- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘建平编著
- 出 版 社:北京:学苑出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787507737424
- 页数:228 页
a priori:预先 1
ABI:绝对获益增加(见absolute benefit increase) 1
absolute benefit increase(ABI):绝对获益增加 1
absolute risk(AR):净危险性/事件发生率/绝对危险度 1
absolute risk increase(ARI):绝对危险性增高 1
absolute risk reduction(ARR):绝对危险性降低 1
abstract:摘要 2
accreditation:认证 2
accuracy:准确性 2
ACP Journal Club:美国内科医师学院杂志俱乐部 2
active surveillance:主动监测 3
additive model:添加模型 3
adjusted analysis:校正分析 3
adminors:电邮讨论组管理者名单 3
admission rate bias(Berkson bias):入院率偏倚(伯克森偏倚) 3
adverse drug reaction:药物不良反应 4
adverse effect:副作用 4
adverse event:不良事件 4
adverse reaction:不良反应(见adverse event) 4
advocacy and support groups:鼓励及支持组织 4
aggregate data:聚集数据 4
aggregation bias:群体偏倚/聚集偏倚(见ecological fallacy) 4
allocation bias:分配偏倚 4
allocation concealment:分配隐藏 5
allopathic medicine(AM):对抗疗法 5
alternative hypothesis:备择假设(见hypothesis) 5
analytic study:分析性研究 5
anecdote:个案报道(见case report) 5
applicability(external validity,generalizability):可应用性(外部真实性,外延性、推广应用性) 5
approved drugs:批准药物 6
AR:归因危险度(见attributive risk) 6
AR:净危险性/事件发生率/绝对危险度(见absolute risk) 6
arbiter,funding:赞助仲裁者(见funding arbiter) 6
arbiter,publication:出版仲裁者(见publication arbiter) 6
archive:归档 6
area under the curve(AUC):ROC曲线下面积 6
arithmetic mean:算数平均数(见mean) 7
ARI:绝对危险性增高(见absolute risk increase) 7
arm:臂 7
ARR:绝对危险性降低(见absolute risk reduction) 7
ascertainment bias:测量偏倚(见measurement bias) 7
assembly bias:集中性偏倚 7
assessment of study quality:评价文献质量 7
association(correlation):联系 8
attack rate:罹患率 8
attributive risk(AR):归因危险度 8
attrition(loss to follow up,dropout):失访 8
attrition bias:随访偏倚 8
AUC:ROC曲线下面积(见area under the curve) 9
average:平均 9
background questions:背景问题 10
baseline:基线 10
baseline characteristics:基线特征 10
baseline risk(BR):基线危险度 11
Bayesian analysis:贝叶斯分析(见Bayes' theorem) 12
Bayes' theorem:贝叶斯定理 11
before-after study in different patients:不同病例前后对照研究 12
before-after study in the same individuals:自身前后对照研究 12
before-after study:前后对照研究 12
benefience:有利原则 13
benefit:获益 13
Berkson bias:伯克森偏倚(见admission rate bias) 13
best evidence:最佳证据 13
bias:偏倚 14
bias prevention:偏倚预防 14
bibliographic databases:题录数据库 14
bibliographic software:题录软件 14
binary data:二分类资料(见dichotomous data) 14
binomial distribution:二项分布 14
BioMed Central(BMC):生物医学中心期刊库 15
blank control:空白对照 15
blind trial:盲法研究 15
blinding(masking):盲法 15
block randomization:区组随机化 16
Boolean operator:布尔运算符 16
bootstrapping:自抽样法 16
Breslow-Day test:B-D检验 17
burden of illness:疾病负担 17
CAM:补充替代医学(见complementary and alternative medicine) 18
care pathways:医疗路径(见integrated care pathways) 18
carry over:延后 18
case-case study:病例病例研究 18
case-cohort study:病例队列研究 18
case-control study:病例对照研究 18
case-crossover design:病例交叉设计 19
case-fatality rate:病死率 19
case-parental control study:病例父母对照研究 19
case report(anecdote):病例报告(个案报道) 19
case series:病例系列研究 20
case-specific mortality:死因别死亡率 20
case survey:案例调查 20
categorical data:分类资料 20
CATs(critically appraised topics):严格评价题目 21
causal effect:因果效应 21
CBA:成本效益分析(见cost-benefit analysis) 21
CBCT:社区临床试验(见community-based clinical trial) 21
CBM:中国生物医学文献数据库(见Chinese Biomedical Literature Database) 21
CCAG:Cochrane中央顾问组(见Cochrane Central Advisory Group) 21
CCN:Cochrane用户网络(见Cochrane Consumer Network) 21
CCRCT:Cochrane对照试验注册中心(见Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials) 21
CCSG:Cochrane协作网指导委员会(见Cochrane Collaboration Steering Group) 22
CCTR(Cochrane Clinical Trials Registu):Cochrane临床试验注册资料库(见CENTRAL) 22
CDMR:Cochrane方法学评价库(见Cochrane Database of Methodology Review) 22
CDSR:Cochrane系统评价资料库(见Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews) 22
C/E:成本效果比(见cost/effectiveness) 22
CEA:成本效果分析(见cost-effectiveness analysis) 22
censored data:截尾数据 22
census:普查 22
CENTRAL:Cochrane临床试验注册资料库(见Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials) 23
centripetal bias:集中性偏倚 22
CER:对照组事件率(见control event rate) 23
CEYLL:队列减寿年数(见cohort expected years of life lost) 23
chance node:机会结 23
chance:机遇 23
Chi-square test(χ2-test):卡方检验 23
CHINACLEN(China Clinical Epidemiology Network):中国临床流行病学网 23
Chinese Biomedical Literature Database(CBM):中国生物医学文献数据库 23
Chinese Evidence Based Medicine/Cochrane Centre Database,CEBM/CCD:中国循证医学/Cochrane中心数据库 24
CI(confidence interval):可信区间 24
