- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:北京交通大学,中国物理学会发光分会编
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787030306982
- 页数:332 页
第一部分 研究报告和文章 3
发光学的回顾与进展 3
发光学的进展 10
我国发光学的研究现状 16
徐叙瑢院士漫谈继往开来与开拓创新 23
物理概念清楚、理论实验并重、从经典到前沿的一本拉曼光谱学专著 27
怀念严懋勋教授 29
1985年以来的工作小结 31
保持共产党员先进性教育活动第一阶段学习心得 34
保持共产党员先进性教育活动第二阶段党性分析学习体会 36
家风体会 38
家庭往事 39
寄语新生 43
培养“战士”,也要培养“将军” 44
继承优良传统开创美好未来 50
题字 51
第二部分 学术论文 55
Electroluminescence Quenching Mechanism in Rubrene Doped Host-Guest System 55
Monte Carlo Simulation of Hot Electron Energy Growth in a Layered Optimization Scheme of ZnS Thin Film 62
A Sharp Challenge to the Traditional Method of Determining the Luminescence Phase in Solid State Cathodoluminescence 68
The Effect of Annealing Temperature and Film Thickness on the Phase of Pentacene on the P+-Si Substrate 74
Schematic Design of a Novel Complex Thin-Film Luminescent Screen Usable for Vacuum Fluorescent and Field Emission Display 81
Investigation into Luminescent Dynamics in Solid-State Cathodoluminescence Structure 87
Use of Multiple Layers to Adjust Energy Transfer for Raising Intensity of Photoluminescence 97
Deficiencies of the Kinetics Order Method for the Study of Thermoluminescence 103
An Analytical Model of Monte Carlo Electron Scattering in ZnS 110
Influence of Dehydrated Nanotubed Titanic Acid on Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes with Phosphorescent Dye 117
The Influence of ZnO Nanorods on the Poly-(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):Poly(styrenesulphonic acid)Buffer Layer in a Polymer Light-Emitting Diode 123
Estimation of the Acceleration Ability for Electrons in SiO2 and the Tunneling Effect 130
The Condition for Electroplex Emission from an Europium Complex Doped Poly(N-vinylcarbazole) 137
Blue Electroluminescence of ZnSe Thin Film in an Organic-Inorganic Heterostructures Device 144
Why Is the Band Model not Contradictory to Molecular Theory in Organic Electro luminescence? 151
Cross Proof of Solid State Cathodoluminescence in Tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline)Aluminium Thin Films 156
Transient Electroluminescence of Molecularly Doped Poly(N-vinylcarbozole)LightEmitting Diodes 164
Optical Properties of Strongly Luminescing Mercaptoacetic-Acid-Capped ZnS Nanoparticles 175
Recombination Efficiency in Organic Single-Layer Light-Emitting Diodes at High Fields 184
Optical Absorption Studies on the Trapping States of CaS:Eu,Sm 190
Direct Interband Transitions in Tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline)Aluminum Thin Films 202
The Photo-and Electro-Luminescence Properties of ZnO:Zn Thin Film 212
Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Electroluminescence Device Fabricated by Conjugated Polymer and ZnS:Mn 218
Ultraviolet-Blue Electroluminescence from Gd3 Ga5 O12:Ag 225
Blue Electroluminescence from Tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline)Aluminum Thin Film 231
Electric Field Induced Quenching of Photoluminescence of Poly(N-vinylarbaole)(PVK)Doped with Dyes 238
Interchain Charge-Transfer States in Poly[(2,5-diphenylene-1,3,4-oxadiazole)-4,4'-vinylene](O-PPV)Oligomer 244
Transient Acceleration Process of Electrons in ZnS-Type Thin Film Electroluminescence Devices 252
Characteristics and Excitation Mechanism of SrGa2 S4:Ce TFEL Based on a Novel Structure 260
第三部分 亲友、同事和学生心目中的徐先生 269
徐叙瑢院士与发光学会 269
学为人师与行为世范统一的楷模 277
徐先生,您永远是我学习的榜样 280
一生简朴 一生发光 283
徐叙瑢院士与《发光学报》 285
严谨科学教诲,一身受用 288
科教兴国之旅 293
徐叙瑢先生引领我们进入发光的殿堂 296
矢志奉献发光事业 呕心沥血桃李盈门 298
闪光的十年 301
老骥伏枥 光华四射 305
是发光者终会发光 307
春风化雨 润物无声 311
祝恩师徐叙瑢先生健康长寿 313
塑造灵魂 大师风范 315
老老实实做人,踏踏实实做事 317
我对先生培养博士生的指导思想的体会和认识 318
徐先生不仅教会了我做科研,更教育了我怎么做人 320
第四部分 科技活动生涯年表及培养学生统计 325
徐叙瑢院士年表 325
徐叙瑢院士培养指导的研究生统计表 328
主要论著目录 331
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