中国文化阅读 1500单词话中国PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:黄建滨主编;马继敏副主编;赵彤,姚小玲编者
- 出 版 社:杭州:浙江大学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787308137188
- 页数:215 页
1.The Huanghe River 1
2.Lunar Calendar 4
3.Paper-making 7
4.Printing 11
5.The Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses 15
6.Double Happiness 19
7.What Harmony Means to Chinese People 23
8.Renminbi 26
9.The Four Treasures of the Study 30
10.She Ethnic Minority Group 33
11.Hundred Days'Reform 36
12.The Revolution of 1911 39
13.Chu Ci 42
14.Zhang Yimou 45
15.Li Bai 48
16.Tao Yuanming 52
17.Monk Jigong 56
18.Tang Seng 59
19.Xishi 62
20.Yao Ming:From a Young Boy to a Big Name(Part 1) 66
21.Yao Ming:From a Young Boy to a Big Name(Part 2) 70
22.Four Grand Waterfalls 74
23.The North Pole Village 78
24.Wudalianchi 81
25.Yueyang Tower 85
26.Why Do People Travel? 88
27.Shennongjia(Part 1) 92
28.Shennongjia(Part 2) 95
29.Dadong Sea(Part 1) 98
30.Dadong Sea(Part 2) 101
31.Famous Temples in China(Part 1) 104
32.Famous Temples in China(Part 2) 108
33.Hutong 111
34.Shangri-La 115
35.Chinese Gardens 119
36.Three Pools Mirroring the Moon 122
37.Enjoying Sweet Osmanthus Flowers and Plum Blossoms 125
38.Hulusheng 128
39.Kouxian 132
40.Pipa 135
41.Bent Solely on Profit 138
42.Chinese Cuisine 142
43.Zongzi 145
44.Lanting Xu 148
45.China at the Olympics 151
46.The Best Diver 154
47.Implications of Colors(Part 1) 157
48.Implications of Colors(Part 2) 161
49.Connotations of Numbers(Part 1) 165
50.Connotations of Numbers(Part 2) 168
Key to the Exercises 171
Vocabulary 176
Postscript 214
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