CINAHL(Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature):护理与整体健康关联文献累积索引 24
citation bias:引用偏倚 24
CL:Cochrane图书馆(见Cochrane library) 25
class effect:分级效应(分类效应) 25
clinical:临床的 25
clinical audit:临床稽查 25
clinical course:临床病程 25
clinical database:临床资料库 26
clinical decision analisis:临床决策分析 26
clinical decision:临床决策 26
clinical economic evaluation:临床经济评价 26
clinical economics:临床经济学 26
clinical endpoint:临床终点(见endpoint) 26
clinical epidemiology:临床流行病学 26
clinical evidence:临床证据 27
clinical governance:临床管理 27
clinical guideline:临床指南(见clinical practice guideline) 28
clinical investigator:临床试验调查者 28
clinical passway:临床路径 28
clinical practice guideline(CPG):临床实践指南 28
clinical significance:临床显著性 28
clinical trial(therapeutic trial,intervention study):临床试验(治疗性试验、干预研究) 29
clinical trial register:临床试验资料库 29
clouded thinking:模糊思维 29
CLUG:Cochrane图书馆用户组(见Cochrane Library Users'Group) 30
cluster analysis:聚类分析 30
cluster randomised trial(group randomised trial):集团随机对照试验 30
cluster sampling:整群抽样 30
CMAG:评价管理咨询组(见Criticism Management Advisory Group) 30
CMA:成本最小化分析(见cost-minimization analysis) 30
CMD:Cochrane方法学数据库(见Cochrane Methodolog Database) 30
CMR:Cochrane协作网方法学文献注册数据库(见Cochrane Methodology Register) 30
CNKI(China National Knowledge Infrastructure):中国知识基础设施工程 31
Cochrane Center:Cochrane中心 31
Cochrane Central Advisory Group(CCAG):Cochrane中央顾问组 32
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials(CCRCT/CENTRAL):Cochrane对照试验注册中心 32
Cochrane Centre for Reviews and Dissemination(CRD):Cochrane评价和传播中心 32
Cochrane Clinical Trials Registry(CCTR):Cochrane临床试验注册资料库(见Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials) 34
Cochrane Collaboration:Cochrane协作网 32
Cochrane Collaboration Steering Group(CCSG):Cochrane协作网指导委员会 33
Cochrane Colloquia/Colloquium:Cochrane年会 33
Cochrane consumer network(CCN):Cochrane用户网络 34
Cochrane Database of Methodology Review(CDMR):Cochrane方法学评价库 34
Cochrane Database of Systematic Review(CDSR):Cochrane系统评价资料库 34
Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions:Cochrane医疗干预系统评价手册 35
Cochrane Library(CL):Cochrane图书馆 35
Cochrane Library Users'Group(CLUG):Cochrane图书馆用户组 35
Cochrane Manual:Cochrane指南 35
Cochrane Methodology Database(CMD):Cocbrane方法学数据库 36
Cochrane Methodology Register(CMR):Cochrane协作网方法学文献注册数据库 36
Cochrane News:Cochrane信息 36
Cochrane review:Cochrane系统评价 36
Cochrane Review Methodology Database(CRMD):Cochrane系统评价方法学数据库(见Cochrane Methodology Register) 37
Cochrane Reviewers'Handbook:Cochrane系统评价手册(见Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions) 37
Cochrane Summary:Cochrane用户文摘 37
coefficient of variation:变异系数 37
cohort:队列 37
cohort expected years of life lost(CEYLL):队列减寿年数 37
cohort study:队列研究 38
cohort study in different population pool:不同群体队列研究 39
cohort study in same population pool:同群体队列研究 39
co-intervention:辅助干预 39
collaborative Review group(CRG):协作评价小组 39
collaborative Trialists'Group:协作试验者小组 39
colloquium Policy Advisory Group(CPAG):讨论会政策顾问组 40
commissioning brief:委托简况介绍 40
communication channel:信道 40
community diagnosis:社区诊断 40
community-based clinical trial(CBCT):社区临床试验 40
co-morbidity:伴随疾病 40
comparison group:比较组(见control group) 41
compassionate use:关怀性使用 41
complementary and alternative medicine(CAM):补充替代医学 41
complete analysis:完全资料分析 41
completed:完成状态(见recruitment status) 42
complex intervention:复杂性干预 41
compliance:依从性 41
concealment of allocation:分配隐藏(见allocation concealment) 42
conceptual mapping:概念作图 42
conceptual triangulation:概念三角互证法 42
conditional probability:条件概率 42
confidence interval:可信区间(见CI) 42
confidence limits:置信界限 42
confidentiality:保密 42
conflict of interest:利益冲突 43
confounded comparison:混杂比较 43
confounder:混杂因子(见confounding variable) 43
confounding:混杂 43
confounding bias:混杂偏倚(见confounding) 44
confounding by indication:指征混杂 44
confounding variable:混杂变量 44
Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials:随机对照临床试验报告规范(见CONSORT) 44
CONSORT(Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials):随机对照临床试验报告规范 44
consumer advocate or representative:用户代表 45
contamination bias:沾染偏倚 45
contamination:沾染 45
content analysis:内容分析 45
context:情境,背景 45
contingency table:列联表 46
continuous variable:连续型变量 46
contraindication:禁忌证候 46
contributorship:贡献名单 46
control:对照 46
control event rate(CER):对照组事件率 46
control group:对照组 47
controlled clinical trials:对照临床试验 47
convenience sample:便利样本 47
