机械系统先进滑模变结构控制 设计、分析及MATLAB仿真PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘金琨,王新华著
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787302248279
- 页数:356 页
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Parameters of Sliding Surface Design 7
1.2 Sliding Mode Control Based on Reaching Law 8
1.2.1 Classical Reaching Laws 8
1.2.2 Controller Design 9
1.3 Robust Sliding Mode Control Based on Reaching Law 14
1.3.1 System Description 14
1.3.2 Simulation Example 15
1.4 Sliding Mode Robust Control Based on Upper Bound 19
1.4.1 System Description 19
1.4.2 Controller Design 19
1.4.3 Simulation Example 20
1.5 Sliding Mode Control Based on Quasi-Sliding Mode 25
1.5.1 Quasi-Sliding Mode 25
1.5.2 Simulation Example 26
1.6 Sliding Mode Control Based on the Equivalent Control 31
1.6.1 System Description 31
1.6.2 Sliding Mode Controller Design 31
1.6.3 Simulation Example 33
1.7 Digital Simulation of Sliding Mode Control 36
1.7.1 Basic Theory 36
1.7.2 Simulation Example 37
References 40
2 Normal Sliding Mode Control 41
2.1 Sliding Mode Control Based on Nominal Model 41
2.1.1 System Description 41
2.1.2 The Structure of Control System 42
2.1.3 Design of Nominal Model 42
2.1.4 Sliding Mode Controller Design for Actual Plant 43
2.1.5 Simulation 45
2.2 Global Sliding Mode Control for an Uncertain System 50
2.2.1 System Description 50
2.2.2 Global Sliding Mode Design 51
2.2.3 Sliding Mode Controller Design 51
2.2.4 Simulation Example 52
2.3 Sliding Mode Control Based on Linearization Feedback Control 57
2.3.1 Linearization Feedback Control 57
2.3.2 Simulation Example 57
2.3.3 Sliding Mode Control Based on Linearization Feedback 61
2.3.4 Simulation Example 62
2.4 Input-Output Feedback Linearization Control 65
2.4.1 System Description 65
2.4.2 Controller Design 66
2.4.3 Simulation Example 67
2.5 Sliding Mode Control Based on Input-Output Feedback Linearization 70
2.5.1 System Description 70
2.5.2 Controller Design 70
2.5.3 Simulation Example 72
2.6 Sliding Mode Control Based on Low Pass Filter 75
2.6.1 System Description 75
2.6.2 Sliding Mode Controller Design 75
2.6.3 Simulation Example 77
References 80
3 Advanced Sliding Mode Control 81
3.1 Sliding Mode Control Based on a Linear Matrix Inequality for Inverted Pendulum 81
3.1.1 System Description 81
3.1.2 Equivalent Sliding Mode Control 82
3.1.3 Sliding Mode Control Based on Auxiliary Feedback 83
3.1.4 Simulation Example 84
3.2 Backstepping Sliding Mode Control for a Inverted Pendulum 91
3.2.1 The Basic Theory 91
3.2.2 System Description 91
3.2.3 Controller Design 92
3.2.4 Simulation Example 93
References 96
4 Discrete Sliding Mode Control 97
4.1 Discrete Sliding Mode Controller Design and Analysis 97
4.1.1 System Description 97
4.1.2 Controller Design and Analysis 98
4.1.3 Simulation Example 100
4.2 Discrete Sliding Mode Control Based on Disturbance Observer 102
4.2.1 System Description 102
4.2.2 Discrete Sliding Mode Control Based on Disturbance Observer 103
4.2.3 Convergent Analysis of Disturbance Observer 104
4.2.4 Stability Analysis 105
4.2.5 Simulation Example 107
Reference 110
5 Dynamic Sliding Mode Control 111
5.1 Problem Statement 111
5.2 Dynamic Sliding Mode Control Based on Dynamic Switching Functions 111
5.2.1 System Description 111
5.2.2 Design of Controller 112
5.2.3 Simulation Example 113
Reference 116
6 Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Mechanical Systems 117
6.1 Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Mechanical Systems 117
6.1.1 System Description 117
6.1.2 Design of Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller 118
6.1.3 Simulation Example 119
6.2 Adaptive Sliding Mode Control of Inverted Pendulum 126
6.2.1 System Description 126
6.2.2 Control System Design 126
6.2.3 Simulation Example 129
Reterences 135
7 Terminal Sliding Mode Control 137
7.1 Terminal Sliding Mode Control 137
7.1.1 System Description 137
7.1.2 Design of Terminal Sliding Mode Controller 138
7.1.3 The Solution of p(t) 139
7.1.4 Simulation Example:Terminal Sliding Mode Control for the Inverted Pendulum 141
7.2 Nonsingular Terminal Sliding Mode Control 146
7.2.1 System Description 146
7.2.2 Normal Terminal Sliding Mode Control 147
7.2.3 Nonsingular Terminal Sliding Mode Control 148
7.2.4 Simulation Example 149
7.3 Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Control 155
7.3.1 Design of Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Controller 155
7.3.2 Design of Global Fast Sliding Mode Controller 157
