- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:薛彩军主编
- 出 版 社:北京:国防工业出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787118102895
- 页数:209 页
Chapter 1 Rich History 1
1.1 From Wheels to Stars 1
1.2 Myths and Legends 5
1.3 Early Scientific Research 7
1.4 Flight in Balloons 9
1.5 The Era of the Dirigible 11
1.6 Heavier-Than-Air Aircraft Development 14
1.7 Wright Brothers' Flyer Ⅰ 18
1.8 The Adolescence of Airplane 21
1.9 The Golden Age of Aviation 27
1.10 Airplanes in the World War Ⅱ 32
1.11 Jet Airplane 37
1.12 Advances in Aeronautics 45
Chapter 2 Basic Aerodynamics 51
2.1 The Atmosphere 51
2.2 Atmospheric Regions 55
2.3 Continuity Equation 56
2.4 Bernoulli's Principle 58
2.5 About Viscous Flow 61
2.6 About Compressibility 66
2.7 Wind Tunnels 70
Chapter 3 Airfoil,Wing and Airplane 72
3.1 Introduction 72
3.2 Airfoil Lift 73
3.3 Wing Lift 85
3.4 Airplane Lift 91
3.5 High Lift Devices 95
3.6 Wing and Airplane Drag 100
3.7 Mach Number Effects 106
Chapter 4 Elements of Airplane Performance 115
4.1 Introduction 115
4.2 Equations of Motion 115
4.3 Drag Curves 118
4.4 Power Curves 120
4.5 Range and Endurance 121
4.6 Gliding Flight 127
4.7 Climbs 129
4.8 Takeoff and Landing 130
4.9 Turning Flight 135
4.10 V-n Diagram 138
Chapter 5 Airplanes' Stability and Control 140
5.1 Introduction 140
5.2 Coordinate System 140
5.3 Control Surfaces 142
5.4 Stability Definition 144
5.5 Longitudinal Control Analysis 147
5.6 Longitudinal Stability 149
5.7 Directional Stability and Control 157
5.8 Lateral Stability and Control 160
Chapter 6 Aircraft Propulsion 164
6.1 Introduction 164
6.2 Airplane Propellers 166
6.3 Piston Engines 168
6.4 Turbojet Engines 169
6.5 Afterburners 170
6.6 Turbofan Engines 171
6.7 Turboprop Engines 172
6.8 Turboshaft Engines 172
6.9 Ramjets 173
Chapter 7 Airplane Structure 174
7.1 Introduction 174
7.2 Mechanics Conception 175
7.3 An Airplane's Loads 180
7.4 Structural Layout 184
7.5 Component Sizing 187
Chapter 8 Airplane Instruments 195
8.1 Introduction 195
8.2 Early Airplane Instruments 195
8.3 Instrument Classification 196
8.4 Typical Instruments 198
8.5 Navigation Conception 203
Appendix Classification of Aircraft 205
References 209
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