- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:闫春梅主编;文斌,李正林副主编
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787030412119
- 页数:162 页
Chapter 1 Curriculum,Syllabus and Textbook in English Teaching 1
1.1 How are curriculum and syllabus defined in general education 1
1.2 How are curriculum and syllabus defined in language education 2
1.3 What's the role of textbooks 4
1.4 How should teachers mediate the relationships among curriculum,syllabus and textbook 5
Chapter 2 Curriculum and Curriculum Standards 8
2.1 How is curriculum defined 8
2.2 What are involved in a curriculum 10
2.3 What are the major types of curriculum 11
2.4 What are the purposes of curriculum standards 13
2.5 How can implementation gap in curriculum reform be addressed 16
Chapter 3 Case Studies of English Curriculum Standards 19
3.1 English curriculum reforms in China 19
3.2 English curriculum standards in Singapore 30
3.3 Concluding remarks 41
Chapter 4 Course Syllabus 44
4.1 Definitions of syllabus 44
4.2 Functions of syllabus 45
4.3 Types of syllabus 46
4.4 Designing syllabus 58
4.5 Concluding remarks 64
Chapter 5 Case Studies of English Course Syllabuses 68
5.1 A case study of national English course syllabus 68
5.2 Case studies of teacher-made syllabuses 70
Chapter 6 Evaluating a Textbook 80
6.1 What are the purposes of using textbooks 80
6.2 How to evaluate textbooks 84
6.3 Concluding remarks 95
Chapter 7 Adapting a Textbook 97
7.1 Why is it necessary to adapt a textbook 97
7.2 Principles for textbook adaptation 99
7.3 Techniques for textbook adaptation 100
7.4 Techniques for using supplementary materials 103
7.5 Areas for textbook adaptation 104
7.6 Sample textbook adaptation activities 106
7.7 Concluding remarks 108
Chapter 8 Case Studies of Evaluating and Adapting a Textbook 110
8.1 New Senior English Curriculum and New Senior English 110
8.2 Pointers for evaluation and adaptation of textbooks 123
8.3 Concluding remarks 153
References 154
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