我可能学的是假英语 英语、中式英语和偏误英语PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)大卫·弗格森编著;周雅芳译
- 出 版 社:北京:石油工业出版社
- 出版年份:2018
- ISBN:9787518320530
- 页数:587 页
Ⅰ.学习和研究 1
Ⅱ.名词的复数形式 11
无复数形式的名词 14
1.Advices 14
2.Aircrafts 16
3.Assistances 16
4.Consensuses 18
5.Equipments 18
6.Evidences 18
7.Trainings 20
复数形式与单数形式意义不同的名词 22
1.Aid/Aids 24
2.Attention/Attentions 24
3.Consumption/Consumptions 26
4.Damage/Damages 30
5.Discipline/Disciplin+++es 32
6.Enlightenment/Insights 32
7.Progress/Progresses 34
8.Research/Researches 36
9.Staff / Staffs 38
复杂类:同时包含复数和单数形式的名词 40
1.Contribution/Contributions 40
2.Convenience/Conveniences 44
3.Grain/Grains 48
4.Talent/Talents 52
修饰语 56
Ⅲ.普通名词 65
1.Backbone 66
2.Batch 74
3.Bunch 76
4.Commodity (product) 80
5.Connotation 82
6.Dilemma 86
7.Disaster 92
8.Investigation 102
9.Mountain(s) 110
10.Remarks 116
11.Scholar 118
12.Status (quo) 124
13.Technology/technique/process 132
Ⅳ.动词 135
错误类型:结构搭配错误 148
动词+不定式 148
1.Advise (+infiinitive) 148
2.Announce(+infiinitive) 156
3.Approve(+infiinitive) 168
4.Ensure(+infiinitive) 176
5.Order(+infiinitive) 178
其他结构 182
6.Allow 182
7.Award 190
8.Criticise 204
9.Hope 210
错误类型:词义认知错误 212
10.Blame (Criticise and Accuse) 212
11.Cope With and Deal With 220
12.Find (out) 222
13.Introduce 228
14.Keep (doing something) 236
15.Persist 238
16.Mention 242
17.Persuade 248
18.Reveal 252
19.Stress 256
20.Take up 260
21.Tout 264
22.Watch 266
错误类型:动词语境错误 270
23.Bully 270
24.Contain 274
25.Hype 280
26.Suppress 284
Ⅴ.形容词和副词 287
1.Everyday 294
2.Bored and Boring; Shocking and Shocked 296
3.Mainly 296
4.Totally 300
5.Later 306
6.Adjectives that end in ‘ly’ 314
7.Now…Now that 322
8.Once 334
9.Famous 342
Ⅵ.其他表述 361
1.How do you think of/about…? 366
2.Take a photo 366
3.Kick off 368
4.Made its debut 370
5.Accept an interview 372
6.Under the background 374
7.In“ n’ years” time 376
8.Despite of 378
9.Except (as a preposition) 380
10.Inevitable…an inevitable trend 382
11.Including 386
12.According to…In accordance with 390
13.Over…More than 396
14.For“ n” times 400
15.By now…By far 404
16.Until now 410
17.Difficult/easy/hard 412
18.Meanwhile…at the same time…in the meantime…in the meanwhile 418
19.Apart from 424
20.On the contrages(in contrast/conversely) 434
21.Advantages and Strengths 440
22.Chinese Government 448
23.Unexpectedly…Out of expectation&beyond all expectations 454
24.‘As’ constructions 462
25.Indeterminate quantifiers and modifiers 472
Ⅶ. 英语口语的问题 499
1.‘And’ at the start of a sentence 504
2.As a matter of fact 508
3.Besides, and What’s more 520
4.What’s more 534
5.‘Kids’ 540
6.Pay attention 542
7.So far 548
8.-odd as a number-suffix 556
9.Etc 564
10.And so on 570
11.And whatnot 574
附录1彼得·福斯特在《每日邮报》报导中的语法错误 577
附录2英国政府 583
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