- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王书亭,王建敏,刘艳芹编
- 出 版 社:东营:石油大学出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787563635658
- 页数:194 页
第一部分:英国经典文论 2
1.Seeing the Wind 2
2.Holy Dying 5
3.The Rewards of the Professions 9
4.On National Prejudice 12
5.On Life 17
6.Happiness 23
7.On Liberty 27
8.Books 31
9.Give Her a Pattern 37
10.What is Science? 43
11.The Two Cultures 48
12.Thinking as a Hobby 54
13.A Liberal Education 65
14.Defence and Happiness of Married Life 70
15.On Knowing What Gives Us Pleasure 74
16.The Decay of Friendship 78
17.Why Are Beggars Despised? 82
第二部分:美国经典文论 86
18.American Character 86
19.Advice to Youth 93
20.Love 98
21.Chinese Primitivism 105
22.The Nature of Liberty 109
23.Conformity to Nature 115
24.The Rewards of Living a Solitary Life 118
25.To Err Is Human 121
26.Beauty 126
27.The Company Man 130
28.On Women's Right to Vote 134
29.Advice on the Choice of a Mistress 137
30.Two Ways of Seeing a River 141
31.How to Live to Be 200 144
第三部分:附加阅读材料 150
32.An Apology for Idlers 150
33.Chapter One of Reveries Over Childhood and Youth 157
34.Consideration of the Vanity and Shortness of Man's Life 161
35.In Praise of Idleness 164
36.On Keeping a Secret 173
37.The Essence of Humanism 176
38.From Rural Hours 181
39.The Superstition of School 185
40.Why Law Is Indispensable? 188
41.The Battle of the Ants 192
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