conventional treatment:常规治疗 47
co-ordinating editor:评价组协调编辑 47
coordinator:协调员 48
Scorrelation coefficient:相关系数 48
correlation:联系(见association) 48
cost:成本 48
cost-benefit analysis(CBA):成本效益分析 48
cost/effectiveness(C/E):成本效果比 49
cost-effectiveness analysis(CEA):成本效果分析 49
cost-minimization analysis(CMA):成本最小化分析 49
cost-to-charge ratios:成本与支付比值 50
cost-utility analysis(CUA):成本效用分析 50
Cox model:Cox模型 50
CPAG:讨论会政策顾问组(见Colloquium Policy Advisory Group) 51
CPG:临床实践指南(见clinical practice guideline) 51
CRD:Cochrane评价和传播中心(见Cochrane Centre for Reviews and Dissemination) 51
CRG module:协作评价小组模块(见module) 51
CRG:协作评价小组(见Collaborative Review Group) 51
critical appraisal:严格评价 51
critical interpretive synthesis:持批判观点的解释性综述 51
critically appraised topics:严格评价题目(见CATs) 51
Criticism Management Advisory Group(CMAG):评价管理咨询组 51
CRMD:Cochrane系统评价方法学数据库(见Cochrane Methodology Register) 52
cross-sectional study:横断面研究 52
crossover study design:交叉研究设计 52
CUA:成本效用分析(见cost-utility analysis) 52
Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature:护理与整体健康关联文献累积索引(见CINAHL) 52
cumulative meta-analysis:累积性汇总分析 52
cure rate:治愈率 53
custom field:用户自定义字段 53
cutpoint:切点 53
DALY:伤残调整寿命年(见disability adjusted life year) 54
DARE:疗效评价文摘库(见Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects) 54
data derived analyses:源于数据的分析(见unplanned analyses) 54
data dredging:数据挖取 54
Data Safety and Monitoring Board(DSMB):数据与安全监查委员会 54
database bias:文献库偏倚 54
Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects(DARE):疗效评价文摘库 55
database provider:数据库提供者 55
DDI:药物相互作用(见drug-drug interaction) 55
decision alternatives:被选决策方案 55
decision analysis:决策分析 55
decision modelling:决策建模 55
decision node:决策点 56
decision tree:决策树 56
degrees of belief:置信度 56
degrees of freedom:自由度 56
dependent variable:因变量 57
DerSimonian&Laird method:D-L法 57
descriptive statistics:统计描述 57
descriptive study:描述性研究 57
design effect:设计效应 57
detection bias:测量偏倚(见measurement bias) 57
detection signal bias(unmasking bias,exposure bias):检出征候偏倚(揭露伪装偏倚,暴露偏倚) 57
diagnosis:诊断 58
diagnostic access bias:诊断条件偏倚 58
diagnostic odds ratio:诊断性试验比值比 58
diagnostic suspicion bias:诊断怀疑偏倚 58
diagnostic threshold:诊断界限 58
diagnostic trials/test:诊断性试验 58
dichotomous data(binary data):计数资料(二分类资料) 59
differential verification bias:差异性确诊偏倚 59
direct cost:直接成本 59
disability adjusted life year(DALY):伤残调整寿命年 60
disability rate:致残率 60
discounting:贴现 60
disease-adjusted life years(DALYs):疾病调整生命年 60
distribution:分布 60
DME(design,measurement and evaluation):临床科研的设计、测量与评价 61
dose dependent:剂量依赖 61
dose-ranging study:剂量范围研究 61
dose-response relationship:剂量反应关系 61
double blinding:双盲法 61
double-blind study(double-masked study):双盲试验 62
double-masked study:双盲试验(见double-blind study) 62
dropout:失访(见attrition) 62
drug-drug interaction(DDI):药物相互作用 62
DSMB:数据与安全监查委员会(见Data Safety and Monitoring Board) 62
early detection:早期检测 63
EBM:循证医学(见Evidence-based medicine) 63
ecological bias:生态学偏倚(见ecological fallacy) 63
ecological fallacy:生态学谬误 63
ecological study:生态学研究 63
economic analysis(economic evaluation):经济学分析 64
economic evaluation:经济学分析(见economic analysis) 64
editor(of a Collaborative Review Group):协作评价小组编辑 64
editorial base:编辑部 64
Editorial Management Advisory Group(EMAG):编辑管理咨询组 64
editorial process:编辑过程 64
editorial team(of a Collaborative Review Group):协作网系统评价组的编辑组 65
EER:试验组事件率(见experimental event rate) 65
effect size:效应量 65
effectiveness:效果 65
efficacy:效力 65
EF:病因学分数(见etiologic fraction) 65
eligibility criteria:合格标准 65
EMAG:编辑管理咨询组(见Editorial Management Advisory Group) 66
Embase database:Embase数据库 66
empirical:基于观察研究经验的 66
endpoint:终点 66
english language bias:英语偏倚 66
enrolling:招募/招收 67
epidemiology:流行病学 67
equipoise:优势均衡 67
equivalence trial:等效性临床试验 67
error:误差 67
estimate of effect:疗效测定 68
ethics:伦理学 68
etiologic fraction(exposed attributable risk percent):病因学分数(暴露组归因危险度百分比) 68
evaluation of health status:健康状况评估 68
event rate:事件率 68
event:事件 68
Evidence-based health care:循证医疗保健 68
Evidence Based Medicine:循证医学杂志 69
Evidence-based management:循证管理 69
Evidence-based medicine(EBM):循证医学 69
Evidence-based practice:循证实践 70
evidence body:证据体 70
executive:执行者 70
expanded access:扩大获取 70
expected date(of a Cochrane Review):Cochrane系统综述的预期时间 70
experimental drug:试验药物 71
experimental event rate(EER):试验组事件率 71
experimental study:实验性研究 71
