- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:侯国金著
- 出 版 社:北京:国防工业出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787118092721
- 页数:208 页
Ⅰ.我之所是和友之为友 3
1.I Teach like Leech 3
2.不再是蛹 4
3.Ode to Dumbbells 6
4.Ode to Sept-Un 10
5.Dots Very Thin 11
6.Ode to Wangacker Yinkoff 12
7.For Sure I Live 13
8.壮志邯郸 15
9.The Word Blue 16
10.Not Blue Any More,This Dark CQ Sky 17
11.Rose我的Annabel Lee 22
12.奇葩蛇神 24
13.Old Huge Hands 26
14.Monkie Heights 27
15.If You Lie in Hospital 28
16.The Lying Man 29
17.Apple Cleft 30
18.顺礼鸡场 31
19.Personal Concert 32
20.Cannibal's Diary 34
21.Jessie Thou Be Thee 36
22.Thou Little Thief 38
23.苦死你噢侬打尬? 39
24.爱死不由她之歌 41
25.镀金野人 43
26.澳英之母 44
27.加美之父之油漆匠周游他乡咏叹调 45
Ⅱ.我之所宠 49
1.Today is Children's day! 49
2.Teeth&Lice 52
3.Universality of the Flock 53
4.The Snake Lurking 54
5.The Conch Crab 55
6.The Song of Paul 57
7.黑色沉默 58
8.Elegy to Helena That Is Mine 60
9.温存的倩影 61
10.Home Is the White Fellow 63
11.Placement of Bisop 64
12.寻人启事 65
13.尖耳朵挽歌 67
14.A Little Black Gecko 70
15.Ode to the Rhinoceros 71
16.Action Delayed 73
Ⅲ.血火求生 77
1.Don't Cry,Houston 77
2.The Drizzle Dazzling 78
3.Pink Variety 79
4.That Breath 81
5.一二泪 82
6.From the Profound 83
7.Sea Dalliance 84
8.天择 86
9.The Tiny Tree 87
10.伴读之花 89
11.Out of Tissues 90
12.Human Poison 92
13.Lessons Reviewed 93
14.The Whole 94
15.Wet Streetcar 95
16.More Than a Home 96
17.Knowledge Vicious 98
18.Elegy for Black Blood and White Tears 99
19.My!May Day! 101
20.I'm Going 103
21.Fall of SISU,for This Is You 104
22.Lilies and Tulips and Many Others 106
23.Will'd Collapse 107
24.Jungle Men's Tongue 108
25.荆楚南梦 111
26.A Palindrome Blow to Nida's Like 112
27.今儿离线 114
Ⅳ.猴哥所译 117
1.悯农 117
2.春晓 118
3.竹枝词 119
4.静夜思 120
5.无题 121
6.William Shakespeare's Epitaph 123
7.Word 124
8.Poem 125
9.Languages 126
10.October 128
11.Leisure 131
12.Me up at does 133
13.Buffalo Bill's 134
14.The Bat 136
15.Bats 138
16.Hawk Roosting 141
17.The Dalliance of the Eagles 144
18.The Eagle 146
19.Hurt Hawks 147
20.病鹘吟 151
21.For the Children 153
22.The Word Plum 155
23.When You Are Old 157
24.Elizabeth Barrett Browning's 15th Sonnet in Sonnets from Portuguese 159
25.Ode for Jiang Yajun 161
26.Those Winter Days 163
27.Metaphors 165
28.William Shakespeare's SONNET 12 167
29.On Shakespeare 169
30.Death Be Not Proud 171
31.Dying Speech of an Old Philosopher 173
Ⅴ.人眼猴哥 177
1.磊人雷语 177
2.佳话猴哥 181
3.戏言猴哥 182
4.丽眼看猴 183
5.虎眼看猴 184
6.惠眼识猴 186
7.网中之猴 189
8.引猴之人 190
9.The Long-Tongued Thin Fellow from the Midland 194
10.猴哥自画像 196
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