- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张晓鹏著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:9787030550118
- 页数:249 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 English C&M Nouns in a Nutshell 4
1.2 Perspectives in C&M Distinctions:English vs.Chinese 7
1.3 Perspectives in English C&M Nouns:Inherent and Dynamic 9
1.4 Effect of Acquired C&M Knowledge on Perspective-taking in Construing Real-world Entities 11
Chapter 2 Empirical and Theoretical Studies of English C&M Nouns 16
2.1 Introduction 16
2.2 Empirical Evidence of L2-English C&M Learning 17
2.3 Theoretical Accounts of C&M Nouns 29
2.4 A Critique of the Theoretical Account of C&M Distinctions 37
2.5 Summary 41
Chapter 3 English C&M Distinctions:The Perspective Account 43
3.1 Introduction 43
3.2 Basic Notions of the Cognitive Linguistics 44
3.3 Defining Perspective 48
3.4 Perspectives in C&M Distinctions:A Tripartite Framework 51
3.5 Classifying English C&M Nouns:Inherent Perspectives 66
3.6 Classifying English C-M Mutual Conversions:Dynamic Perspectives 69
3.7 Perspective Encoded in Chinese C&M Distinctions 79
3.8 Perspectives Involved in C&M Distinctions:A Cross-linguistic Comparison 85
3.9 Summary 88
Chapter 4 Constraints on L2 Acquisition of English Nouns 90
4.1 Introduction 90
4.2 Constraints on L2 Acquisition of English C&M Nouns 91
4.3 Constructing an L2 Acquisitional Trajectory of English C&M Nouns 97
4.4 Constraints on L2 Acquisition of English C-M Mutual Conversions 99
4.5 Operationalizing Perspective Shifting in C&M Learning 107
4.6 Issues Being Addressed in This Book 110
4.7 Variables Being Investigated in This Book 113
4.8 Summary 114
Chapter 5 Perspective Shifting in L2 Learners:Empirical Studies 116
5.1 Introduction 116
5.2 Preliminaries for Target Word Selection 118
5.3 Study 1:Inherent C-M Perspective in L2 Learners 120
5.4 Study 2:Dynamic C-M Perspective in L2 Learners 137
5.5 Study 3:C-M Knowledge and Perspective in Entity Construal 161
5.6 Summary 172
Chapter 6 Concluding Words 173
6.1 Introduction 173
6.2 Characterizing English C&M Distinctions in L2 Production 173
6.3 A Unified Account of C&M Learning:Perspective as Mechanism and Outcome 195
6.4 Major Findings 199
6.5 Implications 203
References 209
Appendix A 223
Appendix B 225
Appendix C 230
Appendix D 239
Appendix E 244
Appendix F 246
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