exploratory clinical trials:探索性临床试验 71
exposed attributable risk persent:暴露组归因危险度百分比(见etiologic fraction) 71
exposure:暴露 71
exposure bias:暴露偏倚(见detection signal bias) 72
exposure suspicion bias:暴露怀疑偏倚 72
external peer reviewing:外部同行评审 72
external validity(applicability,generalizability):外部真实性(可应用性,外延性、推广应用性)(见applicability) 72
F-test:F检验 73
factor analysis:因子分析 73
factorial design:析因设计 73
fail-safe N(Nfs):失安全数 73
false negative rate:假阴性率 74
false negative:假阴性 73
false positive rate:假阳性率 74
false positive:假阳性 74
fatality rate:病死率 74
FDA:美国食品和药物管理局(见Food and Drug Administration) 74
fixed effect model:固定效应模型 74
folk medicine:民间医学(见Traditional medicine) 75
follow-up:随访 75
Food and Drug Administration(FDA):美国食品和药物管理局 75
foreground questions:前景问题(见background questions) 75
forest plots:森林图 75
Franklin's Law:弗兰克林法则 76
free medical jouruals:免费医学全文期刊网站 76
free text:自由词 76
frequencies:频数 77
FTP(File Transfer Protocol):文件传输协议 77
funding arbiter:赞助仲裁者 77
funnel plot:倒漏斗图法 77
generalisability(applicability,external validity):外延性、推广应用性(可应用性,外部真实性)(见applicability) 78
genetic drug:非专利药品 78
geometric mean:几何均数 78
gold standard:金标准 78
grey literature:灰色文献 78
grounded theory:扎根理论 79
group randomised trial:集团随机对照试验(见cluster randomised trial) 79
HAG:工作手册咨询组(见Handbook Advisory Group) 80
Handbook Advisory Group(HAG):工作手册咨询组 80
Handbook:Cochrane医疗干预系统评价手册(见Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions) 80
handsearch:手工检索 80
harm:伤害 80
Hawthorne effect:霍桑效应 80
hazard rate:危险率 81
hazard ratio:危险比 81
health economics:卫生经济学 81
health-related quality of life(HRQL):健康相关生命质量 81
health technology:卫生技术 81
health technology assessment:卫生技术评估 82
heterogeneity:异质性 82
hierarchy of evidence:证据等级 82
historical and concurrent cohort study:历史-前瞻性队列研究(见cohort study) 82
historical cohort study:历史性队列研究(见cohort study) 82
historical control:历史对照 82
homogeneity test:同质性检验 83
homogeneity:同质性 83
HRQL:健康相关生命质量(见health-related quality of life) 83
HTA database:HTA数据库 83
human capital approach:人力资本法 83
hypothesis:假设 83
hypothesis testing:假设检验 84
I2:I2值 85
ICD:国际疾病分类(见international classification of disease) 85
ICER:增量成本效果比(见incremental cost-effectiveness ratio) 85
idea webbing:概念网络化 85
ignorance of risks:对风险的无知或忽略 85
illusion of certainty:确信的错觉(误信) 85
impact factor:影响因子 86
IMSG:信息管理系统组(见Information Management System Group) 86
inception cohort:起始队列 86
incidence rate:发病率 86
INCLEN(International Clinical Epidemiology Network):国际临床流行病学网 86
inclusion criteria bias:纳入标准偏倚 86
inclusion/exclusion criteria:纳入/排除标准 86
incorporation bias:合并偏倚 87
incremental analysis:增量分析 87
incremental cost-effectiveness ratio(ICER):增量成本效果比 87
IND:研究性新药(见investigational new drug) 87
independence:独立性 87
independent group design:平行组试验(见parallel group trial) 88
independent variable:自变量 88
index medicus:医学索引(Medline为其电子版本) 88
index test:标签试验 88
indexing term(s):索引词 88
indigenous medicine:本土医学(见Traditional medicine) 88
indirect cost:间接成本 88
individual patient data meta-analysis:单个病例资料的meta分析 89
individual patient data:单个病例资料 89
inducemet bias:诱导偏倚 89
infection rate:感染率 89
inferential statistics:统计推断 90
information bias:信息偏倚 90
Information Management System Group(IMSG):信息管理系统组 90
informed consent document:知情同意书 90
informed consent:知情同意 90
innumeracy:数字盲 90
Institutional Review Board(IRB):机构审查委员会 91
intangible cost:隐性成本 91
integrated care pathway(ICP):整合医疗路径 91
intensive research design:单病例随机对照试验(见Number of 1 trial) 92
intention-to-treat analysis(ITT):意向性治疗分析 92
interaction:交互作用 92
interim analysis:期间分析 92
intermediary outcome:中间结局(见surrogate endpoints) 93
internal validity:内部真实性 93
international classification of disease(ICD):国际疾病分类 93
internet:因特网 93
inter-rater agreement:测量者间一致性 94
inter-rater reliability:测量者间可靠性 94
interrupted time series design:间断时间序列设计 94
intervention:干预 94
intervention group:干预组 95
intervention name:干预名称 95
intervention study:干预研究(见clinical trial) 95
interviewer bias:调查员偏倚 95
intra subject-replication design:单病例随机对照试验(见number of 1 trial) 95
inverse variance method:方差倒数法 95
investigational new drug:研究性新药 95
investigator triangulation:调查者三角互证法 95
IRB:机构审查委员会(见institutional review board) 96
ITT:意向性治疗分析(见intention-to-treat analysis) 96
Jadad scale:Jadad量表 97
Journal club:文献交流俱乐部 97
justice:公正原则 97
Kaplan-Meier method:Kaplan-Meier法 98
Kappa:Kappa值 98
keyword:关键词 98
