⅳ.Classic Liver Lobule 168
Ⅴ.Liver Acinus 169
Ⅵ.Repair(Regeneration) 170
Ⅶ.Clinical Considerations 170
Ⅷ.Selected Photomicrographs 172
19 Exocrine Pancreas and Islets of Langerhans 175
Ⅰ.Exocrine Pancreas 175
Ⅱ.Endocrine Pancreas 175
Ⅲ.Clinical Considerations 177
Ⅳ.Selected Photomicrographs 179
20 Respiratory System 183
Ⅰ.General Features 183
Ⅱ.Trachea 183
Ⅲ.Bronchi 183
Ⅳ.Bronchioles 184
Ⅴ.Terminal Bronchioles 184
Ⅵ.Respiratory Bronchioles 184
Ⅶ.Alveolar Ducts 184
Ⅷ.Alveoli 184
Ⅸ.Surfactant 186
Ⅹ.Blood-Air Barrier 186
Ⅺ.Air Flow 186
Ⅻ.Clinical Considerations 187
ⅩⅢ.Selected Photomicrographs 190
21 Urinary System 196
Ⅰ.General Features 196
Ⅱ.Internal Structure of the Kidney 196
Ⅲ.Nephrons 197
Ⅳ.Collecting Duct(CD) 199
Ⅴ.Renal Vasculature 202
Ⅵ.Hormonal Control of the Kidney 204
Ⅶ.Glomerular Filtration Barrier(GFB) 206
Ⅷ.Juxtaglomerular(JG)Complex 208
Ⅸ.Pharmacology of Diuretics 208
Ⅹ.Clinical Considerations 211
22 Hypophysis 223
Ⅰ.The Adenohypophysis 223
Ⅱ.Hormonal Secretion 224
Ⅲ.The Neurohypophysis 224
23 Thyroid 226
Ⅰ.Thyroid Follicles 226
Ⅱ.Follicular Cells 226
Ⅲ.Functions of T3 and T4 228
Ⅳ.Parafollicular Cells 228
Ⅴ Clinical Considerations 228
Ⅵ.Pharmacology of the Thyroid 230
Ⅶ.Selected Photomicrographs 230
24 Parathyroid 234
Ⅰ.Chief Cells 234
Ⅱ.Oxyphil Cells 234
Ⅲ.Calcium Homeostasis 234
Ⅳ.Clinical Considerations 236
Ⅴ.Pharmacology of Calcium Homeostasis 237
Ⅵ.Selected Photomicrographs 237
25 Adrenal 238
Ⅰ.Cortex 238
Ⅱ.The Medulla 242
Ⅲ.Selected Photomicrographs 244
26 Female Reproductive System 251
Ⅰ.Ovary 251
Ⅱ.Corpus Luteum 252
Ⅲ.Uterine Tubes (fallopian tubes;oviducts) 254
Ⅳ.Uterus 255
Ⅴ.The Menstrual Cycle 256
Ⅵ.Cervix 259
Ⅶ.Ectocervix 259
Ⅷ.Vagina 260
Ⅸ.Histopathology of the Vagina 261
Ⅹ.Breast 263
Ⅺ.Selected Photomicrographs 265
27 Male Reproductive System 269
Ⅰ.Testes 269
Ⅱ.Duct System 277
Ⅲ.Accessory Glands 278
28 Skin 284
Ⅰ.General Features 284
Ⅱ.Epidermis 284
Ⅲ.Dermis 286
Ⅳ.Glands 286
Ⅴ.Nerves 286
Ⅵ.Clinical Considerations 287
29 Eye 290
Ⅰ.General Features 290
Ⅱ.Cornea 290
Ⅲ.Sclera 291
Ⅳ.Limbus 291
Ⅴ.Iris 291
Ⅵ.Ciliary Body 292
Ⅶ.Lens 292
Ⅷ.Retina 294
Ⅸ.Clinical Considerations 295
Ⅹ.Selected Photomicrographs 295
30 Ear 298
Ⅰ.General Features 298
Ⅱ.External Ear 298
Ⅲ.Middle Ear 298
Ⅳ.Internal Ear 299
Ⅴ.Clinical Considerations 301
Credits 302
Index 307
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