7.3.3 Design of Position Tracking Controller 158
7.3.4 Simulation Example 158
References 162
8 Sliding Mode Control Based on Observer 163
8.1 High-Gain Observer 163
8.1.1 High-Gain Observer Description 163
8.1.2 Stability Analysis for Second-Order System 164
8.1.3 Simulation Example 166
8.2 Sliding Mode Control Based on High Gain Observer 168
8.2.1 System Description 168
8.2.2 Controller Design 169
8.2.3 Simulation Example 170
8.3 Extended State Observer Design 174
8.3.1 System Description 174
8.3.2 Extended State Observer Design 175
8.3.3 Simulation Example 178
8.4 Sliding Mode Control Based on Extended State Observer 183
8.4.1 System Description 183
8.4.2 Sliding Mode Controller Design 184
8.4.3 Simulation Example 185
8.5 Universal Approximation Using High-Order Integral-Chain Differentiator 191
8.5.1 System Description 191
8.5.2 Integral-Chain Differentiator 191
8.5.3 Simulation Example 193
8.6 Sliding Mode Control Based on Integral-Chain Differentiator 197
8.6.1 Integral-Chain Differentiator Approximation 197
8.6.2 Design of Sliding Mode Controller 198
8.6.3 Simulation Example 201
8.7 Design and Analysis of Slow Time-Varying Disturbance Observer 206
8.7.1 System Description 206
8.7.2 Disturbance Observer Design 206
8.7.3 Simulation Example 207
8.8 Sliding Mode Control Based on Disturbance Observer 210
8.8.1 Problem Statement 210
8.8.2 Design and Analysis of Disturbance Observer 210
8.8.3 Sliding Mode Controller Design 211
8.8.4 Simulation Example 212
8.9 Delayed Output Observer 217
8.9.1 System Description 217
8.9.2 Delayed Output Observer Design 218
8.9.3 Delayed Output Observer Analysis 218
8.9.4 Simulation Example 220
8.10 Design of Controller Based on Delayed Output Observer 221
8.10.1 Design of Controller 221
8.10.2 Simulation Example 223
References 231
9 Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control 233
9.1 Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control Based on Equivalent Control 234
9.1.1 Design of Fuzzy Control 234
9.1.2 Simulation Example 235
9.2 Sliding Mode Control Based on Fuzzy Switch-Gain Regulation 242
9.2.1 System Description 242
9.2.2 Design of Sliding Mode Controller 242
9.2.3 Design of Fuzzy System 243
9.2.4 Simulation Example 245
9.3 Sliding Mode Control Based on Fuzzy System Approximation 251
9.3.1 Problem Statement 251
9.3.2 Controller Design Based on Fuzzy System 251
9.3.3 Simulation Example 254
9.4 Adaptive Fuzzy Control Based on Fuzzy Compensation for Manipulator 260
9.4.1 System Description 260
9.4.2 Control Based on Fuzzy Compensation 260
9.4.3 Control Based on Friction Compensation 262
9.4.4 Simulation Example 263
9.5 Adaptive Sliding Mode Control Based on Switching Fuzzy 271
9.5.1 Plant Description 271
9.5.2 Design of Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller 272
9.5.3 Simulation Example 274
References 279
10 Neural Network Sliding Mode Control 281
10.1 Sliding Mode Control Based on RBF Neural Network Approximation 282
10.1.1 Problem Statement 282
10.1.2 Controller Design Based on a Radial Basis Function Neural Network 282
10.1.3 Simulation Example 284
10.2 RBF Network Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Manipulator 288
10.2.1 Problem Statement 288
10.2.2 Sliding Mode Control with Respect to the Approximation of f(x) 290
10.2.3 Simulation Example 291
References 300
11 Sliding Mode Control for Robot 301
11.1 Model of Robotic Joints 301
11.1.1 Model Description 301
11.1.2 Model Description Example 302
11.2 Sliding Mode Control Based on Input-Output Stability 303
11.2.1 System Description 303
11.2.2 Design of Controller 304
11.2.3 Simulation Example 306
11.3 Sliding Mode Control Based on Computed Torque Method 312
11.3.1 Design of Controller 312
11.3.2 Simulation Example 313
11.4 Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Manipulator 318
11.4.1 Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller 318
11.4.2 Simulation Example 319
References 329
12 Sliding Mode Control for Aircraft 331
12.1 Sliding Mode Control for a Helicopter 331
12.1.1 Mathematical Model of a Helicopter 331
12.1.2 Dynamic Inversion Uncoupling Linearization 332
12.1.3 Sliding Mode Controller Design 333
12.1.4 Simulation Example 334
12.2 Sliding Mode Control for an Uncertain Vertical Take-Off and Landing Aircraft 339
12.2.1 System Description 339
12.2.2 Transform of Model 341
12.2.3 Controller Design 344
12.2.4 Simulation Example 347
References 353
Index 355
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