knowledge transfer:知识转换 98
L'Abbé plot:L'Abbé图 99
language bias:语言偏倚 99
language restrictions:语言限制 99
Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature(LILACS):拉丁美洲及加勒比海卫生科学文献资料库 99
lead time:领先时间 99
lead time bias:领先时间偏倚 100
length bias:病程长度偏倚 100
LHH:利弊比(见likelihood of being helped versus being harmed) 100
life expectancy:预期寿命 100
likelihood of being helped versus being harmed(LHH):利弊比 100
likelihood ratio(LR):似然比 101
LILACS:拉丁美洲及加勒比海卫生科学文献资料库(见Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature) 101
linear scale:线性标尺 101
literature bias:文献偏倚 101
literature searching:医学文献检索 101
location bias:定位偏倚 102
log-odds ratio:比值比对数 102
logarithmic scale:对数标尺 102
Logistic model:Logistic模型 102
Logistic regression:Logistic回归 102
logrank test:时序检验 103
longitudinal study:纵向性研究 103
loss to follow up:失访(见attrition) 103
MAG(ModMan Advisory Group):编辑管理咨询组(见EMAG) 104
Mantel-Haenszel test:Mantel-Haenszel检验 104
Markov-model:马可夫模型 104
masking:盲法(见blinding) 104
matched control:匹配对照 104
mean difference:均数差 105
mean:算术平均数均值 105
measurement bias(detection bias,ascertainment bias):测量偏倚 105
median:中位数 106
medical ethics:医学伦理学 106
medical subject headings:医学主题词(见MeSH headings) 106
MEDLINE(MEDlars onLine):美国国立医学图书馆在线资料库 106
MeerKat:米凯特数据库系统 107
megasearch engine:元搜索引擎(见metasearch engine) 107
membership bias:组成成员偏倚 107
Merck manual:默克手册 107
MeSH headings(medical subject headings):医学主题词 108
Meta-analysis:Meta分析 108
Meta-ethnography:荟萃民族志分析法 108
Meta-regression:荟萃回归 108
metasearch engine(megasearch engine,unified search engine):多元搜索引擎 108
Meta-synthesis:多元综合(见multi-level synthesis) 109
methodological quality:方法学质量 109
methodology expert:方法学专家 109
methods group(MG)(formerly known as Methods Working Group[MWG]):方法学组 109
migration bias:迁移性偏倚 109
minimisation:最小化法 109
misclassification bias:错分偏倚 110
miscommunication of risks:风险的错误表达 110
mixed-method:混合方法 110
moderator variable:缓冲变量 110
mode:模式众数 110
ModMan Advisory Group(MAG):编辑管理咨询组(见EMAG) 110
ModMan:模块管理软件(见Module Manager) 110
Module Manager(ModMan):模块管理软件 110
module:模块 110
molecular biomarker:分子生物学标志 111
molecular epidemiology:分子流行病学 111
Monitoring and Registration Group(MRG):监测和注册组 111
morbidity:病态 111
mortality reduction:死亡降低 111
mortality:死亡率 111
MRG:监测和注册组(见Monitoring and Registration Group) 112
multi-arm trial:多臂试验 112
multi-level synthesis:多水平综合 112
multicentre trial:多中心试验 112
multiple comparison:多重比较 112
multiple liner regression:多元线性回归 112
multiple publication bias:多次发表偏倚 112
multiplicative model:乘法模型 113
multistage sampling:多级抽样 113
multivariable prediction modelling:多变量预测模型 113
multivariate analvsis:多变量分析 113
N=1 design:单病例随机对照试验(见Number of 1 trial) 114
Nfs:失安全数(见fail-safe N) 114
narrative synthesis:叙述性综合 114
natural history study:自然史研究 114
natural history:疾病的自然史 114
NDA:新药申请(见new drug application) 114
necessary cause(proximity of cause):必要病因(直接病因) 114
negative likelihood ratio(-LR):阴性似然比 114
negative predictive value(-PV):阴性预测值 114
negative study:阴性研究 115
nested case-control study:巢式病例对照研究 115
new drug application(NDA):新药申请 115
Neyman's bias:奈曼偏倚(见prevalence-incidence bias) 115
NHSEED(NHS Economic Evaluation Database):NHS经济评价数据库 115
NICE:英国国家卫生服务部临床优化研究所 116
NNH:需要伤害人数(见number needed to harm) 116
NNT for a Meta-analysis:荟萃分析中的需治人数 116
NNT:需要治疗人数(见number needed to treat) 116
Nocebo effect:诺西博效应 116
non-experimental study:观察性研究(见observational stuay) 117
non-inferiority trial:非劣效性临床试验 117
non-randomized concurrent control trial:非随机同期对照试验 117
non-respondent bias:无应答偏倚 117
non-systematic review:非系统性综述 117
normal distribution:正态分布 117
null hypothesis:零假设(无效假设) 118
number needed to harm(NNH):需要伤害人数 118
number needed to treat(NNT):需要治疗人数 118
number of 1 RCT:单病例随机对照试验(见Number of 1 trial) 119
number of 1 study:单病例随机对照试验(见Number of 1 trial) 119
number ofl trial(number of 1 study,number of 1 RCT,randomised controlled trial in individual patient,single case experiment,N=1 design,intensive research design,intra subject-replication design):单病例随机对照试验 119
number of days/years gained or lost:获得或丧失的时间数(日/年) 119
numerical variable:数值变量 119
observational study(non-experimental study):观察性研究 120
odds ratio(OR):比值比 120
odds reduction:比值减低 120
odds:比值 120
off-label use:药品核准标示外使用 120
one-sided test(one-tailed test):单侧检验(见one-tailed test) 120
one-tailed test:单侧检验 120
one-way or multi-way sensitivity analyses:单向或多向敏感性分析 121
