- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:曹志希著
- 出 版 社:长沙:中南大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787548708254
- 页数:490 页
Chapter One:SLVA Depth and Breadth in a Frequency Effect Analysis 1
0 Introduction 1
1 Frequency and Frequency Effects 5
1.1 Frequency 5
1.2 Three Dimensions of Frequency 6
2 Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition(SLVA) 10
2.1 Breadth of L2 Vocabulary Knowledge 11
2.2 Depth of L2 Vocabulary Knowledge 13
3 SLVA Frequency Effects Framework 22
3.1 Frequency Effects in SLA 22
3.2 A tentative Framework 25
3.3 Variables for Investigation 31
4 A Frequency Effect Experiment 34
4.1 Participants 35
4.2 Instrumentation 35
4.3 Procedures 41
4.4 Scoring 42
4.5 Data Analysis 43
5 Findings and Discussions 55
5.1 Frequency Level Effects 56
5.2 Word Exposure Effects 60
Chapter Two:Words and their Cognitive Polysemic Networks in the Scene-oriented Model 87
1 Introduction 87
2 Polysemy 90
2.1 Polysemy Studies Abroad 90
2.2 Polysemy Studies in China 96
2.3 Understanding Polysemy 99
2.4 Summary 106
3 Theoretical Basis of Polysemous开(Kāi) 106
3.1 Categorization 107
3.2 Prototype Theory 111
3.3 Mechanisms of Meaning Extension 116
3.4 Polysemic Network 125
4 Polysemic Network of开(Kāi):A Scene-oriented Model 129
4.1 Protoscene as the Starting Point 130
4.2 The Polysemic Network of开(Kāi) 132
4.3 Summary 152
5 Conclusion 153
Chapter Three:English Pragmatic Competence and Learning Motivation in Correlation 155
1 Introduction 155
1.1 Research Background 155
1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Thesis 158
1.3 Framework of the Thesis 158
2 Survey of SEMs'Pragmatic Competence 159
2.1 Design of the Survey 160
2.2 Results and Analysis 162
3 Factors Affecting SEMs'Pragmatic Competence 170
3.1 Categories of SEMs'Pragmatic Competence 170
3.2 Factors for SEMs'Pragmatic Competence 171
4 Correlation between SEMs'Pragmatic Competence and Learning Motivation 176
4.1 Survey Design of SEMs'Learning Motivation 176
4.2 Results and Analysis 178
4.3 SEMs'Pragmatic Competence and Learning Motivation in Correlation 183
4.4 Implications 190
5 Conclusion 195
Chapter Four:Chinese and Native Speakers of English Differing in Performing Requests 208
0 Introduction 208
1 Request as a Speech Act 214
1.1 Category for Evaluation 214
1.2 Classification and Strategy 219
2 Research Design 225
2.1 Purposes 225
2.2 Participants 225
2.3 Instrumentation 226
2.4 Data Collection 231
3 Results and Discussions 231
3.1 Differences in Forms of Request 232
3.2 Differences in Modifications of Request 233
3.3 Differences in Strategies of Request 235
4 Conelusion 247
Chapter Five:Subjunctive Mood and Human Relation Distanciation 252
1 Introduction 252
1.1 The Questionable Situation 252
1.2 Purpose of the Research 254
1.3 Significance of the Research 255
1.4 Organization of the Thesis 255
2 Subjunctive Mood Categories 257
2.1 Classification of Subjunctive Mood 257
2.2 Contemporary Grammarians'Attitudes towards Subjunctive Mood 261
2.3 Employment of Subjunctive Mood 265
3 Subjunctive Mood and Distanciation 268
3.1 Temporal Distance and Psychological Distance 269
3.2 Subjunctive Mood Analysis Model 273
3.3 Subjunctive Distanciation 278
4 Distanciation in Experiment 286
4.1 Introduction 286
4.2 Research Questions 288
4.3 Research Methods 289
4.4 Procedure 290
4.5 Results and Discussions 294
5 Distanciation Pedagogics and Conclusion 300
5.1 Close Distanciation 300
5.2 Remote Distanciation 301
5.3 Conclusion 302
Chapter Six:Class Size and English Learning Efficiency in Correlation 314
1 The Proposition of the Issue 314
1.1 Definition:an Issue of Perspective 314
1.2 Class Size Issue and English Learning Efficiency 316
1.3 Significance of the Issue 318
2 State of the Art 321
2.1 China's Realities 322
2.2 Studies in China 325
2.3 Studies Abroad 326
3 Mediating Factors of ELT Efficiency 331
3.1 Children's General Cognitive Stages 332
3.2 Specific Cognitive Differences 334
3.3 Class Size and Teaching Methods 340
4 Size-Efficiency Investigation 343
4.1 Design of the Survey 343
4.2 Results and Analysis 346
4.3 Implications 358
5 Conclusion 368
Chapter Seven:English Intensive Reading and SCTPPP in Application 375
1 Introduction 375
2 Idea-Conflicts about College English Intensive Reading Instruction 378
2.1 Centering on Learners 378
2.2 Utility of Computer Resources 380
2.3 Task Issues in CEIR Instruction 381
2.4 Process of Learning 383
3 Feasibility of the SCTPPP Instruction Model 386
3.1 Definition of SCTPPP 386
3.2 Theoretieal Basis of SCTPPP 387
3.3 Practicability of the SCTPPP Instruction Model 395
4 SCTPPP for Experimentation 409
4.1 Experimental Conditions 409
4.2 Hypothetical Questions 410
4.3 Subjects 411
4.4 Instruments of the Research 411
4.5 Instructional Arrangements 413
4.6 Data Collection 418
4.7 Results Analysis and Discussion 418
5 Conclusion 434
References 462
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