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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(印)Laxmisha Rai,刘法胜编著
  • 出 版 社:东营:中国石油大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:7563637109
  • 页数:258 页

1 Introduction to Computers and Programming 1

1.1 History of Computer 1

1.2 What is a Computer? 1

1.3 Introduction to Software 2

1.4 Software Development Life-Cycle 2

1.5 Development of Programs 3

1.6 Programming Languages 3

1.7 Questions on the Chapter 5

2 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming and Java 6

2.1 Introduction 6

2.2 Object-Oriented Concepts 6

2.3 Introduction to Java 7

2.4 Versions of Java 8

2.5 Writing the First Java Program 9

2.6 Running Java Programs 10

2.7 A Comprehensive understanding of Object-Oriented Concepts in Java 17

2.8 Questions on the Chapter 21

3 Programming Basics 22

3.1 Introduction 22

3.2 Variables 22

3.3 Identifiers 22

3.4 Java Keywords 23

3.5 Literals 24

3.6 Data Types 24

3.7 Type Casting 26

3.8 Questions on the Chapter 27

4 Operators and Expressions 29

4.1 Introduction 29

4.2 Relational and Equality Operators 29

4.3 Arithmetic Operators 30

4.4 Bit-Wise Operators 31

4.5 Assignment Operators 32

4.6 Increment and Decrement Operators 32

4.7 Logical Operators 33

4.8 Conditional Operators 34

4.9 Operator Precedence 34

4.10 Mathematical Functions 35

4.11 Operator Overloading 36

4.12 Questions on the Chapter 37

5 Selection Statements 38

5.1 Introduction 38

5.2 The ifStatements 38

5.3 The if..else Statements 40

5.4 The if..else…if Statements 41

5.5 Nested if..else Statements 43

5.6 The switch Statement 45

5.7 The Ternary Operator 49

5.8 Questions on the Chapter 50

6 Looping Statements 52

6.1 Introduction 52

6.2 The while Loop 52

6.3 The do...while Loop 54

6.4 The for Loop 58

6.5 Nesting of Loops 61

6.6 The break statement 62

6.7 The continue statement 66

6.8 Jumping Statements 67

6.9 Questions on the Chapter 72

7 Arrays 75

7.1 Introduction 75

7.2 One-Dimensional Arrays 76

7.3 Multi-Dimensional Arrays 79

7.4 Applications of Two-Dimensional Arrays 81

7.5 Questions on the Chapter 89

8 Strings 90

8.1 Introduction 90

8.2 Creating Strings 90

8.3 String Methods 91

8.4 Arrays ofStrings 94

8.5 Converting Strings to Numerical Data 95

8.6 Converting Numerical Data to Strings 97

8.7 Command line Arguments 97

8.8 Questions on the Chapter 99

9 Classes and 0bjects 100

9.1 Introduction 100

9.2 Object Definition 100

9.3 Class Definition 101

9.4 Overloaded Methods 105

9.5 Multiple Objects 106

9.6 ArrayofObjects 108

9.7 Access Modifiers 110

9.8 Questions onthe Chapter 113

10 Searching and Sorting 115

10.1 Introduction 115

10.2 Searching 115

10.3 Linear Search 115

10.4 Binary Search 117

10.5 Sorting 119

10.6 Insertion Sort 120

10.7 Selection Sort 122

10.8 Bubble Sort 125

10.9 Sorting Characters and Strings 128

10.10 Questions on the Chapter 132

11 Constructors 133

11.1 Introduction 133

11.2 Default Constructers 135

11.3 Constructors with Parameters 136

11.4 Multiple Constructors 138

11.5 The this Keyword 139

11.6 Questions on the Chapter 143

12 Inheritance 145

12.1 Introduction 145

12.2 Single Inheritance 145

12.3 The protected Keyword 150

12.4 Overriding Data and Methods 152

12.5 The super Keyword 153

12.6 Constructors and Inheritance 154

12.7 Questions on the Chapter 156

13 Polymorphism 158

13.1 Introduction 158

13.2 The instance ofOperator 164

13.3 Abstract Methods 167

13.4 Abstract Class 167

13.5 Questions on the Chapter 169

14 Exception Handling 170

14.1 Introduction 170

14.2 Handling Exceptions 171

14.3 Kinds of Exceptions 173

14.4 Catching Multiple Exceptions 176

14.5 The throw Keyword 177

14.6 Questions on the Chapter 178

15 GUI Objects and Event Programming 180

15.1 Introduction 180

15.2 GUI Objects in Java 180

15.3 Layout Managers 188

15.4 Positioning of GUI Components 193

15.5 Event-Driven Programming 195

15.6 Menu Handling 204

15.7 Questions on the Chapter 208

16 Applets 209

16.1 Introduction 209

16.2 The FirstApplet Program 209

16.3 Applets and HTML 211

16.4 Life Cycle ofan Applet 211

16.5 More Applet Programs 214

16.6 Sound and Image Programs 220

16.7 Questions on the Chapter 223

17 Thread Programming 224

17.1 Introduction 224

17.2 ASimpleThread 224

17.3 The setName() and getName() Methods 228

17.4 The setPriority0 and getPriority() Methods 229

17.5 The sleep () Method 232

17.6 The Runnable Interface 233

17.7 Questions on the Chapter 234

18 Input and Output Streams 235

18.1 Introduction 235

18.2 Input and Output Streams 235

18.3 File I/O 237

18.4 Questions on the Chapter 242

19 Network Programming in Java 243

19.1 Introduction 243

19.2 The Client and Server 243

19.3 Understanding the Socket Object 243

19.4 Questions on the Chapter 246

AppendixA: Model Questions 247

Appendix B: English-Chinese Vocabulary List 252