open clinical trial:开放式临床试验、非盲法试验 121
open label design:开放性设计 121
open-label trial:开放性试验 121
ordinal data:等级资料 122
original study:原始性研究(见primary study) 122
orphan drugs:孤儿药品 122
OR:比值比(见odds ratio) 122
outcome variable:结局变量(见dependent variable) 122
outcomes:结局 122
over-diagnosis bias:过度诊断偏倚 122
overmatching:过度匹配 123
overview:概述 123
P value:P值 124
paired control:配对对照 124
paired design:配对设计 124
PAR:人群归因危险度(见population attributive risk) 125
parallel group trial:平行组试验 125
parallel synthesis:平行综合 125
parallel test:平行试验 125
parameter:参数 125
partial verification bias:部分确诊偏倚 125
participant:试验参与者 125
participatory medicine:参与医学 126
passive surveillance:被动监测 126
patient expected event rate(PEER):病人期待的事件率 126
patient-report outcomes(PROs):患者自我报告结局 126
PBL:以问题为导向的学习(见problem-based learning) 127
PBMA:计划预算和边际分析(见programme budgeting and marginal analysis) 127
peer review:同行评审 127
PEER:病人期待的事件率(见patient expected event rate) 127
percentile:百分位数 127
performance bias:实施偏倚 127
period effect:治疗期影响 127
period expected years of life lost(PEYLL):期间减寿年数 128
period prevalence:期间患病率(见prevalence) 128
per-protocol analysis:按方案分析 128
person-years:人年 128
Peto method:Peto氏方法 128
Peto odds ratio:Peto比值比 129
PEYLL:期间减寿年数(见period expected years of life lost) 129
pharmacoeconomics:药物经济学 129
pharmacoepidemiology:药物流行病学 129
pharmacokinetics:药物代谢动力学 129
phase Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ trials:Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ期临床试验 130
piloting:预研究 130
placebo:安慰剂 130
placebo control:安慰剂对照 130
placebo controlled study:安慰剂对照试验 131
placebo effect:安慰剂效应 131
placebo-standard study:标准治疗加安慰剂对照试验 131
planned analyses:事先计划分析 131
PloS(the Public Library of Science):科学公共科学图书馆 131
PMS:药物上市后监测(见post-marketing surveillance) 132
point estimate:效应值的点估计 132
Poisson distribution:泊松分布 132
popularity bias:倾向性偏倚 132
population attributive risk(PAR):人群归因危险度 132
population:人群,总体 132
positive likelihood ratio(+LR):阳性似然比 133
positive predictive value(+PV):阳性预测值 133
positive study:阳性研究 133
posterior distribution:后验分布 133
posterior probability:后验概率 133
post hoc analyses:事后分析(见unplanned analyses) 133
post-marketing surveillance(PMS):药物上市后监测 134
post-test odds:验后比 134
post-test probability:后验概率(见posterior probability) 134
potential years of life lost(PYLL):潜在减寿年数 134
power:统计效能,把握度(见statistical power) 134
PPG:出版政策组(见publishing policy group) 134
practical clinical trials:实效性临床试验(见pragmatic clinical trials) 134
pragmatic clinical trials(practical clinical trials):实效性临床试验 134
pre-specified analysis:事前规划分析(见planned analysis) 135
pre-test odds:验前比 135
precision:精密度,精度 135
preclinical:临床前 135
predictive medicine:预测医学 135
pre-test probability/prevalence(prior probability):验前概率/患病率 136
prevalence study:现况调查,现患调查 136
prevalence-incidence bias(Neyman's bias):现患-新发病例偏倚(奈曼偏倚) 136
prevalence:患病率 136
prevention trials:预防性试验 136
primary document:一次文献 137
primary outcome:主要结局 137
primary resources:原始研究证据来源/一级证据来源 137
primary study(original study):原始性研究 137
principal component analysis:主成分分析 137
principle of indifference:无差异原则 138
prior probability:验前/先验概率(见pre-test probability/pr evalence) 138
probabilistic sensitivity analyses:概率敏感分析 138
probability distribution:概率分布 138
probability:概率 138
problem-based learning(PBL):以问题为导向的学习 138
ProCite:一种英文文献管理软件 139
prognosis:预后 139
prognostic factor:预后因素 139
prognostic index:预后指数 139
prognostic tests:预后研究 139
programme budgeting and marginal analysis(PBMA):计划预算和边际分析 139
propensities:倾向 140
proportional hazards model:比例风险模型(见Cox-model) 140
proportion:比例 140
prospective cohort study:前瞻性队列研究(见cohort study) 140
prospective study:前瞻性研究(见cohort study) 140
PROs:患者自我报告结局(见patient-report outcomes) 140
protocol:研究方案 140
proximity of cause:直接病因(见necessary cause) 141
pseudodisease:伪疾病 141
publication arbiter:出版仲裁者 141
publication bias:发表偏倚 141
publishing policy group(PPG):出版政策组 141
PubMed:美国国立医学图书馆数据库 142
pull strategy:拉力策略 142
push strategy:推动策略 142
PYLL:潜在减寿年数(见potential years of life lost) 142
Q:Q点 143
Q statistic:Q统计量 143
Q统计量:Q statistic 143
QAG:质量咨询组(见quality advisory group) 143
QALYs:质量调整生命年(见quality adjusted life years) 143
QOL:生命质量(见quality of life) 143
qualitative comparative analysis:定性比较分析 143
qualitative meta-summary:定性的荟萃综合 143
qualitative research:定性研究 143
quality:质量 144
