英语 必修2 教师教学用书PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杨晓钰主编
- 出 版 社:重庆:重庆大学出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7562428611
- 页数:222 页
Foreword 前言 1
一、教学目标 1
二、教材编写的指导思想 1
三、教材的主要特点 3
四、教材概述 5
Teaching Skills 技能教学 10
Focus on Listening 10
Focus on Speaking 15
Focus on Reading 18
Focus on Writing 22
Teaching Notes for Each Unit 单元教学建议 24
Unit 1 Learning English 24
Aims and demands in this unit 本单元的目标和要求 24
Teaching periods and time 教学学时分配建议 25
Teaching notes and guide 教学建议和指导 26
Unit 2 Dictionary 40
Aims and demands in this unit 本单元的目标和要求 40
Teaching periods and time 教学学时分配建议 41
Teaching notes and guide 教学建议和指导 42
Unit 3 The Story of Helen Keller 56
Aims and demands in this unit 本单元的目标和要求 56
Teaching periods and time 教学学时分配建议 57
Teaching notes and guide 教学建议和指导 58
Unit 4 Confidence 75
Aims and demands in this unit 本单元的目标和要求 75
Teaching periods and time 教学学时分配建议 76
Teaching notes and guide 教学建议和指导 77
Unit 5 Honesty 96
Aims and demands in this unit 本单元的目标和要求 96
Teaching periods and time 教学学时分配建议 97
Teaching notes and guide 教学建议和指导 98
Unit 6 Helping People 116
Aims and demands in this unit 本单元的目标和要求 116
Teaching periods and time 教学学时分配建议 117
Teaching notes and guide 教学建议和指导 118
Unit 7 Holidays 135
Aims and demands in this unit 本单元的目标和要求 135
Teaching periods and time 教学学时分配建议 136
Teaching notes and guide 教学建议和指导 136
Unit 8 Food 154
Aims and demands in this unit 本单元的目标和要求 154
Teaching periods and time 教学学时分配建议 155
Teaching notes and guide 教学建议和指导 156
Unit 9 Travel 173
Aims and demands in this unit 本单元的目标和要求 173
Teaching periods and time 教学学时分配建议 174
Teaching notes and guide 教学建议和指导 175
Appendices 附录 193
Ⅰ Translation of the reading texts 课文译文 193
Ⅱ English affixes ranked by frequency of occurrence 英语常用词缀 203
Ⅲ The positive degree,the comparative degree and the superlative degree 形容词、副词的比较级和最高级 208
Ⅳ English classroom language 常用课堂教学用语 214
Ⅴ Remarks of an announcer at an English evening 英语晚会报幕员用语 221
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