- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:黄建华,蒋戴丽主编
- 出 版 社:武汉:华中科技大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787560951461
- 页数:256 页
Unit One Geography 1
Text Ⅰ Geography of the United Kingdom 1
1.Topography 1
2.Climate 2
3.Human geography 3
4.Natural resources 4
5.Environment 4
Reference 8
Text Ⅱ Ben Nevis 8
Unit Two Political Structure 11
Text Ⅰ Political Structure 11
1.The Monarchy of the United Kingdom 11
2.Executive 12
3.Legislatures 14
4.Judiciary 14
5.Government 15
Reference 23
Text Ⅱ Legislatures 23
1.House of commons 24
2.House of lords 24
3.Scottish parliament 24
4.Welsh assembly 25
5.Northern Ireland assembly 25
Unit Three Education 28
Text 1 Education in the United Kingdom 28
1.Educational policy 28
2.Educational stages 30
Reference 40
TextⅡ Open University 40
1.Students 41
2.Teaching methods 42
3.Assessment methods 43
Unit Four Religion 46
Text Ⅰ Religion in the United Kingdom(1) 46
1.Christianity 47
2.Islam 50
3.Judaism 51
4.Other faiths 51
Reference 57
Text Ⅱ Religion in the United Kingdom(2) 57
1.Religion and education 57
2.Religion and modern politics 57
3.Religion and the media 58
Unit Five Economy 61
Text Ⅰ Economy in the United Kingdom 61
1.Recent economic growth 62
2.Industries 62
3.Production 64
4.Service industries 66
5.Real estate and lettings 69
Reference 76
Text Ⅱ Taxation in the United Kingdom 76
1.Income tax 76
2.Capital gains tax 76
3.Value added tax 77
4.Corporation tax 77
5.Business rates 78
6.The tax year 78
Unit Six Social Welfare 80
Text Ⅰ Healthcare in the United Kingdom 80
1.Healthcare 80
2.Healthcare in England 81
3.Healthcare in Scotland 83
4.NHS Wales 84
5.Health and social care in Northern Ireland 85
Reference 90
Text Ⅱ National Health Service 90
Unit Seven Customs and Marriage 95
Text Ⅰ People,Customs and Society 95
1.The English nationalities 95
2.Customs and life 95
3.Marriage and weddings in Britain 104
Reference 115
Text Ⅱ British Culture 115
1.Comfort zone 115
2.English surnames 115
3.The superstitions attached to numbers 116
4.The story of Mother's Day 117
5.Etiquette 118
Unit Eight Mass Media 121
Text Ⅰ The Mass Media 121
1.The daily newspapers 122
2.The press 123
3.Television 128
4.The broadcasting 129
5.News agencies 130
6.Internet 130
Reference 136
Text Ⅱ Newspaper and English Language 136
1.Today's newspaper 136
2.The power of English 136
Unit Nine Literature and Arts 140
Text Ⅰ British Literature and Arts 140
1.British literature 140
2 Art of the United Kingdom 149
Reference 157
Text Ⅱ Drama 157
1.The beginning of drama 157
2.Western forms of drama 158
3.Other Asian cultural forms 158
Unit Ten Sports and Entertainment 161
Text Ⅰ Sports,Games and Entertainment 161
1.Sports in Britain 161
2.Cultural entertainment 167
3.Entertainment for children 177
4.Spending a night on the town 177
Reference 181
Text Ⅱ Events and Pastime 181
1.The Welsh Eisteddfodau 181
2.Pubs in Britain 181
3.A popular pastime of the English people 182
4.Town and country life in England 182
Unit Eleven Transport 184
Text Ⅰ Survey of Transport in the UK 184
1.A history of transport in the UK 184
2.Present-day transport in the United Kingdom 187
Reference 201
Text Ⅱ Highways Agency 201
1.History and operations 201
2.Traffic officers 202
3.Powers 202
4.Vehicle recovery 203
Unit Twelve Tourism 205
Text Ⅰ Britain Travel Guide 205
1.Britain—A nation full of contrasts 205
2.Famous destinations 208
Reference 222
Text Ⅱ How Has Tourism Changed the Way People Live? 222
Appendix Ⅰ 226
List of UK Universities 226
1.Ancient universities 226
2.Red brick universities 226
3.Plate glass universities 227
4.New universities 228
Appendix Ⅱ 232
Keys to Exercises 233
References 256
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- 《情报学 服务国家安全与发展的现代情报理论》赵冰峰著 2018
- 《大学英语教学的跨文化交际视角研究与创新发展》许丽云,刘枫,尚利明著 2020
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- 《白纻舞及其歌辞的文化解读》王俊,曹化根著 2019
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