quality adjusted life years(QALYs):质量调整生命年 144
quality advisory group(QAG):质量咨询组 144
quality of life(QOL):生命质量 144
quality of life instrument:生命质量量表 145
quality of life trials(supportive care trials):生命质量研究(支持治疗研究) 145
quality score:质量计分 145
quality threshold:质量界限值 145
quantitative research:定量研究 145
quartile interval:四分位数间距 146
quasi-random allocation:半随机分配 146
quasi-randomised trial:半随机对照试验 146
QUOROM(the Quality of Reporting of Meta-analyses):Meta-分析报告的质量 146
RAG:RevMan软件咨询组(见RevMan Advisory Group) 147
randmoised clinical trial:随机临床试验(见randomised controlled trial) 148
randmoised cross-over controlled trial:随机交叉对照试验 148
random allocation:随机化分组 147
random effect model:随机效应模型 147
random error:随机误差 147
random permuted blocks:区组随机(见block randomisation) 147
random sample:随机样本(见random sampling) 147
random sampling:随机抽样 147
randomisation:随机化 148
randomised controlled trial(RCT,randmoised clinical trial):随机对照试验(随机临床试验) 148
randomised controlled trial in individual patient:单病例随机对照试验(见Number of 1 trial) 148
range:全距 149
rate:率 149
rate difference(RD):率差 149
RBI:相对获益增加(见relative benefit increase) 150
RCT:随机对照试验(见randomised controlled trial) 150
RD:率差(见rate difference) 150
recall bias:回忆偏倚 150
receiver operator characteristic curve(ROC curve):受试者工作特征曲线 150
recruitment status:招募状况 151
recurrence rate:复发率 151
referee process:评审过程 151
referee:评审人 151
reference class:参照等级 152
reference list:参考文献目录 152
Reference Manager:参考文献管理软件 152
reference population:参照人群 152
reference standard of diagnosis:诊断参照标准 152
references test bias:参考试验偏倚 152
referral filter bias:转诊偏倚 152
register of trials:试验注册(见trials register) 153
regression analysis:回归分析 153
regression model:回归模型 153
regression to the mean:向均数回归 153
relative benefit increase(RBI):相对获益增加 153
relative frequencies:相对频数 153
relative risk(RR):相对危险度,危险比 154
relative risk increase(RRI):相对危险度增加 154
relative risk reduction(RRR):相对危险度减低 154
reliability:可靠性 154
remission rate:缓解率 154
remote cause:间接病因 155
repeatability(reproducibility):可重复性(重现性) 155
reporting bias:报告偏倚 155
reproducibility:重现性(见repeatability) 155
research synthesis:研究综合 155
respect for person:尊重原则 155
response rate:应答率 155
restriction:限制 156
retrospective cohort study:回顾性队列研究(见cohort study) 156
review:文献综述 156
Review Group Co-ordinator(RGC)of a Coilaborative Review Gr oup(CRG):协作评价小组的评价组协调人 156
Review Manager(RevMan):Cochrane协作网系统评价制作管理软件 157
review protocol:系统评价研究方案(见protocol) 157
reviewer/author:系统综述者/作者 157
RevMan Advisory Group(RAG):RevMan软件咨询组 157
RevMan:Cochrane协作网系统评价制作管理软件(见review manager) 157
RGC:协作评价小组的评价组协调人(见Review Group Co-ordinator) 157
risk:危险度 157
risk difference:(RD)危险差/绝对危险性降低(见absolute risk reduction) 158
risk factor:危险因素 158
risk ratio:危险比 158
risk-benefit ratio:风险-收益比 158
ROC curve:ROC曲线/受试者工作特性曲线(见receiver operator characteristic curve) 158
RRI:相对危险度增加(见relative risk increase) 158
RRR:相对危险度减低(见relative risk reduction) 158
RR:相对危险度,危险比(见relative risk) 158
run-in period:预试期 158
safety:安全性 159
sample:样本 159
sample size calculation:样本含量计算 159
sampling:抽样 159
sampling error:抽样误差 159
sampling survey:抽样调查 160
scatter diagram:散点图 160
science citation index:科学引文索引 160
screening:筛查 161
SE:标准误(见standard error) 161
search interface:检索界面 161
search operator:检索式组合器 161
search strategy:检索策略 161
second resources:二级来源证据 161
secondary document:二次文献 162
secondary outcome:次要结局 162
secondary research evidence:二次研究证据 162
secondary study:二次研究 162
secretariat:秘书处 162
secular trend:长期趋势 163
selection bias:选择偏倚 163
selection criteria:选择标准 163
self control:自身对照 164
self-selection bias:自我选择偏倚 164
sensitivity:敏感性 164
sensitivity analysis:敏感性分析 164
sequential trial:序贯试验 165
serial test:序列试验 165
serious adverse effect:严重副作用 165
severe adverse effect:重度不良反应 165
SEYLL:标准减寿年数(见standard period expected years of life lost) 165
side effects:副作用 165
significance level:显著性水平 166
significance lest:显著性检验(见hypothesis testing) 166
simple random sampling:单纯随机抽样 166
simple randomization:简单随机化 166
single case experiment:单病例随机对照试验(见Number of 1 trial) 166
single-blind study(single-masked study):单盲试验 166
single-masked study:单盲试验(见single-blind study) 166
size:效应大小(见effect size) 166
size of test:检验水准(见significance level) 167
SMD:标准化均数差(见standardized mean difference) 167
SnNout:阴性排除法 167
social medicine:社会医学 167
specialized register:专业注册资料库(见trials register) 167
