法治热点面对面 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:本书编委会
- 出 版 社:北京:外文出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:9787119100975
- 页数:160 页
A New Beacon for Strengthening Rule of Law in China—How to understand the overall objective of comprehensively advancing law-based governance in the country 1
The Bright Prospect of Implementing Law-based Governance—Why should China follow its path in developing rule of law 18
The Core Issue in Ensuring Success in Rule of Law—How to understand the relationship between the CPC and rule of law 31
Stabilizer of the Country and Nation—How to understand that governance based on the Constitution should be prioritized for law-based governance 42
March into the"Web2.0 Era"in Terms of System of Laws—How to make laws in a scientific and democratic way 53
The Vitality of Law Lies in Its Enforcement—How to promote strict enforcement of law 69
Let Justice Be Seen in Every Case—How to improve judicial credibility 90
Engraving the Law in the People's Minds—How to enhance national awareness of the rule of law 113
Law to Provide a Sense of Security and Virtue to Provide a Sense of Worth—How to understand the combination of rule oflaw with rule of virtue 128
Enforcing Self-discpline to Ensure Good Governance—How to understand"Party discipline and regulations expect more of Party members than the law" 143
Afterword 159
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