specificity:特异度 167
spectrum bias:群谱偏倚 167
SpPin:阳性诊断法 168
stakeholder:利益各方 168
standard deviation:标准差 168
standard error(SE):标准误 168
standard period expected years of life lost(SEYLL):标准减寿年数 168
standard treatment:标准治疗 169
standardization:标准化 169
standardized mean difference(SMD):标准化均数差 169
standardized rate:标准化率 169
standards for reporting diagnosis accuracy:诊断性准确研究报告标准(见STARD) 169
standards of care:医疗标准 169
STARD(Standards for reporting diagnosis accuracy):诊断性准确研究报告标准 170
statistical power:统计学效能(统计学把握度) 170
statistical significance:统计学显著性 170
steering group:指导组 170
stochastic:随机的 170
stopping rule:试验终止规则 171
stratification:分层 171
stratified randomization:分层随机化 171
stratified sampling:分层抽样 171
student's t-test:t检验(见t test) 171
study endpoint:试验终点 171
study population:研究人群 172
study type:研究类型 172
subgroup analysis:亚组分析 172
subject headings:主题词 172
summary data:概括性数据 172
superiority trial:优效性试验 173
supportive care trials:支持治疗研究(见quality of life trials) 173
surrogate endpoints(intermediary outcome,surrogate outcome):替代终点 173
surrogate outcome:替代结局(见surrogate endpoints) 173
surveillance of disease:疾病监测 173
survey:调查(见cross-sectional study) 174
survival analysis:生存分析 174
survival cohorts bias:存活队列偏倚 174
survival curve:生存曲线 174
survival function:生存函数 174
survival rate:生存率 175
survival time:生存时间 175
susceptibility bias:易感性偏倚 175
suspended:暂停(见recruitment status) 175
systematic error:系统误差(见bias) 175
systematic overview:系统综述(见systematic review) 175
systematic review(systematic overview):系统评价 175
systematic sampling:系统抽样 176
t distribution,t test(Student's t-test):t-分布,t-检验 177
target population:目标人群、靶人群、目标总体 177
Technical Implementation Advisory Group(TIAG):技术实施咨询组 177
temporal sequence:时间顺序 177
terminated:终止(见recruitment status) 178
tertiary resources:三级证据来源 178
test accuracy study:试验准确性研究 178
test of association:关联性检验 178
text word:文本词 178
the National Research Register(NRR):国立研究注册数据库 178
the Quality of Reporting of Meta-analyses:Meta-分析报告的质量(见QUOROM) 178
thematic analysis/synthesis:主题分析/综合 178
therapeutic trial:治疗性试验(见clinical trial) 179
three-arm study:三臂试验 179
threshold analyses:阈值分析 179
TIAG:技术实施咨询组(见Technical Implementation Advisory Group) 179
time effect bias:时间效应偏倚 179
time horizon:时间跨度 179
time point prevalence rate:时点患病率(见prevalence) 179
time preferences:资源使用的时间选择 179
time to event:时间-事件 180
time-to-event data:时间-事件数据 180
TM:传统医学(见traditional medicine) 180
tolerability:耐受性 180
toxicity:毒性 180
traditional medicine(TM):传统医学 180
translational medicine:转换医学 181
translational research:转换研究 181
treatment:治疗,处理 181
treatment effects:治疗效果 181
treatment IND:用于治疗的研究性新药 181
treatment received analysis:接受治疗分析(见per-protocol analvsis) 182
trend:趋势 182
trialist:试验者 182
trials register:试验注册资料库 182
trials search co-ordinator(TSC):临床试验检索协调人 182
triangulation:三角互证法 183
triple blind:三盲 183
true positive rate:真阳性率(见sensitivity) 183
truncation symbol:截词符 183
two-sided:双侧(见two-tailed) 183
two-tailed:双尾 183
type Ⅰ error(α error):第一类错误 183
type Ⅱ error(β error):第二类错误 184
uncertainty:不确定性 185
unconfounded comparison:无混杂比较 185
uncontrolled studies:无对照研究 185
unified search engine:集合式搜索引擎(见metasearch engine) 185
unit of analysis error:分析单位误差 185
unit of randomization allocation:随机分配单位 185
unmasking bias:揭露伪装偏倚(见detection signal bias) 186
unplanned analyses:未事先计划的分析 186
update searching:更新检索 186
users of reviews:系统评价使用者 186
utility:效用 186
validity:真实性、效度 187
variable:变量 187
variance:方差 187
VIP:中文科技期刊全文数据库 187
volunteer bias:志愿者偏倚 187
wash-out period:洗脱期 188
web of causation:致病因素网 188
weighted least squares regression:加权最小二乘回归 188
weighted mean or weighted mean difference:权重的均数或权重的均差 188
weighting:加权 188
WHO:世界卫生组织(见World Health Organization) 189
willingness to pay method:意愿支付法 189
withdrawn:撤销(见recruitment status) 189
WMD:权重的均数或权重的均数差(见weighted mean or weighted mean difference) 189
work years of life lost(WYLL):工作寿命损失年数 189
workup bias:病情检查偏倚 189
World Health Organization(WHO):世界卫生组织 189
world wide web(www):万维网 190
worst case scenario:最差案例演示分析 190
worst/best case analysis(or analyses of extremes):最差/最佳分析(极端分析) 190
WYLL:工作寿命损失年数(见work years of life lost) 191
χ2-test:卡方检验(见chi-square test) 191
youden's index:尤登氏指数 191
zero time:零点时间 192
zero-time shift:零时间移位 192
Z值: 192
2×2 table:四格表 177
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